The Universe is really, really, really big. [PIC]

That's too bad we failed the planet test, the space money was just to tempting
Originally Posted by TraSoul82

The deeper we see into space, the more humbled I am. We are definitely not the end-all.

same thing i was thinking. i never heard info on anything posted from Sirius on..
Every time i see some galaxy type pictures, i just stop everything i do because it doesnt matter any more...
If stuff like this DOESNT blow your mind, then I dont know what will... Thats just seriously breath taking right there.You have to stop what youre doing and think about LIFE and the mysteries of it all. Not talking about getting into religeous fueds or scientific arguements butthis has to make you put EVERYTHING you have come to known in your life into deep perspective.. Just crazy to think that afterseeing the infinant limits of space and time that we are simply the only living beings out there,, why all that space being wasted if we are.. THANKS alot much appreciated for posting.. WOW
Yo what if there are gokus out there. I wonder if we look ugly to a bettr looking race somewhere else.

Sometimes i feel as if we were made by one of those other planets, and we have amazing AI capabilitys.
What I really wonder is how the eff did we actually get to the moon? Like...someone actually let themselves get sent up to the moon?

Can you imagine being just 100 feet in the air? Let alone thousands/millions of miles away from Earth floating out there?

I dont see how the ship would make it THERE and BACK...seems almost impossible
the wonders of the universe are insane. the amount of stuff out there that we dont know about is a scary concept.
its crazy to think that the picture is actually of a time billions of years ago....since light would take so long to get here from that far away....we aretechnically living in the present but looking directly into a "current time" that is really "the past" that blows my mind...
Originally Posted by DublBagn

its crazy to think that the picture is actually of a time billions of years ago....since light would take so long to get here from that far away....we are technically living in the present but looking directly into a "current time" that is really "the past" that blows my mind...

Bro! What you said made so Much sense, but yet It so Mind Trippin'!! Like
Originally Posted by DublBagn

its crazy to think that the picture is actually of a time billions of years ago....since light would take so long to get here from that far away....we are technically living in the present but looking directly into a "current time" that is really "the past" that blows my mind...

Thats some crazy !##* right there.

since we are on the topic of Aliens n junk. Do you guys believe that Aliens have been here in the past and created some of the formations on earth. I readsomewhere that it was physically impossible to have mad some of the pyramids that are still here today. And they are totally perfectly alligned or somethinlike that.

Or what about this. We were created from Aliens who have been here which would be God i guess...
Its some weird !##* but could be possible...
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