the thread about nothing...

back in the day, i tried to hang out with this chick, tried to take her to the movies.......then she never called me back.

she ignored my calls, texts, messages, for six months. read them, but ignored me for six months.

years later i hit her up again. asked for her address. she gave it to me, told me to let her know before i came.

i hit her up. she ignored me. for days.

months later, i told her we were gonna go out to eat.

she said ok. hit her up the night before i came to the city.

i called her the day i got there tryin to see when to meet up

she ignored me again.

never in the history of history has a G such as myself experienced such disrespect.
lies don't care who tell them. can't imagine someone chasing a broad and getting no love like this unless he does it on the regular.

maybe i'm wrong though
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