The Ultimate Soccer Thread 2012-2013 Vol. 3 Premier League, La Liga, Serie A, Bundesliga etc

Yea I expect him to have a breakout year now that James Rodriguez is gone. I expect more starts instead of being the super-sub going forward. That goal truly was a special moment.
I see Norwich doing some damage this year now that they've signed Ricky Van Wolfinsinkel. I think the prem league is a toss up this year. Many of the top teams have new managers with something to prove. Good signings on all sides so it can go either way.

Hopefully Liverpool raps up this deal on Henrikh Mkhitaryan.
Futebol Clube do Porto :pimp:







That blue and whit one will be copped with HERRERA print on the back :nthat:
The Mexican players worry me man, Mexicans never seem to do well in Europe. I was reading this article that said the future of Mexico is at Porto now, as if the pressure isn't enough for these dudes.

Hopefully Porto do the best they can with them, they've never worked with Central-American players much before, we'll see.

Mexico is in North America, and these 2 players will do well, specially Reyes. A lot of Mexican players don't do so well in Europe because the situations they're put in font favor them.

Mexico is one of the few countries in Latin America that actually pays their players well (Brazil being the other). So when they get there, it's a huge adjustment off the field. No longer are you the superstar, and no longer are you the highest paid player on your squad.

Mexican players get home sick, and figure why sacrifice themselves and their families for almost the same amount of pay that they were receiving at home.

I hope Herrera excels in Portugal. That would open up doors for more players to leave...
Man, I haven't watched any footy over the past month... 

But here's Messi's new boots.

Ibra to Monaco? Wow.

Honda to AC Milan is a done deal.

dont believe this :lol:

every year r/soccer at reddit always attempts to come up with a story and see if a news outlet picks it up. They did it last year and I was in the thread when they decided to do the ibra story this weekend :lol:
Yurop.... Is that how y'all spell it in Spanish/Mexico?
umm what? the way I type is no representative of anything other than habits formed at other websites. This has nothing to do with being mexican or speaking spanish, hell I've never actually typed anything in spanish on this thread, so what are you talking?
Green with the cool chip shot :pimp:
Glad to see Kroos back
Speaking of Reddit, this was posted earlier

So naturally, I had go and watch another Ronaldinho vid
Chelsea selling David Luiz to Bayern Munich for £35m. Mourinho getting rid of the liability.
I sincerely hope thats a rumor and not true. He is a liability, but easily one of Chelsea's most talented players. I think under some guidance he can be a special CDM. A Luiz-Ramires/Mikel partnership in defensive midfield is something I have wanted to see for awhile. 

Random thought I was wondering about next years starting 11, and this is what i hope takes place



         Ramires/Mikel         Luiz

Oscar             Mata          Hazard/Moses

:lol: Are you ever going to take your Barca Blinders off? All you ever post is Barca propaganda and get infuriated when someone says anything remotely critical about your beloved tiki taka. I trolled you 5 years ago and you're still getting huffy. You really think a 33 year old Iniesta will fend off Isco? Forget 2016, you better pray to your "Masia" (get it?) Isco doesn't supplant him in the WC. Already picking lineups for 2016 and don't even know who the coach is. Mata or Fabregas could very easily take over Xavi's role. With two holding midfielders, Mata could clearly be the maestro, and he will be. "Tactical understanding".... stop making up **** so you can slight players and clubs that pissed on your Camp Nou. I'll revisit your words next summer for a laugh.

You know Barca fan is mad when he edits his post one hour and fifteen minutes later. :lol:

If what I post gets you so worked up, why not put me on ignore? You made a rather daft post, and I responded with a suitably derisive response. My posts are usually substantive and far from strictly "Barca propaganda," whatever that is. And I haven't a clue as to what trolling you're on about- much less my reaction to it - but you just go ahead and hold on to what must have been a real moment of glory.

32 year old Iniesta will almost certainly still be playing for Spain. Isco displacing him next year? Yet I'm the one wearing blinders? LOL. Spain aren't basing their entire side around Mata. He' s a top player, not the second coming of Zidane. Not only would it not be optimal for the side as CM isn't his position, but considering his goal scoring he should be more advanced anyway. Trying to force Cesc or Mata into the role would completely change the dynamics of the side - making them far more direct. That's fine for a Germany or Italy who have always had great athletes, but Spain have only ever won anything by completely controlling matches via possession play through Xavi. So it's idiotic to think either of the two could 'easily' take up Xavi's role and everything would be just fine. Thiago or Oliver Torres down the road seem to be best suited for the role.

I predicted those lineups based on who the best CENTRAL midfielders project to be. A good coach will use a system best suited for his players so I don't believe my projection is far off. Not mad, just wanted to elaborate so my post had some substance. And while I'm honoured my post factors into your plans for next summer, unfortunately, I don't hold your ramblings in the same regard, so I'll leave it at that.
What're the chances of Rooney going to another team?

You really can't trust media especially in the UK (most especially anything murdoch owned) so it's hard to say. If reports are indeed true & Rooney needs to be convinced to stay at one of the best futbol clubs in the world, then he truly is a cad & they should see him off.

He's still young enough so he has a lot to offer a club even when he's half motivated. The more I think about it, if he does get transferred out I don't think Man U would send him to a team in the Prem (unless an ungodly amount of money was offered) so I can see him leaving England. I just don't want to see him on the Barca side as some reports suggest.

Also, that Monaco Ibra thing was a hoax started on reddit.
The 2013-2013 Champions League has begun! :lol:

Shirak FC (Armenia) currently leads SP Tre Penne (San Marino) 1-0 at half.

Only another 187 matches between them and European glory!
I watched portions of the Confed Cup games before I deleted them off my dvr last night.

Fred & Neymar's scoring masked the issue, but what on earth happened to Hulk? His work rate during the Confed Cup was consistently horrible.

One thing I noticed is that Brazil committed 26 fouls with no cards & Spain committed 16 fouls with 2 yellows & a red (Pique deserved that red for that downright stupid foul. I would've dragged him off the pitch by his ear had I been the manager). That looks kinda fishy to me...
Still have that tan barca kit from back in the day. didn't have the actual la liga name and number back then so they put on their own blue with white trim for me.

1 dinho
2 nene
3 cr7
4 ibra

Top 4 players I've seen who have the touch of the gods
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