The Tyler Perry conundrum

I use Tyler Perry as a litmus test really. If I meet someone and they think Tyler Perry is either funny or talented I know that person will not bring anything of any redeeming value to my life.
I use Tyler Perry as a litmus test really. If I meet someone and they think Tyler Perry is either funny or talented I know that person will not bring anything of any redeeming value to my life.
I jusr wanted to say I really disagree with the argument that as long as whatever your doing makes you a lot of money its ok......... that is so backwards its unbelievable.
I jusr wanted to say I really disagree with the argument that as long as whatever your doing makes you a lot of money its ok......... that is so backwards its unbelievable.
His movies suck and somehow despite being identical to the last one made get better reviews each time.
His movies suck and somehow despite being identical to the last one made get better reviews each time.
Well, I actually read all the pages to this, which is rare...

I agree with a lot of things, as well as disagree with them as well...

My wife and I have been TP fans for years, BUT the material has been the same for quite some time...but, at the same time, don't forget that he's basically making movie adaptions of the plays that were popular for years. It's not like he's been using the same lines/scripts....just the same thing redone to introduce more people in hopes they'll buy the plays as well, or movies.

Ya'll flip-flop a LOT on here...I've seen NUMEROUS topics on here revolving around our role w/white america, including one I made, and the general concensus was "don't care what people you." and "we waste too much time worrying about what other people think about...change yourself", BUT...we WILL bash him over the roles that his character plays, w/the same ideology that people once didn't agree with. SO, which way is it gonna be?

I will say this: you may not get down with his movies, plays or anything else he does, but I can't knock ANY man who's worth $500 million & got it honestly. In a world full of negativity regarding Black men, this man rose from homelessness to build an empire worth half a billion. How can you NOT congratulate that?

All this "we deserve better" and his plays/ movies are this, that and the third....ya'll praise Spike Lee, and that's cool....BUT, where were you when he needed your support? The last time I checked, hardly ANY of his movies broke box office records and we didn't necessarily flock in droves to go see it either. A FEW "want better", but nobody will support it. That's not "white america" fault....that's your own damn people. Just like rap want "real Hip-Hop", but you support the trash....nobody buy the "real Hip-Hop", so it's not marketed/produced. Same scenario...

In a nutshell: If he supposedly hasn't crossed over to "White America", then that $500 million he's worth is coming from our own people. And, if THAT'S the case, then apparently nobody feels the way ya'll do in this post, since he's not seein money from the other side. So, why get upset at him for giving people what they want? If we didn't want it, just like the Spike Lee movies, we wouldn't see it.
Well, I actually read all the pages to this, which is rare...

I agree with a lot of things, as well as disagree with them as well...

My wife and I have been TP fans for years, BUT the material has been the same for quite some time...but, at the same time, don't forget that he's basically making movie adaptions of the plays that were popular for years. It's not like he's been using the same lines/scripts....just the same thing redone to introduce more people in hopes they'll buy the plays as well, or movies.

Ya'll flip-flop a LOT on here...I've seen NUMEROUS topics on here revolving around our role w/white america, including one I made, and the general concensus was "don't care what people you." and "we waste too much time worrying about what other people think about...change yourself", BUT...we WILL bash him over the roles that his character plays, w/the same ideology that people once didn't agree with. SO, which way is it gonna be?

I will say this: you may not get down with his movies, plays or anything else he does, but I can't knock ANY man who's worth $500 million & got it honestly. In a world full of negativity regarding Black men, this man rose from homelessness to build an empire worth half a billion. How can you NOT congratulate that?

All this "we deserve better" and his plays/ movies are this, that and the third....ya'll praise Spike Lee, and that's cool....BUT, where were you when he needed your support? The last time I checked, hardly ANY of his movies broke box office records and we didn't necessarily flock in droves to go see it either. A FEW "want better", but nobody will support it. That's not "white america" fault....that's your own damn people. Just like rap want "real Hip-Hop", but you support the trash....nobody buy the "real Hip-Hop", so it's not marketed/produced. Same scenario...

In a nutshell: If he supposedly hasn't crossed over to "White America", then that $500 million he's worth is coming from our own people. And, if THAT'S the case, then apparently nobody feels the way ya'll do in this post, since he's not seein money from the other side. So, why get upset at him for giving people what they want? If we didn't want it, just like the Spike Lee movies, we wouldn't see it.
eNPHAN wrote:
dreamgirls is the black sound of music? hardly. HOWEVER, that was an awesome movie, portraying REALISTIC african american characters WITHOUT the negative stereotyping/themes...

awesome movie. why cant TP make movies like that?

as far as "we" didnt support...i saw the miracle at st. anna....hardly a "black hero" flick, HOWEVER, it was an amazing of stereotypes and negative images....

awesome movie. why cant TP make movies like that?

oh, that's right, cause it doesnt sell.

so $*+% it up, jig for white america and most importantly, GET THAT DOUGH


who are we to condemn soulja boy? he's obviously found his niche, selling stereotypical black culture to white america's consumption....

why you even got beef with BET, bro? how you gonna hate? they found a niche market, bro...they getting that dough



- are you blind or are you really that dense? re-read my comments. it was clearly stated that EYE dont believe what TP is doing is all that bad. so the argument of "jig for white america and most importantly, GET THAT DOUGH" doesnt hold water because (what BET is doing ≠ what TP is doing).

eNPHAN wrote:

BET J is better than BET, however, light jazz is *$%+*#%% for old people...and everytime i turn to BET J, that's whats it a personal bias.

- yeah........and within that 'personal bias' lies the whole problem we're talking about. get a clue  

- funny how you singled out 'light jazz' and conveniently skipped over the programs dedicated to personal finace, investing, urban cusine, black themed documentaries, and neo-soul........and i forgot about the political debate show. that same 'personal bias' that turns you off towards the channel for that millisecond you channel surfed and seen light jazz and didnt take the time out to tune in longer to see other programs is just like the morons that skip over going to see Miracle at St. Anna for Soul Plane all in the name of  'personal bias'.

eNPHAN wrote:
dreamgirls is the black sound of music? hardly. HOWEVER, that was an awesome movie, portraying REALISTIC african american characters WITHOUT the negative stereotyping/themes...

awesome movie. why cant TP make movies like that?

as far as "we" didnt support...i saw the miracle at st. anna....hardly a "black hero" flick, HOWEVER, it was an amazing of stereotypes and negative images....

awesome movie. why cant TP make movies like that?

oh, that's right, cause it doesnt sell.

so $*+% it up, jig for white america and most importantly, GET THAT DOUGH


who are we to condemn soulja boy? he's obviously found his niche, selling stereotypical black culture to white america's consumption....

why you even got beef with BET, bro? how you gonna hate? they found a niche market, bro...they getting that dough



- are you blind or are you really that dense? re-read my comments. it was clearly stated that EYE dont believe what TP is doing is all that bad. so the argument of "jig for white america and most importantly, GET THAT DOUGH" doesnt hold water because (what BET is doing ≠ what TP is doing).

eNPHAN wrote:

BET J is better than BET, however, light jazz is *$%+*#%% for old people...and everytime i turn to BET J, that's whats it a personal bias.

- yeah........and within that 'personal bias' lies the whole problem we're talking about. get a clue  

- funny how you singled out 'light jazz' and conveniently skipped over the programs dedicated to personal finace, investing, urban cusine, black themed documentaries, and neo-soul........and i forgot about the political debate show. that same 'personal bias' that turns you off towards the channel for that millisecond you channel surfed and seen light jazz and didnt take the time out to tune in longer to see other programs is just like the morons that skip over going to see Miracle at St. Anna for Soul Plane all in the name of  'personal bias'.

wasnt aware bet j was so beneficial.

me not being a fan of the channel somehow makes me hypocritical? word?


it just seems like, instead of writing good movies with strong characters and plots, which HAPPEN to be about/have black people in them......TP just makes movies with black people in them...

and they get a pass....because, i mean, its black...

why does the blackness have to be the marketability of his work? why can't it just be good work?

and before im done, fresh prince had negative stereotypes? ROFL, OKAY, MAN.


wearing his jacket inside out? lol

so negative.

will was such a gun toting, drug selling, %#$%* smacking thug on that show.

madea is more gangster than will even pretended to be on the show, by the way....

if i remember correctly, will was soft, had a responsible mother, and got shipped out the hood, right? that's such a stereotype of black people...

and while he clowned in school, i remember him graduating and getting into college too


wasnt aware bet j was so beneficial.

me not being a fan of the channel somehow makes me hypocritical? word?


it just seems like, instead of writing good movies with strong characters and plots, which HAPPEN to be about/have black people in them......TP just makes movies with black people in them...

and they get a pass....because, i mean, its black...

why does the blackness have to be the marketability of his work? why can't it just be good work?

and before im done, fresh prince had negative stereotypes? ROFL, OKAY, MAN.


wearing his jacket inside out? lol

so negative.

will was such a gun toting, drug selling, %#$%* smacking thug on that show.

madea is more gangster than will even pretended to be on the show, by the way....

if i remember correctly, will was soft, had a responsible mother, and got shipped out the hood, right? that's such a stereotype of black people...

and while he clowned in school, i remember him graduating and getting into college too


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