The Ultimate Soccer Thread 2012-2013 Vol. 3 Premier League, La Liga, Serie A, Bundesliga etc

Sounds like Chepo is keeping his least for now.

They really don't have an option right now but still :lol: if they lose vs Honduras then he's gotta be's tough bc it's so close to the WC, when Bob was let go the US had a good bit of time to get JK acclimated and get players in and used to him
Tuesday's MARCA:


May well be the most absurd MARCA headline I've ever seen, and that's saying something. These rumored numbers are just getting so ridiculous you have to believe it's a ploy by RM - so when they finally do land him, Perez can say he actually managed to negotiate Levy down from his asking price. But they're coming off as so desperate that Levy should just keep rejecting bids until the last day of the window to see how far they'll really go. At this point, no one believes any of RM's bids are of the 'take it or leave it' variety. All for a player they don't really need, who will force multiple players out of position.
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what makes you say they don't need him?

we saw the debacle that happened against dortmund when di maria was hurt. they had nobody of class to play there, so ozil gets slotted right. and the whole attack was out of sync and became crap.

and i doubt he forces anyone out of position. he'd most likely just take di marias spot in the starting XI.
what makes you say they don't need him?

we saw the debacle that happened against dortmund when di maria was hurt. they had nobody of class to play there, so ozil gets slotted right. and the whole attack was out of sync and became crap.

and i doubt he forces anyone out of position. he'd most likely just take di marias spot in the starting XI.

In both a tactical sense and a selection sense, he isn't needed. This article explains it well:
Luka is a player I feel Madrid didn't need. He doesn't fit the RM style. Slow and methodical on the ball. Kills the pace on the effective counter attack.
Tuesday's MARCA:


May well be the most absurd MARCA headline I've ever seen, and that's saying something. These rumored numbers are just getting so ridiculous you have to believe it's a ploy by RM - so when they finally do land him, Perez can say he actually managed to negotiate Levy down from his asking price. But they're coming off as so desperate that Levy should just keep rejecting bids until the last day of the window to see how far they'll really go. At this point, no one believes any of RM's bids are of the 'take it or leave it' variety. All for a player they don't really need, who will force multiple players out of position.

Nonsense, Real can def use Bale effectively. You're a hardcore Barca fan so of course you'd make that assumption. Try to be more objective. Bale is obviously a better upgrade than Di Maria and he covers way more ground, he's a machine.

Do they need his score 30 goals? Not so much but he would absolutely make Real better. That's absurd to think otherwise.

As for the price rumors - that's insane without a doubt. But Real has never been the type of team to shy away from making ridiculously expensive transfer offers. It's what they do - its what they will always do to get the man they want.
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late call but did anyone see Grenier's goal against RM? I literally yelled out "oh F--k!" when i saw it
Nonsense, Real can def use Bale effectively. You're a hardcore Barca fan so of course you'd make that assumption. Try to be more objective. Bale is obviously a better upgrade than Di Maria and he covers way more ground, he's a machine.

Do they need his score 30 goals? Not so much but he would absolutely make Real better. That's absurd to think otherwise.

As for the price rumors - that's insane without a doubt. But Real has never been the type of team to shy away from making ridiculously expensive transfer offers. It's what they do - its what they will always do to get the man they want.

I said they don't need him, not that they couldn't use him once they got him. Of course, most teams would get run over by the sheer firepower. But RM would be tactically flawed.

Di Maria is more disciplined in his defensive duties while playing on the wing than Bale for the simple fact that he isn't constantly cutting and drifting in. He is the reason CR was able to focus on attack and not bother with defensive work. The holding mids could shade over to CR's side and support his flank while Di Maria did a good enough job supporting his FB on his own. Despite this, the sides that could live with RM's attack were able to take advantage by attacking down the wings - especially CR's - which is why Mou criticized him after he left. And now RM want to throw on another attack-minded wide player who regularly moves centrally - which would leave the other flank exposed. The solution would be to play CR as the 9 - which he doesn't like, and seeing as how he has yet to sign an extension it may be smart to keep him happy. That article I linked explains more in depth.

Plus, they just bought Isco, who will be one of the best in the world. If you're swapping Di Maria for Bale, then one of Ozil or Isco will be on the bench. Which would just be a shame.

You don't seem to have given any consideration to tactics, so of course you assume everything will be just peachy. Try to understand the game.
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you're feeling your analysis too much.

i'm sure bale can defend just as well as di maria or if not better, after all he did actually start out as a defender and is a much more physically built player. and just because he and Ronaldo both have a tendency to drift inward it does mean you're just going to have players all standing around the middle in the same spot. if he cuts in middle, then players rotate and find space. also, di maria was a left-footed player playing on the right wing who refrains from using his right foot. he would also always cut inward with his left foot. and another argument is that Bale's defensive work rate dropped off at tottenham because so much was asked from him offensively. the same argument can be made of CR7 because his scoring was needed desperately.

it's not a need since RM is already class without him, but if you're trying to make the leap to beat out Barca in the domestic league who just added the signing of the summer in Neymar, and be better than Bayern to win the CL (which Real is starving for with the current drought) and who are STACKED and added Gotze, then it pretty much is necessary. And last year they had arguably the best manager in the game, this year they dont.

also, if we're in the discussion of keeping Ronaldo happy because he hasn't extended his contract, you don't think showing a commitment to wanting to win by adding the best player in the EPL to your team isn't something that would make him happier?

And if for whatever reason you're correct and Bale doesn't work out playing opposite of Ronaldo, then you can just move him at striker for Benz (which is the position AVB says he's most effective in.) With higuains move there wouldn't be a log jam.

[COLOR=#red]cliffs but not really cliffs:[/COLOR] move adds depth and would be an upgrade which you can't go wrong with when you're trying to simultaneously compete in 3 tournaments in a very long season. and politically from the board it counters Barca's move of inking Neymar.
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I'm pointing out possible tactical pitfalls of bringing him in. Not sure how I'm 'feeling my analysis' - whatever that means. Both wide players cutting in sounds good in theory, and both are incredible athletes so you'd assume they'd be great defenders, but in practice it doesn't work out. They're usually trying to get in goal scoring positions, and rotation covering won't work against quick transition sides like BvB. The 'they can't work hard in defense because they're too involved in attack' is more of an excuse than a counterargument. If you're a wide player you need to support your flank, and if not you will probably be exposed against top sides.

Di Maria cuts in, but he doesn't drift in far enough that there's much risk of him failing to cover his flank. But like I said, teams were able to attack RM's flanks - both of them, but mostly the left. Anyway, he's usually cutting in to make a pass rather than shoot. On the other hand, with a player like Bale usually looking to shoot, immediately you're turning over possession and potentially getting burned in transition. There's no doubt Bale is a more effective and productive player than Di Maria, but I don't think a straight swap is the way to go. Seems it would just exacerbate the same problems they had last season in the CL. Does it really make them better? Perhaps, but I'm not so sure. Depth would be better, and they'd be more lethal on the counter, but in the latter stages of the CL a more deliberate approach is needed. An attacking 4 of Isco, Ozil, CR, and Benz would be better for possession play as Ancelotti's systems are more possession than counter based. Certainly the interplay would be better, as two players cutting in and constantly taking potshots seems like overkill.

Bale played through the middle, but not really as a 9. After their strikers got hurt, Bale basically played as a free attacker - a bit like Messi, but it's not like he was playing with his back to goal or holding up play like an actual striker. Not sure how'd that work - Ancleotti's formations usually call for a front man. And seems like a waste as his pace, shot off the cut in, and dribbling are his best attributes. CR has the all around ability and penbox instincts to do it, though. And I'm pretty sure he knows RM are committed to winning. His happiness has more to do with his contract and his place in the team.

Bale is a great player, and would add something to every team in the world. But is he worth that kind of money? IMO, no. Is he really needed? IMO, no. As a Barca supporter, I'd be more concerned if they signed Suarez.
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Are the Spurs seriously asking for 145mil. Euros in *Randy Moss voice* straight cash homey... none of that separate payment stuff
I will eternally miss David and my weekly man-date with him at the Home Depot Stub Hub Center :frown: :frown:
Why the hell is thiago playing CDM for Bayern? That can't be comfortable for him

Ilkay Gundogan continues to impress me for Dortmund. I know Nuri Sahin never worked at Real Madrid, but Gundogan is a dude that I think could succeed at a team like Madrid.....or Chelsea 
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Why the hell is thiago playing CDM for Bayern? That can't be comfortable for him

Ilkay Gundogan continues to impress me for Dortmund. I know Nuri Sahin never worked at Real Madrid, but Gundogan is a dude that I think could succeed at a team like Madrid.....or Chelsea 

Gundogan has indeed impressed. That entire Dortmund team is something special. They lose their best players, but continue to replace them and play with the same intensity and drive. Reus has also been spectacular. I hope they're able to keep players and build on that very strong platform. They will need depth as well.
Were Madrid's shirts this loose last season?


And here's a pic of Zlatan wearing his kit.

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Why the hell is thiago playing CDM for Bayern? That can't be comfortable for him

Ilkay Gundogan continues to impress me for Dortmund. I know Nuri Sahin never worked at Real Madrid, but Gundogan is a dude that I think could succeed at a team like Madrid.....or Chelsea 

Thought Pep would be playing Thiago in the 9 spot with Mario out injured.. I honestly have no idea what peps up to.

Gundogan would be a great fit for United as well
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