The top ten cities of Sin of 2008

Nov 25, 2001
I have a new goal in life and I honestly think I can have it comepleted by next year.... This is a list of what is considered to be the top twn cities of sin.Thats sex/drugs/ and partying to the fullest. I have already knocked out 1 and 5 and I will have done 8 by the end of the month, as well as redo number 5 inJuly for good measure. 3 and 7 I have been to both, but didn't sin, so I have to go again. 4 will be done on New Years Eve. I will now set the goal ofcompleting this list Jan 2010. Oh it is on! 10 cities all three sins

  • 10. Berlin, Germany
  • 9. Macau, China
  • 8. Manama, Bahrain
  • 7. New Orleans, Louisiana
  • 6. Moscow, Russia
  • 5. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • 4. Las Vegas, Nevada
  • 3. Amsterdam, The Netherlands
  • 2. Tijuana, Mexico
  • 1. Pattaya, Thailand
Who will join me on my crusade?
Word man I am stoked because usually this is a list that would take time, but I am at a place in life where this is achievable in the now.
It doesn't count if you haven't sinned in the cities. Me I plan on doing all three sins well at least 2 I have a government job, lol But I will attemptto do all 3 in all 10
Originally Posted by rowenarrow

I have a new goal in life and I honestly think I can have it comepleted by next year.... This is a list of what is considered to be the top twn cities of sin. Thats sex/drugs/ and partying to the fullest. I have already knocked out 1 and 5 and I will have done 8 by the end of the month, as well as redo number 5 in July for good measure. 3 and 7 I have been to both, but didn't sin, so I have to go again. 4 will be done on New Years Eve. I will now set the goal of completing this list Jan 2010. Oh it is on! 10 cities all three sins

  • 10. Berlin, Germany
  • 9. Macau, China
  • 8. Manama, Bahrain - Done
  • 7. New Orleans, Louisiana - Done
  • 6. Moscow, Russia
  • 5. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • 4. Las Vegas, Nevada - Done
  • 3. Amsterdam, The Netherlands
  • 2. Tijuana, Mexico - Done
  • [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]1. Pattaya, Thailand - Done
Who will join me on my crusade?

5 out of 10 for me...I already feel dirty and contaminated.
(good times)

This summer...I'm going to Sydney, Tokyo, Thailand, Singapore, the Philippines, Dubai, Bali, Hong Kong...(thanks to the military)

I'm suppose to go on a backpackin in europe in 2010...and visit Brazil with the cousins in 2009.

So Far Russia and China would probably be the only one that won't ever go to. But I'll make it up by getting drunk twice at another country.
Can you bring me back a t-shirt that says "I Got Brain In Bahrain" ?

Also, school me on #1. What's makes it the most sinful?
Originally Posted by Ghenges

Also, school me on #1. What's makes it the most sinful?

Very good looking transvestites tricking straight men into having sex with them.
Originally Posted by Ross Is Here

Originally Posted by rowenarrow

I have a new goal in life and I honestly think I can have it comepleted by next year.... This is a list of what is considered to be the top twn cities of sin. Thats sex/drugs/ and partying to the fullest. I have already knocked out 1 and 5 and I will have done 8 by the end of the month, as well as redo number 5 in July for good measure. 3 and 7 I have been to both, but didn't sin, so I have to go again. 4 will be done on New Years Eve. I will now set the goal of completing this list Jan 2010. Oh it is on! 10 cities all three sins

  • 10. Berlin, Germany
  • 9. Macau, China
  • 8. Manama, Bahrain - Done
  • 7. New Orleans, Louisiana - Done
  • 6. Moscow, Russia
  • 5. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • 4. Las Vegas, Nevada - Done
  • 3. Amsterdam, The Netherlands
  • 2. Tijuana, Mexico - Done
  • [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]1. Pattaya, Thailand - Done
Who will join me on my crusade?

5 out of 10 for me...I already feel dirty and contaminated.
(good times)

This summer...I'm going to Sydney, Tokyo, Thailand, Singapore, the Philippines, Dubai, Bali, Hong Kong...(thanks to the military)

I'm suppose to go on a backpackin in europe in 2010...and visit Brazil with the cousins in 2009.

So Far Russia and China would probably be the only one that won't ever go to. But I'll make it up by getting drunk twice at another country.

don't do it.
Originally Posted by Ghenges

Can you bring me back a t-shirt that says "I Got Brain In Bahrain" ?

Also, school me on #1. What's makes it the most sinful?

Pattaya Beach, probably the one of the craziest place I've been to...during the day, good shopping, lots of really good restaurants (cheapfood), cheap hotels, you get to party with tourists from all corners of europe, australia, the middle east...etc. The best ones IMO are the bars and clubs bythe beaches...It gets hella ******ed at night, its like a no-holds barred-girls-gone-wild-bubble-bath-ecstasy-filled-all-in-one-orgy-party...well let'sjust say I'm glad...I didn't catch anything.

Beware of the "he-shes" though...they lurk the streets like its cool.

For those of you planning to go, DO NOT pick up local chicks from bars, clubs and the streets...make your own judgment, you can pretty much tell thatthey're grimey, dirty or a man.
Seriously if you want to smash, goto a club and talk to the tourists...or go to a massage parlor (similar to what chris tucker went to on Rush Hour 1 and get some mushu)...I suggest you try the"Soapie" massage, I would explain in detail what it is, but try me. I'm pretty sure there are a few NT'ers that have been tothailand and they know exactly what I'm talking about. No spoilers.
I miss going to TJ every weekend to the clubs back in my 18 year old days. I wanna go back for old times sake but all those shootouts with rival drugcartels and murdering of police captains this year scares the hell out of me.
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