the thread about nothing...

1 thing I hate about adult life is the more work you do the less you got time to spend & enjoy it.

It really is the worst thing about life. You get more money and more responsibility at now work 60 hour you have no time to enjoy the money you are making. Then when you have a family you want to "support " them but that becomes strictly financial not emotional since you are always at work.

I can't even imagine what its like to have kids my girl already gets upset that i don't have free time. I work 9 hours a day and i live an hour from work. Up at 5 at work at 6 off at 3 (usually 4) home around 4-5 then i go right to the gym and get home from there around 6-7. I shower and make dinner im usually eating dinner around 8. Then i relax for an hour and try to get in bed by 10. Repeat 5 days a week. :smh:
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So today I'm supposed to meet my friend at 3 pm at school. I went really early because I wanted to play ball on the newly-built court. After 5 hours of playing I quickly changed into my casual look and went to the designated meeting place. I assumed she was gonna be there by 3 pm because she messaged me at 1:30, telling me she's getting ready. When I was there, I waited for an hour for her to show up, and I was in a hurry, since I have other errands to attend to. 4 pm, and it's still a no-show. I decided to do my other errands since she didn't show up. When I was about to go home, I decided to go back to our meeting place, thinking if she's still there. I went back, and she wasn't there, so I went home. When I got home, and checked my twitter, I saw a tweet, asking where I was. And it was sent to me 10 minutes before 5 pm.


Oh, also, I told my other friend yesterday that we were gonna play ball in the morning. He told me to go early, like 9-am-early. I went there 9 am, he didn't show up

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That feel when you get sent home from work because you were caught on your cell phone telling your mother you weren't late for work

Jury Duty for the third time this Thursday man

Most people I know have been once and some never even gone :smh:

I hope when I call Wednesday night they tell me I don't have to come in
Lost two of my closest homeboys recently due to some bitter female(s) tryna start ****.

One of them fell for it & convinced the other.

Scandalous women are the devil. :smh:
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