The Universe is really, really, really big. [PIC]

i remember the first time i saw this, i was

it actually scared me
Insane-o! There are most definitely other life forms but when you think of the time and energy it takes to travel 13 billion years @ 186,000 miles per secondyou understand why its hard to get in contact.
For my religious people ...

Do you believe that other life forms out there ? & you really believe God created them all ?
Originally Posted by infamousod

the odds are still not in favor of there being intelligent lifeforms on other planets. if you take a biology class and/or study the Earth's history you'll see it took at least thousands of coincidences on very long odds that are just incomprehensible to get to this point.
most of those coincidences have to do with the size of the earth, location and having a moon. so out of those and some more things you assume itsmore likely that out of those billions (maybe trillions) of stars and significantly more planets, the universe is not in favor of having another sustainableplanet?
imagine theres another earth-like planet somewhere in another galaxy

and they got exclusive nikes

how much you think those would go for on ebay?

that would be a crazy flip/comeup!
There is no way in hell that we are the only living things out there. None. There HAS to be something else. If we are the only ones then that is ##!+*%!insane.

Now this picture is amazing.

I wish God was real and Heaven did exist...

so I could roam space all day and %*%@ like that.

But from what I've seen/learned... I just can't believe that story.
if there is a planet out there with Predators, I'm glad I was created here instead of there, cause they are some UGLY MUTHA-truckas
Originally Posted by eddie

Originally Posted by infamousod

the odds are still not in favor of there being intelligent lifeforms on other planets. if you take a biology class and/or study the Earth's history
you'll see it took at least thousands of coincidences on very long odds that are just incomprehensible to get to this point.
most of those coincidences have to do with the size of the earth, location and having a moon. so out of those and some more things you assume its more likely that out of those billions (maybe trillions) of stars and significantly more planets, the universe is not in favor of having another sustainable planet?

the size/location/presence of a moon/presence of water and most of the things even a genius can list don't even begin to explain a tenth of the things thathad to happen in a certain order for intelligent life to form. I mean if there had been no giant meteor to hit the earth and take out the dinosaurs, humanswould've never come along, that right there adds a few 000's to your odds.

If you sit and really think about the massive amounts of water needed to have spawned multiple-celled organisms, the presence of an atmosphere with the rightmix of oxygen, nitrogen and dozens of other gases, the presence and combination of compounds it took to create carbon-based life forms, the odds that evolutionis possible and that ecosystems were allowed to exist and persist. And that only scratches the clear plastic wrapping off the biological stuff, not to mentionthe evolution of an opposable thumb, and trying to figure out how humans not only got the ability to think such deep thoughts but also have the ability to usetools, a civilization of Raptors couldn't build buildings and computers. That's a whole other set of miracles. So it's not impossible thatthere's life or even intelligent life somewhere out there but I wouldn't put money on it, and definitely not that they would ever be able to makecontact or vice versa.
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