The Walking Dead - Official Thread

Or you could be 200% right.  Let's avoid that altogether by not doing it here...
Since the show watchers don't know how closely they're following the books, let's keeps the guessing based
on what we know from the show...
does this really need to continue...

The thing with people that refuse to pick up the comics is that they want to see this show as a "stand-alone" entity when it is based on the comics and they are both intertwined to the point where the creator of the series is the person that wrote the comics and is heavily involved in it's production.

Now I feel that the people that have read the comics have been very considerate in not throwing out future plot points and only chiming in when people have questions that want to be answred...


"Who's the black girl with the sword?"
"Why does she have two zombies/walkers with her?"
"Why did she just cut their heads off, with no remorse?"
"Who is the governor?"
"Why does he have those head in the fish tanks?"
"Why is Lori/Carl/Shane still alive?"

People then provide insight, since the show is loosely following the storyline in the comic. The destinations are the same, however the path's to getting there are different. Same with characters that are being developed.

again for the upteenth time, even if things are placed in a spoiler, it's not hard to figure it out once people who do read the spoilers
react to it. The solution is simple discuss the book in the book thread, ask questions about the book in the book thread. You're tired of hearing it and so am I of people continuing to do it. Why must the majority of this thread be an argument to fend off spoilers

Sorry champ, people in the book thread aren't talking about the show, because they are too far ahead in the story line. Want to know why? Because the show is based on the's an adaptation.

So it makes a lot more sense to discuss here. :wink:
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^ It would make more sense for the people in the book thread to GO BACK and explain something to someone with a question

than it would for someone to jump ahead of the show and explain it in here.

It's not about refusing to pick up the book.  I'm watching the show, I want to discuss the show...

Unfortunately for the don't like reading crowd, the show is synonymous with the comic, not vice versa. To this point they haven't even mentioned the connection that Michonne had to her "pets", they probably never will. Wonder why? because they are doing it purposely, little tidbits for people that do take the time to read, people who have been avid readers of the comic and are now seeing it come to life. It's easter eggs for those that read.
Kirkman is heavily involved, and the writers sometimes don't explain things fully because they want the audience to "figure it out?".
Don't know if any of you noticed but during one of the commercial breaks, Kirkman noted his 5 favorite changes...

So yeah, the irony is no one is really posting spoilers, just pointing out differences and answering questions that are being posed in this very thread.
Calling it inconsiderate, :lol:. Sorry people don't want to forgive your ignorance and refusal to acknowledge that the show and comic are intertwined.
Be happy that people are not revealing future possible plot points.
So yeah, stop whining, pick up the comic (It takes seconds to click an order on amazon, there are "books" that cost around $18-25, the show is currently at the tail end of book 3 :wink: ). You'll gain a greater appreciation of the series.
If you have time to come into this thread, read and post and write a "complain" piece then you have time to pick up the comic and read it. I'm sure there are places where you can download it for free if you are strapped for cash. I don't forgive laziness.
This topic is getting very tired.


I been saying it since the 1st episode and honestly I dont like to keep it goin but word for word you have said everything I been saying since day 1

I'm not bothered much by the people reading the comics posting here...

But I remember last season someone would post pics of upcoming episodes like a pic of zombie Sophia or something before it aired. I had to avoid the thread after that.:smh:

Problem solved, those that want to have in depth discussions about how the comic and tv show intertwine. I have created a thread, let's discuss without the fear of worrying if you used the spoiler function.

are you freaking kidding me?

you just completely tried to discredit the point of this thread by putting OFFICIAL. it just looks like another thread for the same damn show.

you can't really be this stupid, bro. why can't we just act like there isn't a comic book at all and just talk about the show in THIS thread? i really don't see how that's asking too much. wouldn't it be easier to discuss the comic related scenes from episodes in the comic book thread, where people who only watch the show do NOT frequent? at least you wouldn't get chastised there. easter eggs my ***, dude. :rolleyes
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It's not fair that some people come in here and post all kinds of spoilers from the comics, then turn around and tell us to "Pick up the damn comics if we don't wanna see spoilers."
Shut the hell up. This isnt the comic thread, its the Walking Dead television show thread. Use a damn spoiler if you wanna discuss comics, or go discuss it in a comic thread.
Not all of us have time to go pick up some damn comics to just avoid your inconsideration. Be nice man, we're all here to enjoy the show together.
No reason to be so inconsiderate and mean to people who just wanna come in here to peacefully discuss the episodes with their NT brothers. Not everyone WANTS to know what happens in the comics, for some of us like me we enjoy the element of surprise with the story. I personally enjoy not knowing whats going to happen in a television series. So be more understanding
and Grow up
This makes no sense. If you don't want to know whats going to happen in a tv show why come on a message board to talk about a show. A show that is based on an advanced comic. You are better of going to read a critics review if you want to get info on things that you missed.
are you freaking kidding me?
you just completely tried to discredit the point of this thread by putting OFFICIAL. it just looks like another thread for the same damn show.
you can't really be this stupid, bro. why can't we just act like there isn't a comic book at all and just talk about the show in THIS thread? i really don't see how that's asking too much. wouldn't it be easier to discuss the comic related scenes from episodes in the comic book thread, where people who only watch the show do NOT frequent? at least you wouldn't get chastised there. easter eggs my ***, dude. :rolleyes

:lol: Jesus Christ, can't please everyone I guess. Hit the OP with a PM and tell him to change the thread title.

The dudes that haven't read the books are the ones that have their panties twisted in a bunch. It's difficult to talk about the show in the comic book thread because 1) They are far ahead in the story line and 2) some don't watch the show. It's strictly for the comic story line that *cough* came before the show.

Funny you call me stupid and then state "why can't we just act like there isn't a comic book...". I literally laughed out loud since its such a childish suggestion. If the other thread fails to get any traffic, I don't care. If it happens to plunder this thread, and push people to read the comic to have a deeper understanding and more in depth discussions then great.

Just tired of people being muzzled when trying to have a discussion here. I'll update the thread title weekly, but yeah... It's OFFICIAL. :lol:

Insert DX, NWO gif :lol:
How far into the comic's storyline are we in regards to the show?

Has Kirkman stated how long he plans on releasing issues?

Specifically at what issue # did you get hooked onto the comics?
Dale is rolling in his grave right now.

Given the group's new circumstances, I can only imagine the dumb arguments that Dale would present about not losing their humanity.
The people reading comics in this thread are way more considerate for the non comic readers compared to the people at the "Misc's" thread of Walking Dead. Just checked there's out, never going back again :smh:
Okay, one thing I'm just pissed about as far as the show vs comics spoiler argument is:

People reading the comics dont know what's going to happen on the show!!! They've changed so much already, it's unpredictable!! If you're never going to read the comics, why the **** do you care if we mention what happens in the comics, in here?! You wanna know how much has changed from the source? EVERYTHING BUT SOME CHARACTERS AND THE LOCATIONS. The storylines are almost completely different already. We have no idea what's going to happen.

And miss me with that 'just in case' ********. Our guess is as good as yours. Y'all would be shocked if you knew what already happened in the comics up to this point; what was omitted from just the last episode! So stop complaining, all I've seen posted is stuff like "wow that was different than the comics, where _ happened!" There's no posting of future storylines, no spoilers to characters, nothing like that. IIRC two character deaths last season were spoiled by pictures, not comic discussion.

And no, I wont go into the comic book thread. Spoilers are being thrown around in there with no regard for new readers. Real spoilers, not the blindfolded halfcourt shot "spoilers" being discussed in here.

*goes to Iron Man's thread*
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* checks thread *

o yall still bickering?

* leaves thread *
Is all this bickering why there are 8,8782,549 other threads about The Walking Dead?

sad but yes

non comic readers - "stop posting stuff and spoiling it blah blah blah"

comic readers & show watchers - "we not spoiling anything 1st off! the show veers from the comics details & there is REAL spoilers that havent even been talked about in this thread"

and all honesty the show is based off the comic so the talk between the 2 is gonna come in!

there is stuff in the comic thats not in the show.....there is stuff in the show thats not in the talk about the little small in between things is gonna come up

trust me I read the comics and not one thing said has spoiled ANYTHING if you have a real spoiler this is how it should be done

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