the thread about nothing...

This may sound weird, but it hit me that my little brother is growing up. I was with my daughter visiting my parents and he comes into the room where it’s just me and her. I smell a strong body odor and I’m like “God damn, what is that?” Then i look at him while he’s by playing with my daughter and I see he has no shirt so I tell him to come over to me. This lil ***** stinks :lol: I’m like “yo, you gotta shower bro. You smell” I let him know to put some deodorant on after each shower to make sure it doesn’t happen again. He’s 12 btw
Man, I had the worst luck when it came to girls in my class. They were either seniors that graduated the very next semester or already had boyfriends. There was one that almost happened but that's a different story
I just never was able to speak to girls, i remember one time probably the only memory i have of third grade. I had asked 3 different girls out not knowing they were in the same class as me. They all heard about it and one by one came to reject me IN THE MIDDLE OF CLASS. They all became good friends from what I remember. I also suck at knowing a girl likes me, but thats another story for another day.
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