The Walking Dead - Official Thread

^ that's because in TWD world the zombies ARE a backdrop at this point. They're a deadly nuisance that humans have learned to manage, for the most part. They're obviously still a threat(especially in groups), but with the right precautions they can be avoided or handled with relative ease.

Also, what else can we learn about them now? They're undead, they want to eat your flesh, they can smell humans and they're attracted by sound. Pretty simple, IMO.
Where they came from, why, cure, that whole they might remember things from when they were alive thing from the first episode, can they starve to death, what's the outside world doing, what's the government doing, is there still a government, are they getting smarter? I mean the list goes on and on
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Where they came from, why, cure, that whole they might remember things from when they were alive thing from the first episode, can they starve to death, what's the outside world doing, what's the government doing, is there still a government, are they getting smarter? I mean the list goes on and on

That would bee too much like a movie starring Brad Pitt, I prefer it be from the common man's perspective like it is. The only way we would find out about the government would be if they came across some soldier or a govt official. If you want some of those questions answered about them starving, read the comic.
^ that's because in TWD world the zombies ARE a backdrop at this point. They're a deadly nuisance that humans have learned to manage, for the most part. They're obviously still a threat(especially in groups), but with the right precautions they can be avoided or handled with relative ease.

Also, what else can we learn about them now? They're undead, they want to eat your flesh, they can smell humans and they're attracted by sound. Pretty simple, IMO.
Where they came from, why, cure, that whole they might remember things from when they were alive thing from the first episode, can they starve to death, what's the outside world doing, what's the government doing, is there still a government, are they getting smarter? I mean the list goes on and on
Yeah, I don't think we'll ever find out the where, why or cure part.  The zombies just are, if that makes sense.  I think it kinda adds to the hopelessness of TWD world.  That won't sit well with a lot of people because folks like closure and for things to make sense.  

I don't think zombies remember anything since those parts of the brain are dead--at the CDC the doc explained that I think.  And I don't think they starve to death since we've seen zombie torsos straight chillin' alive in the woods.  

And I think we'll find out more about the outside world/government (if it even exists as they once knew it) as time goes on, since they're FINALLY out of the prison.  
Are they ever gonna talk about the black helicopter that Rick saw in season 1? Or they just gonna ignore that
Are they ever gonna talk about the black helicopter that Rick saw in season 1? Or they just gonna ignore that

They were going to address that in the season 2 premier. It was going to be a flashback/flashforward involving the dead soldier Rick sees in the tank from one of the first episodes. There are a few scenes filmed for it prior to Darabont leaving.

Or I could be totally wrong.
Started watching the walking dead a month ago.
Thought i was the only one. LOL
Chick i just started dating told me she likes it and now i see this thread.

Im on the 2nd episode of the 4th season.
What time and what channel does tonights episode premier on?
Too damn long of a break. I really liked the first half of season 4, by my interest has went down.
Watching the mid-season finale right now. LOL at Rick giving this heartfelt speech about coexisting only for the Governor to respond by chopping of Herschel's head. Rick didn't get through to him...
Before the show kicks off, I want to give a shout out to all the people who complain and keep saying they are done watching. We knew you'd be back again lol
I'm ready. The last few minutes of the last episode gave me faith again. Now that the prison/governor storyline is over I'm excited to see where this goes.

I'm ready. The last few minutes of the last episode gave me faith again. Now that the prison/governor storyline is over I'm excited to see where this goes.

The last twenty minutes were powerful. It ALMOST makes up for season 3.
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