The Walking Dead - Official Thread

How did Eugene even make it that far, dude cant run he can barely jog, he doesnt know how to use any weapons or has any combat skills. He seems like the kind of dude that die first when a break out happens.

Eugene is like Otis. Only good for using them as bait so you can get away.
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:lol: @ people rationalizing believing this dude. Nothing adds up about dude his mission changed as he went along. Coddling an adult...he found time to put glass in the gas tank. Who knows what else.

Dude is handy and knows stuff like he said (using that battery to light a fire) If he used that time on something constructive he would have been useful

I usually hate flashbacks but I wanna see Eugene's before Abraham saved him...I KNOW he pushed someone down to get away from some walkers :lol:

All the other scumbags on the show went crazy and you could see why or how Eugene is the only one who chose the scumbag life
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I'm not rationalizing it. I'm trying to make sense of what you're saying about why ppl shouldn't believe him. To me those aren't the reasons.

Eugene simply doesn't look like a scientist. I'd stop at scientist with a mullet. Yeah it's judgmental but it's on point simply given where Abraham found dude. For claiming to be a good liar you'd think he'd come up with a better one than I'm a scientist. How come in WWZ, Brad Pitt's character had the ill gov't hookup and he wasn't even a scientist? Yet we find Eugene not even being escorted by some troops? America is in peril of a zombie apocalypse and the capitol needs a scientist from Texas? Never that.

I don't need to get in to stuff like he has a mullet so he must be good with weapons or know how to fight. You hear dude talk and imo all you think is this dude is a soft vagina and creepy.

Abraham obviously treated dude like a golden goose though. We saw it in this ep like all the others. His first priority is Eugene. That Eugene has time to tamper with a car has nothing to do with that.
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Now that I'm thinking about it...we've seen actual doctors/scientists on the show. No one even asked this dude where he went to school :lol:

I need that concussion induced flashback man to see what other shenanigans he was up to.
Just now catching tonights ep.

LMAO, this dude Eugene is full of great one liners.

Why did he waste perfectly good water though, on those Walkers?

Put that work in though.
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Ah man, I knew Eugene was fronting!

That forearem punch Abraham hit him with was monster though.

Hate it had to be Eugene.

He wasn't on the "In Memoriam" on Talking Dead though so, he be back next week.
The minute Sasha questioned him in the boxcar and said "tell us the cure incase something goes wrong" bruh give them the illest round around ever :lol:

Said everything and nothing at the same time. Abraham should've had it click then but he was already too deep in his belief.
at Eugene just being a weird guy with a mullet this whole time.
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yeah it was more climatic in the comics. I was surprised they kept the scene where he is creeping on abraham and rosita
Man, they need to catch us up on Ricks group.
This show would be so dope if they could tell more than one story at a time. Game of Thrones tells like 9 stories per episode, and well.
I knew as soon as they didn't show who came back with Daryl on the following weeks ep, that they probably would have us hanging on waiting until the season finale, only 3 eps left of the first half of this season, and these dudes still in Georgia.
I think it's Noah who comes back with Daryl. Also I think that's who Daryl wraps up and burns in the previews for next week.
Nah It just doesn't make sense. A dude with a mullet who can't handle any weapon or gun but is a scientist ?

Even if you bought that nonsense killing all the current walkers wouldn't stop other people from turning after they died :lol:

What does handling a weapon have to do with being a scientist?

I would've asked him about the periodic table of elements. Also hard to believe him when he made it sound like he was the savior of the planet. There should be a team of scientists that were highly protected instead of this mullet rocking jabroni walking around in Georgia.
Nah It just doesn't make sense. A dude with a mullet who can't handle any weapon or gun but is a scientist ?

Even if you bought that nonsense killing all the current walkers wouldn't stop other people from turning after they died :lol:

What does handling a weapon have to do with being a scientist?

I would've asked him about the periodic table of elements. Also hard to believe him when he made it sound like he was the savior of the planet. There should be a team of scientists that were highly protected instead of this mullet rocking jabroni walking around in Georgia.

seriously. dude is so lame. I can't tell if they are making his character corny AF on purpose, or if its just a bad actor or what. dude is a joke
calibeebee calibeebee i think Eugene's "corny AF" approach is both bad acting and on purpose.
It's like the director wanted us to feel stupid once he revealed he was fake.
We should have known (for those who didn't) based on everything he represented up until the point it was revealed he wasn't a Scientist.
so is eugene dead? it looked like he was still breathing
wanna see eugene make bullets and live that **** life 
Eugene rocks the mullet for a reason idk if they will dig more into it in future episodes

If they don't then they dropped the ball because people are gonna wonder and talk about the mullet
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