the thread about nothing...

I've gotten 3 jobs since February and they have all fall through before I even started workin for various reasons out of my control :and on top of that $3000 worth of car repairs. Tired of asking my parents for money :smh:

Need this year to turn around man
So I went to Philly with my homies and one of my boys hit up his ex girlfriend. We met up and she had this girl with her who seemed intent on blocking so he needed a wingman. No one else wanted to do it, so I stepped up to the plate. We went back to the hotel and they left the room so I knew I had to initiate something before they got back because if I didn't then my boy wouldn't have gotten any.

So I made my move and got her nude and slid my way in. A few minutes go by and I lost it. Never had this happen so I didn't know how to react. I should mention that I was super drunk and I took two shots of patron before I initiated anything. So I try and fail to get back in the game, my boy does his thing and comes out. His ex comes over to me and puts her knockers in my face not for that purpose but it sure worked.

So I flip that girl over and go back in and then fail once again.
Then for whatever reason I try and put it on my boys ex and she was nk5 having it. So I took my L and just got scooped up and left. Mad ashamed man but I'll live

I'm smelling it right now
Damn,, thanks for the story. That's not an L tho, you took one for the team. It's aight. You were drunk what did you expect to happen? 

The worst thing about it is that she asked me to go out this weekend then got upset because I didn't hit her up last night. I thought older women didn't play these games.

Bad sign?
How much older? Sounds like to dodged a bullet if you ask me.
reading the nba thread makes you realize the difference between a fan and a fanatic 
And ******ation.
And a 2k expert. I swear that thread is poisoned by that 2k mentality 

Dude called my comment dumb because I called his comment dumb.

Dude called someone a star after 25 mins of summer league play.

man, after what happened since Friday, I don't even want to go back in there. It's bad enough I ignore a lot in there, but I can tell who knows what from what's posted in there. That's why I stay quiet for the most part.
i feel depressed as ****, man... |I
i feel like i'm restricted from growing in life. 

i mean, i'm not working as a hooker or anything. i don't see what the fuss is. i'm in it for the experience, really. i told him even if it was free labor, i'd still do it. and he'd call me stupid for saying so. :lol: 

also, i learned how to be alot more responsible regarding my studies and my job. i don't procrastinate anymore. i do my assignments beforehand. 

i feel like i can't even make my own decisions without my dad always yelling at me. everybody but my dad is excited about my FIRST job ever. every single day he lectures me about my salary and forcing me to quit. 

i find it even more sad than my bf has always been supportive of all my decisions than my dad ever was. 

the person who is supposed to support me unconditionally talks the most **** about me. telling my auntie that i do drugs because i'm always in my room, that i wild out...... well, what proof does he have of that? i never did drugs in my life. EVERY person who knows me well enough knows what kind of person i am.

it just makes me feel so worthless since all i try to do is make him proud. 

he never was proud of any of my achievements EVER while i was growing up. and that makes me feel like ****.

sorry, i just needed to vent. 

sounds like my mom. asian parents. what can you do
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I'm convinced this guy is a time traveler from 2004 whose time machine broke down and got him stuck in 1984; where he then decided to walk on as an extra in his favorite movie with the hope that his other time traveling friends circa 2004 would see him on film and come back for him.
I'm convinced this guy is a time traveler from 2004 whose time machine broke down and got him stuck in 1984; where he then decided to walk on as an extra in his favorite movie with the hope that his other time traveling friends circa 2004 would see him on film and come back for him.

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