the thread about nothing...

ahah yo i didnt kno he went for the *** grab though

bruh seized his time well... he prbly smashed last night too :lol:

Seized the mass moment
Had some incredible 
 last night then watched American Gangster episodes on Nicky Barnes and Frank Lucas, then watched Traffic.

Some thoughts from last night.... WARNING lots of rambling-
-Nicky Barnes was pretty well spoken, especially when compared to drug dealers now days...or at least how they're portrayed.

-Nicky Barnes, Frank Lucas, Ricky Freeway Ross all had very high profile cases and some of these dealers were well known even before they got busted. I cant remember the last time I saw the actual name of a high level black drug kigpin getting busted, save for Avon Barksdale. Are dudes just smarter now?

-I didnt like how Traffic made it seem like Mexico was the currupt, evil and hopeless country, cause of our drug problems. And the US is just a helpless country searching desperately for an answer, painting the gov't as the victim.

-Serious question...Ive always wondered, how do the agencies come up with the numbers as far as how much of a certain drug comes into the country or even how much the Drug Trade in total is worth? If they have access to all of that info wouldnt you be able to control it? I'm sure theres a simple explanation but Ive always wondered about that.

- Various countries used propaganda (news, media) to influence their citizens during wars. Do people not think thats happening now?

-It's crazy how drugs are everywhere, especially in music. Just look at hip hop, just about every popular song references either smoking weed, popping pills (both considered "cool drugs"), or actually selling crack, heroin and all the other "bad drugs"

This could be said for a lot of diff time periods...the early 1900s were influenced by liquor and coke, then came the hippies with their grass and psychadelics. 

- So then I started wondering how long have drugs been a part of our culture? Did the ancient philosophers and "wise men" use drugs? Were everday ppl using drugs back then? When did we did decide that these things were good or bad for you?

- Then I started thinking about how long entertainment (especially music) has been used to either communicate or influence people. (chants, religious songs, even national anthems....and of course popular music)

-A couple more thoughts, but I forgot. (of course)

I really try not to be a conspiracy theorist, I just like to think about the big picture....

All I know is by the end of night I concluded that whoever controls the drugs also controls our entertainment (especially music).
dunno what I'd do without music.

Music and movement is pretty much my life. And to think it will take a lifetime to discover all the great music this world has to offer. The endless amounts of movements and their variations one can conjure up to music gives me chills, literally; not to mention the uniqueness everyone can bring to the same movement. My mind is literaly blown; my soul leaps for joy. Life is worth living because of these things; the agony and pain of the hard times pale in comparison to the pure ecstacy music and movement evokes in me.
That feel when someone is in your go-to bathroom stall at work...
This is the all-time worst feeling! I spent weeks scouting this bathroom...single toilet stall near the utility closet. Don't they know that's for my personal use?!
put an out of order sign on the door.
The thing is with mine is that the middle pillar that separates the stalls is a little loose... So you cant lock the smaller section unless you know to push the separating wall like 1/4 inch in so you can lock it... Looks like someone else knows the trick now.

So I Was just in my stall at work, side my business , flushed and then I heard this gargling sound..... It goes down half way then it then water starts to rise , I did the :wow: and ran out :smh: had to wash my hands in another bathroom :smh:
Weekly 5 o'clock drink and then off work.

Feels like Summer outside and not Fall, few more weeks I guess technically anyways......Ready for this football weekend either way. :smokin
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