The Universe is really, really, really big. [PIC]

Originally Posted by infamousod

Originally Posted by eddie

Originally Posted by infamousod

the odds are still not in favor of there being intelligent lifeforms on other planets. if you take a biology class and/or study the Earth's history
you'll see it took at least thousands of coincidences on very long odds that are just incomprehensible to get to this point.
most of those coincidences have to do with the size of the earth, location and having a moon. so out of those and some more things you assume its more likely that out of those billions (maybe trillions) of stars and significantly more planets, the universe is not in favor of having another sustainable planet?

the size/location/presence of a moon/presence of water and most of the things even a genius can list don't even begin to explain a tenth of the things that had to happen in a certain order for intelligent life to form. I mean if there had been no giant meteor to hit the earth and take out the dinosaurs, humans would've never come along, that right there adds a few 000's to your odds.

If you sit and really think about the massive amounts of water needed to have spawned multiple-celled organisms, the presence of an atmosphere with the right mix of oxygen, nitrogen and dozens of other gases, the presence and combination of compounds it took to create carbon-based life forms, the odds that evolution is possible and that ecosystems were allowed to exist and persist. And that only scratches the clear plastic wrapping off the biological stuff, not to mention the evolution of an opposable thumb, and trying to figure out how humans not only got the ability to think such deep thoughts but also have the ability to use tools, a civilization of Raptors couldn't build buildings and computers. That's a whole other set of miracles. So it's not impossible that there's life or even intelligent life somewhere out there but I wouldn't put money on it, and definitely not that they would ever be able to make contact or vice versa.
dinosaurs are still multicellular organisms tho. Whose to say that they wouldnt have become intelligent. Haven't you heard of reptiods? j/pYou have a point on the rest but if we find even unicellualar organisms somewhere it would be front page news
Originally Posted by tylerdub

Originally Posted by tree4twenty

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by IICEMAN83

Originally Posted by KB8sandiego

Seeing stuff like this reminds me why I believe in God.

Seeing this reminds me why i DONT believe in god. There are just some things humans do not have knowledge about. Its just that simple. Example, lets say i was to go back 500 years in time with a 747 airplane. Do you really think anyone could possibly Have the sense or knowledge to know what it actually it is.They would probably say its god. How could such a massive object be suspended iN Mid air? Or travel at such speeds? It seems everytime there is something we dont understand, its god.

So you think everything just popped up on its own? That's a heck of a lot to just pop up with no overseer or higher power.
Its a lot out there.

I always found it amazing when people see this stuff, they rush to say "there must be other life forms out there", but when someone brings up God creating all of this "Na. How could He. You guys always use God for what you can't explain."
There is no win.

Easy answer -

People say that there has to life on other planets because their is proof of life on planets - US.
People are quick to throw a God theory to the side because guess what, there is NO PROOF of any God.

And dont even mention the bible, cause that is not proof. I can write a book too, I have plenty of free time.
We dont even know who wrote the book, so how come people are quick to claim that they are indeed a truthfull, reliable source? Like that doomsday show said: "It is the highest selling book ever, and we dont even know who the author is." Could have been the village wack job for all we know, right?
Have you ever even studied about how the Bible was written? You sound really ridiculous.

Please explain how proof of a God is there based on how it was written....

I stated that it was not proof, because it is a book that has no author and/or provable facts, therfor, it cannot be trusted. Can you open the Bible, point outone, just one, miracle that happened in the Bible, and prove that it actually happened? How is that ridiculous? Stating that everything in the Bible did infacthappen when you have no evidence what so ever seems ridculous in my eyes.

Whats kinda ironic is that I believe in all the Bible code, doomsday theory stuff, but I honestly dont believe in a God. I hope there is, so that there is lifeafter death, but Im not going to worship something I find ridiculous.
we chill with aliens everyday. All y'all who have more than 10 people you hang with, guaranteed at least one of em ain't from round here.
@ at this tread turning into a anti-religion thread

I swear we can't post anything cool and scientific without giving certain people a chance to bash on religion
Originally Posted by shatterkneesinc

@ at this tread turning into a anti-religion thread

I swear we can't post anything cool and scientific without giving certain people a chance to bash on religion

True. But it's just a gag reflex towards the bible nuts. Anyways, I'm certain that most of the so called atheists (at least younger dudes on NT andsuch) are really not atheists. Atheism is pretty out there and it's much more reasonable to find yourself in the camp of the various kinds of agnosticismor deism, etc.. But that's neither here or there.

Anyways, anti-religion and anti-god are two very different things. I mean, I aged and learned (educated myself, took courses, read lots) and realized I couldbe anti-religion and pro-god (whoever god may be).

God isn't contradictory to science but I think organized religion is.
Originally Posted by GUILLERMO GUTIEREZ

Originally Posted by its Labrev

Space is definitely amazing.
But, is the Binary Star the hottest star in the universe?
binary stars are a set of two stars. are u asking that if u combine the heat from both stars that it would be hotter then the other stars in the universe?

and im sure there are more than just 1 binary star.

i think your question needs some revision.
. Well I mean Binary Stars in general, are they the hottest thingsfloating around in the Universe or is there something that's hotter?

Saw this on Wikipedia:
VY Canis Majoris has the largest diameter of any known star, 1800 to 2100 times that of the Sun. This gives it a similar diameter to the orbit of Saturn.
This stuff really makes me wonder. Like this can't go on forever. Thats impossible (or is it). And this had to not exist at some point. I mean really thinkabout it. The universe hasn't always been here.
crazy how it says stuff like "technically shouldn't exist according to physics theories." makes you think what do we really know.
Originally Posted by THIZZLE WIGLE

thats not even close to how big it actually is its infinite i mean how would it end

The universe could have a dramatic end like a big crunch (the opposite of big bang), where it just retracts into a single point, but knowing what we know now,if the universe would go on to exist forever, it would be the most boring place imaginable.. All the stars in the universe are moving away from each other, soif the universe continued to exist for many many years, everything would be so far away from everything else that there would be no light to be seen anywhere,no distant stars like you see in the night sky, nothing. Just a huge dark space with nothing going on. That's why I think that there must be somethingbeyond this universe.
Originally Posted by shatterkneesinc

@ at this tread turning into a anti-religion thread

I swear we can't post anything cool and scientific without giving certain people a chance to bash on religion

Check the Jigga Threads.....that turn into a Illmatic Appreciation threads.
Man...just to think about everything that is going on in other parts of our universe...
have you guys seen "Knowing"? that's how they (other life forms) are gonna show up... when the end of the world comes and they pick the chosenones among us to repopulate another planet.
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