the thread about nothing...

Her P got this guy on another planet......that's a shame

this _ pants
fit is clean, just looks dumb as hell on him. why she look preg though?
she is.
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she is preg (i think. why else would they pose like that) and that fit would possibly be clean if it fit

edit: if that shirt got ruffles, fit isn't clean
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POF is getting better

seen a chick I used to talk to on there, erased my account ASAP

So this POF website really gets the yambs? I think ima make an account

I've been looking in my area and **** is pituful, a bunch of chicks with kids, fat women, women taking their profile pics in Target. From what I've researched most of the chicks fronting like they want a relationship or a date. *insert Cam nope gif* But, it aint no different from any other situation all you gotta do is break down that shield and get the yambs.
I really want to try a Krabby patty...Nickelodeon needs to open up a joint.
:wow: that's crazy! I checked Google earlier on how to make a Krabby Patty. Most of what I read said it was a beef patty. I wasn't buying that. They're in the sea, where did beef come from? There has to be a way to make it out of crab meat.
dedication 4 is painful to listen to....wayne is now in the category with t.i. to me. i refuse to listen to his new stuff
Buying my first car and I have 4k to work with.   Is anyone experienced with police car auctions?

What are the pros and cons with police impounded cars?

Any good sites where I can find auctions?
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