The Truth Behind Bottled Water

Originally Posted by HOVKid

Originally Posted by JDocs

What I can't fathom is how people like HOVkid, HybridSoldier23 and those who are on that side of things can take value in their homes but not the planet their homes are on. Can anyone explain this to me?

And how HOVkid can do so many other great things to help others with their future (charity/mentoring kids) but not vest any interest into the future of the planet that these individuals live on. It just seems counter productive, save the people but not their planet?

Dude, udaman, but you are brainwashed.  Like I said, when it comes time that the environment is a real problem, everyone will just get in their spaceship and go somewhere else.

Until then *cracccck*, open another Poland Spring on ice for me.  My favorite is to drink it out of a plastic Solo cup with a ton of ice in it.....mmmmmmmmmmm.

They made the caps thinner now so less plastic....isn't that enough for you?  

You guys really want to lose it?  Me and my wife generally pick up like 8 cases of water every three to four weeks.  We go in my wife's Escalade, burn some gas and pick it up.  My wife drinks about 4 bottles a day and we throw them right in the garbage.

True story:  We had a baby nurse staying with us when my son was first born adn she was like "do you mind if I take all these bottles when I go home at the end of each week and recycle them?"  I was like I'll tell you what, we generally go through about 20 bottles during the weekdays while you are here, I'll pay you another $1.50 if you just let us throw them away instead of having this big bag of bottles in my house all week until you leave.  She was quite pleased. 


Okay, I need to get some work done
My wife drinks about 4 bottles a day and we throw them right in the garbage.

Is it really THAT hard for you to just have a recycle bin next to your trash can?

If everyone acted this way, this country would be a dumb and our shores would be full of plastic.
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

My wife drinks about 4 bottles a day and we throw them right in the garbage.

Is it really THAT hard for you to just have a recycle bin next to your trash can?

If everyone acted this way, this country would be a dumb and our shores would be full of plastic.

You dont think the country is already this way?

Just be thankful that it ends up in a trash can and not on the ground like I would intend it to.
I just saw this mentioned in Huff Post and the NY times:
The bottled water industry, fighting back against accusations that they are a significant contributor to environmental degradation, has released this magical video of glorious greenwashing, redolent of the famous video news releases in which Karen Ryan pretended to a journalist while promoting the Bush White House's "No Child Left Behind" Act.

The New York Times's Sindya N. Bhanoo reports that this video, sent out by the International Bottled Water Association, is a direct response to Annie Leonard's The Story of Bottled Water (which you can read more about here). In the video, the IBWA touts the manufacturers of bottled water as "good stewards of the environment." It features blissed-out coffeehouse acoustic guitar music, bucolic scenes of nature and a pretend reporter from pretend outfit "BWM Reports" pretending to pose pretend questions in pretend journalistic settings. The unnamed interlocutor serves up softballs, and happily nods along, like the Liz Glover Of Corporate Evil.


But hey, here are some fun facts, from Ashley Braun, at Grist:
1. So few plastic water bottles, too often touted as "recyclable," actually are recycled, which is a nod to the dismal availability of public recycling opportunities in mainstream America, among other things (PDF). The EPA reported that 2006 rates of recycling for plastic HDPE milk & water bottles hobbled up to 31 percent. The overall national recycling rate doesn't look much better at a whopping 32 percent (2006).
2. That whole "landfilling" thing: plastics make up at least 11 percent (by weight) of municipal solid waste landfills (PDF). That's not even taking into consideration the plastics' volume and light weight.

3. A titanic 40 percent of that "pure spring water" Americans are chugging (and dropping a cool $15 billion/year on) is actually from the kitchen faucet. At least tap water is strictly and frequently tested for purity and safety, which leads to my next point.

4. The other 60 percent of bottled water is pulled from uncharted, or at least untested, waters. According to a four-year study of bottled water by the NRDC, the FDA exempts "60-70 percent of the bottled water sold in the United States from the agency's bottled water standards, because FDA says its rules do not apply to water packaged and sold within the same state." Even when not exempt, the rules are usually weaker than EPA drinking water standards for tap water.

5. Production of plastic water bottles requires three times the water the bottle will eventually hold. That's not even getting into the 17 million barrels of oil or the 2.5 million tons of CO2 resulting from plastic bottle production.

6. And finally, the bottled water industry is literally draining the Great Lakes, which hold 95 percent of the U.S.'s surface freshwater. Even a Sustainable Water Resources Agreement (PDF), signed by eight Great Lakes states' governors and two Canadian provinces' premiers, allows for the unlimited removal of Great Lakes Basin water "in any container of 5.7 gallons (20 litres) or less" (Applicable Use #9, Article 207).

[h2]The Battle Over Bottled Water[/h2]By SINDYA N. BHANOO
“The Story of Bottled Water
Originally Posted by KingRamey

Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

My wife drinks about 4 bottles a day and we throw them right in the garbage.

Is it really THAT hard for you to just have a recycle bin next to your trash can?

If everyone acted this way, this country would be a dumb and our shores would be full of plastic.

You dont think the country is already this way?

Just be thankful that it ends up in a trash can and not on the ground like I would intend it to.
That's ridiculous though, so because its not perfect means we should just completely disregard re-using plastics since they aren't biodegradable?

So no, it isn't this way, but it will worsen if people don't do anything about it. You guys are simply taking things for granted and thinking in the NOW as opposed to the future.

People don't want to look at the big picture nowadays and think one person is irrelevant, that kinda mindset is why the only people who will kill us are ourselves (and no I'm not just talking about bottles in this sense, but a lot of environmental issues. This is just one of the many but its a start).

The report that found producing bottled water for the United States market consumes 17 million barrels of oil annually.


You'd be surprised how fast the planet could recover from the pollution (and pollutants) that have accumulated over the years if people just gave it a little thought.

*fills up re-usable bottle from the filter (stays cold for 24 hours).
I'm glad I'm using HOVkids money.

I'm glad all the mothers on Welfare are too.

That puts an extra pep in my step EVERY morning.

And no I'm not being sarcastic.
"Recycle, reduce, re-use...and close the loot"
When I was a kid, this was the slogan that they tried to brain wash us with, hahaah...
Originally Posted by HOVKid

Originally Posted by JDocs

Originally Posted by HOVKid

If there is one thing I absolutely do not give even one second of thought to its recycling and the environment.  I despise sustainability and ecological bs.

Total waste of time.

LOL I've actually been waiting for you to make a comment like this for a while, I didn't really want to make a thread asking people why they didn't care about the environment. Can you explain why you don't care to me please.

The whole environmentally concous thing is a scam for people to make money. "Don't buy bottled our re-usable bottles!" What the hell goes on at those @%@%*++ govt summits on the environment? You know what goes on? We pay through out tax dollars for govt officials to fly first class and stay in beautiful hotels and eat wonderful food for them to do absolutely NOTHING.

Give me a break. I'll be dead 5 times over before any of this environmental garbage even matters (assuming it really is even true). I got enough problems in my life. I don't need to figure out the world's environmental issues, let alone feel bad about drinking Poland Spring.

Give me a tax break if I help the environment and I'll be happy to do whatever I can. Otherwise.....its party time baby!


Ofcourse selling something as natural and common as water would end up being unhealthy for you.

I can't wait till they start selling you fools air and you end up with super cancer AIDs.
I actually had to wait a whole day before responding to you HybridSoldier23 so I didn't sound too angry in my reply

Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

What we do with freaking water bottles is nothing in comparison to what other countries and cultures are doing to their natural resources or water supplies.
Ok fair enough. But these countries are steadily working towards reducing their emissions (maybe except China). What are you doing? How about you take your own advice (see your last statement) and instead of complaining about other countries depleting natural resources you try and conserve what you can? Then if everyone does it together, a difference can be made. I never understood this "But look at all the other countries depleting resources and polluting" argument. As you guys like to say, WHO CARES?!, if you do your part you might inspire others to do theirs; and so on and so forth.Thus spreading awareness about the issues and then maybe we can start making a difference. But NOTHING will get done with your kind of attitude.

Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

If you want to go out and stop drinking bottled water to save the environment I'm all for you doing that. I'm not saying ya'll are a bunch of hippy's or that you're wasting your time. If it makes you feel better and makes you sleep better at night more power to you. But as soon as HovKid says he doesn't give a damn about this everyone jumps on him like he's George Bush killing US Soldiers.
This has already been addressed but I'll somewhat restate it as I'm already replying to the rest of this lol. It wasn't that fact that he didn't want to recycle or stop drinking bottled water. It was the arrogance and complete disregard for humanity (oh ya, I took it there), that got most people upset. But from reading a few more of his replies it would seem that that's just the way he speaks, so it really isn't that big of a deal. But from the initial comment he sounded like he was trying to screw over future occupants of this planet PURPOSELY and was doing so with great ENJOYMENT.
Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

You don't need to imagine a world without clean water, nice public parks, clean air or blues skies. It's reality in many parts of Africa, India, and East Asia.
This is very true and terribly sad. However, most of those places do have clean air and blue skies, and East Asia (in the developed parts) has clean water and public parks on top of that. Why would we try and take what little they have away from them by destroying the planet even more? Stop thinking that you are completely alone in this world, we as a collective CAN do something about this problem, we just need to come together. You are at least sounding somewhat compassionate in this statement though, which is puzzling as you have said you only care about things that directly affect your own life.

Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

It's my opinion that the forward thinkers, planners, scientists etc can work toward future goals of reducing our negative footprint and that people today should be worried about what is concerning them and their everyday issues in the present. I'm not going to worry about *%%% in the future that doesn't affect or concern me because I'll be dead. If you want to worry about it good for you and keep it up but don't berate others for not caring. 

Why don't ya'll take the energy you're using to +!+@# about and fight against bottled water, that's not going to have an impact on the US or Canada until probably after you're dead, and use it to help a starving child or people without clean water who needs help TODAY.
Can't someone else do it?

Finally, we've reached my favorite part of what you wrote. I'm sorry but these last two sections REEK of ignorance and selfishness. It actually makes me want to just throw you into space, because you have no idea how lucky you are to even be here. How dare you have the audacity to believe that you DESERVE to live on this wonderful planet with such a laisser fair attitude towards its safety. How dare you cast off the responsibility for something YOU ARE CAUSING (the collective "you") to those who had nothing to do with it. How dare you feel that YOUR BRIEF INSIGNIFICANT life amounts to anything in comparison to that of the entire population of the planet and the planet it self. You are basically a leech to our world, taking all you can without giving anything back or even having a second thought of what you might be causing. I am surprised you can even read the things you wrote and not cringe in disgust.

How will these "forward thinkers, planners, scientists etc" learn as children that this is an important issue and needs addressing if everyone goes around with your attitude and down plays it? It isn't just up to us doing our part NOW we need to educate our youth so they can continue the fight and maybe one day come up with some viable solutions. But if everyone is going around saying "F recycling, F the environment, F everything that doesn't affect my life" then we will create a generation even MORE wasteful then our current one. Can you not see how your attitude is poison?

Lastly, in regards to the last sentence you wrote. I have to admit that I personally do not donate to any charities, I don't currently have a steady income so it wouldn't be viable for me to do so. Even so, that is a poor excuse and I do contemplate giving more than my usual donations at Christmas but I'm actually trying to go to these places to help out so I need to save for that. My father does, however, donate quite a bit to charities that provide clean water, schooling, and infrastructure to underdeveloped countries. But seriously, you have some nerve trying to come at those of us who are aware and concerned about environmental issues with that guilt trip and not be doing anything yourself. At least we are trying to do SOMETHING for one aspect of the problem, instead of just sitting around waiting for others to figure it out. I truly hope you do give back so you can help people NOW, I just don't see how you can not understand that you are just keeping them alive and providing them with a future just to see the planet burn.

I don't mean to attack you, I am just using you as a representative for all those who think in a similar manner. It's more so an attack on (all of) your beliefs towards the environment and not on you (all) as a person (people); please don't take it as such.


- I'm mad
Originally Posted by Master Zik

Ofcourse selling something as natural and common as water would end up being unhealthy for you.

I can't wait till they start selling you fools air and you end up with super cancer AIDs.
This had me
last night
Also - you better believe I'm not going to let this thread die after writing all of that LOL
JDocs wrote:

Finally, we've reached my favorite part of what you wrote. I'm sorry but these last two sections REEK of ignorance and selfishness.
I've already stated that my opinion on the environment is totally selfish towards myself and no one else. So yeah...

It actually makes me want to just throw you into space, because you have no idea how lucky you are to even be here. How dare you have the audacity to believe that you DESERVE to live on this wonderful planet with such a laisser fair attitude towards its safety. How dare you cast off the responsibility for something YOU ARE CAUSING (the collective "you") to those who had nothing to do with it. How dare you feel that YOUR BRIEF INSIGNIFICANT life amounts to anything in comparison to that of the entire population of the planet and the planet it self.
If I wasn't here where would I be? I wouldn't exist ... therefore I wouldn't/couldn't care...

It's not about DESERVING to be here, the fact is you're here, I'm here, HovKid and his escalade are here. Having the attitude that we don't deserve to be here because we don't take extra steps to maintain the environment is ludicrous and makes you sound like a bigot.

You said it yourself, if my life is so brief and insignificant then it shouldn't matter what the hell I do individually. Like I said, after I'm dead and gone I'm really not caring about what's going on, on the planet.

You are basically a leech to our world, taking all you can without giving anything back or even having a second thought of what you might be causing. I am surprised you can even read the things you wrote and not cringe in disgust.

How will these "forward thinkers, planners, scientists etc" learn as children that this is an important issue and needs addressing if everyone goes around with your attitude and down plays it? It isn't just up to us doing our part NOW we need to educate our youth so they can continue the fight and maybe one day come up with some viable solutions. But if everyone is going around saying "F recycling, F the environment, F everything that doesn't affect my life" then we will create a generation even MORE wasteful then our current one. Can you not see how your attitude is poison?
I'm not saying everyone should have the same opinion as me, I'm just saying it's my opinion. No where did I say, "Teaching kids to recycle, recycling programs, sustainability, is bull @+*@ and a total waste of money, time, resources, and is a scam." I said that if you guys want to push that I'm all for that but I'm really not concerned about it myself.

Lastly, in regards to the last sentence you wrote. I have to admit that I personally do not donate to any charities, I don't currently have a steady income so it wouldn't be viable for me to do so. Even so, that is a poor excuse and I do contemplate giving more than my usual donations at Christmas but I'm actually trying to go to these places to help out so I need to save for that. My father does, however, donate quite a bit to charities that provide clean water, schooling, and infrastructure to underdeveloped countries. But seriously, you have some nerve trying to come at those of us who are aware and concerned about environmental issues with that guilt trip and not be doing anything yourself. At least we are trying to do SOMETHING for one aspect of the problem, instead of just sitting around waiting for others to figure it out. I truly hope you do give back so you can help people NOW, I just don't see how you can not understand that you are just keeping them alive and providing them with a future just to see the planet burn.
So in relation to this, I personally give to two main charities monthly and donated quite a bit to the red cross for the Hati Earthquake fund. Last month I spent a day working with Habitat for Humanity repairing a house in central LA. Before anyone brings up tax breaks I don't itemize (I probably should) so I'm not doing it for the breaks.

My way of thinking is that I give and assist those in need NOW, this is going to benefit them in the next 2 weeks and not the next 200 years when they're dead and I'm dead. I'm not trying to guilt trip anyone, that's just how I give back. However, I'm not going to sit here and say something like "You're not helping people who need it, you're working in theory, people are dying, you're a sad %@%%%$! human being and don't deserve to live here or interact with other people." That's just stupid. I will however, suggest you do something that could help someone now because *I* feel that is more important. If you don't want to you don't have to.

But for me, I'm just trying to do what I can and see direct benefits in my "brief insignificant life".
Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

If I wasn't here where would I be? I wouldn't exist ... therefore I wouldn't/couldn't care...

It's not about DESERVING to be here, the fact is you're here, I'm here, HovKid and his escalade are here. Having the attitude that we don't deserve to be here because we don't take extra steps to maintain the environment is ludicrous and makes you sound like a bigot.
This is exactly my point. There is no where else for us to go. I'm pretty sure by "here" you meant in terms of existence, but I am taking a more literal approach to what you said. There's no where else any of us could be than on earth (or possibly in a space station that was creating on earth) so why not take care of it to make sure we can continue to be here?

I wasn't trying to say I don't think you (or anyone else) does not deserve to be here, that is not up to me, but I didn't know what other word to use. Probably a poor choice but that's all I could come up with at the time. What I meant was I can't understand how you are so comfortable about not caring about your home, like...THIS IS WHERE YOU LIVE how can you not want to take care of it? It doesn't make sense to me. That's the first time I've been called a bigot though so that was cool
.. maybe I am a bigot.

Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

You said it yourself, if my life is so brief and insignificant then it shouldn't matter what the hell I do individually. Like I said, after I'm dead and gone I'm really not caring about what's going on, on the planet.

I'm not saying everyone should have the same opinion as me, I'm just saying it's my opinion. No where did I say, "Teaching kids to recycle, recycling programs, sustainability, is bull @+*@ and a total waste of money, time, resources, and is a scam." I said that if you guys want to push that I'm all for that but I'm really not concerned about it myself.
But you have to realize you aren't doing it on your own. You might think you are, but there are millions and millions of you with the same mindset, and people need to stop trying to scare you into submission and just try and get you to understand what is going on and the reality of the situation. But you keep saying that you'll be dead by then etc etc, but really things could start getting very serious within the next 50 years (I can go into more detail on this if anyone wants nightmares
), so even if you're 30 (which I doubt) you could still be alive when things start to go down hill.

Even if you aren't explicitly saying it, you are still harboring the idea. And from your actions you will be inadvertently teaching others the same habits and behavior. Which, as I said, will just create more generations of wasteful humans and continue the downward spiral we are currently in.

You don't think when you say things like this:
Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

I don't care about the environment. When the earth really goes to hell over all the crap we've done to it i'll be dead anyways.
You aren't influencing/teaching others to behave in a similar manner? Come on man, just because you say "I" in front of something doesn't mean you aren't teaching anyone. It's just influencing from personal experience.
Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

So in relation to this, I personally give to two main charities monthly and donated quite a bit to the red cross for the Hati Earthquake fund. Last month I spent a day working with Habitat for Humanity repairing a house in central LA. Before anyone brings up tax breaks I don't itemize (I probably should) so I'm not doing it for the breaks.

My way of thinking is that I give and assist those in need NOW, this is going to benefit them in the next 2 weeks and not the next 200 years when they're dead and I'm dead. I'm not trying to guilt trip anyone, that's just how I give back. However, I'm not going to sit here and say something like "You're not helping people who need it, you're working in theory, people are dying, you're a sad %@%%%$! human being and don't deserve to live here or interact with other people." That's just stupid. I will however, suggest you do something that could help someone now because *I* feel that is more important. If you don't want to you don't have to.
This is great, more than I've done in the ways of helping others (in an organized manner). I just want to restate that I never intended for it to sound like I was saying you didn't deserve to be here, I just get upset when people don't respect the environment. I just can't wrap my head around how anyone can just disregard what is going on, and just write off the only planet we have. It gives me the feeling that those who think this way take no pride in our planet and all of our great achievements. If the planet does "go to hell" imagine all the history/discovery/achievements/innovations/memories that will be lost, not to mention the LIVES.

Helping people in the present is wonderful and all, and as I said you've done more than me in that respect and I commend you for that. But I just don't see the point if we are just building up these future generations to suffer through our mess, it's just rude really
It's like leaving your machine all sweaty at the gym, sure the next person can clean it up, but that's gross and it was your mess anyway.

Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

But for me, I'm just trying to do what I can and see direct benefits in my "brief insignificant life".
Even if you aren't there to see the benefits and even if nothing actually happens and all of this is a waste of time, what is the harm in trying? Does doing little things (most of which will save you money in the long run) really impact your life that negatively that you don't even want to try?
i'm with HovKid on this.. well, not exactly. igaf slightly more than he does (i recycle cans and bottles and stuff). but i'm not gonna stop drinking bottled water anytime soon.

the environment is cool and all, but life is short and i'm not gonna waste it stressing over the environment. i have enough worries as it is.
I've always drank filtered tap water, never noticed a difference in taste. But I've gone to other cities where the tap water taste nasty filtered or not. Right now I'm thinking of purchasing a distilled water filter.

It goes through 5 different filters to clean the water completely.

The main reason I'm getting it is due to tap water being fluoridated.
Before I drop the $50 on this bottle I wanna kno if there is a cheaper or better alternative?

Katadyn Water Purifier


Sorry for the bump.
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