The Walking Dead - Official Thread

seeing daryl & maggies reactions weren't easy to watch :frown:

maggies was bs. but darryl and rick's brought those feels. I definitely like the realism of the reactions since I know they don't find out what is happening in the episode until the first table read. Everything else is kept a secret, even from them, so a lot of the reactions are genuine as can be.
Heard she just released an album or single

Doesnt matter, she's not gonna be relevant anymore.
I try to imagine what it would be like to get killed off in the show after 3-4 seasons. Imagine Kirkman coming up to you and being like "Yeah Im sorry this is gonna be your last episode"
I know no job is guaranteed in this world but that must be soul crushing. The cast seems to really like each other.

Emily's better than all the other cast members that were killed off though. Both her and her character were so damn likable, probably a few casting directors felt the same. I'll watch whatever she's in next. Her and Niykee Heaton need to do a dong together.
Heard she just released an album or single

Doesnt matter, she's not gonna be relevant anymore.
I try to imagine what it would be like to get killed off in the show after 3-4 seasons. Imagine Kirkman coming up to you and being like "Yeah Im sorry this is gonna be your last episode"
I know no job is guaranteed in this world but that must be soul crushing. The cast seems to really like each other.

Emily's better than all the other cast members that were killed off though. Both her and her character were so damn likable, probably a few casting directors felt the same. I'll watch whatever she's in next. Her and Niykee Heaton need to do a dong together.

lol you must just think she's cute. beth was wack.
 Her and Niykee Heaton need to do a dong together.
funny typo or adult film? 
Emily's better than all the other cast members that were killed off though. Both her and her character were so damn likable, probably a few casting directors felt the same. I'll watch whatever she's in next. Her and Niykee Heaton need to do a dong together.

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Are you guys serious? This show has won a ton of awards, including being nominated for 6 Emmy's and winning 2. Also won a Golden Globe. It is definitely an 'Award' show and not just a cheesy throwaway. Do you not see the emotion and acting skills on display week after week? I say that to say, that it absolutely deserves the criticism. It should be held to a higher accord. When you have the talent at your disposal and amazing story resources just waiting to be tapped and you waste them, the fans have the right to feel some type of way. Especially after reeling us in in Season 1 with great acting and story-arches. It has the potential to be great, yet chooses not to with the terrible writing and bland attention to detail.

Its not a cheesy throwaway but dont think its an "award" show like Breaking Bad and Game of Thrones aint no actors/writers being nominated man.

2011 Outstanding Prosthetic Makeup for a Series, Miniseries, Movie, or Special[14] Greg Nicotero, Andy Schoneberg, Garrett Immel, Jake Garber, Kevin Wasner, Howard Berger and Jaremy Aiello
(for the episode "Days Gone Bye") Won
Outstanding Sound Editing for a Series Darleen Stoker, Walter Newman, Michael Baber, Jerry Edemann, Kenneth Young, David Lee Fein, Hilda Hodges
(for the episode "Days Gone Bye") Nominated
Outstanding Special Visual Effects for a Series[15] Jason Sperling, Kristin Johnson, Sam Nicholson, Kent Johnson, Michael Enriquez, Christopher D. Martin, Anthony Ocampo, Michael Cook, Gregory Nicotero
(for the episode "Days Gone Bye") Nominated
2012 Outstanding Prosthetic Makeup for a Series, Miniseries, Movie, or Special[16] Greg Nicotero, Jake Garber, Andy Schoneberg,Kevin Wasner, Gino Crognale, Carey Jones and Garrett Immel
(for the episode "What Lies Ahead") Won
Outstanding Sound Editing for a Series[16] Jerry Ross, Lou Thomas, Tim Farrell, Phil Barrie, David Lee Fein, Hilda Hodges
(for the episode "Beside the Dying Fire") Nominated
Outstanding Special Visual Effects for a Series[16]
It should be written well regardless of genre. TV is too good now not to expect that. They need to let the Mad Men and breaking bad writers write a few episodes.

Exactly. TV isn't cheesy no more. TV has pretty much caught up with movies in the sense of stories and what not. Walking Dead gets too much attention to not do a good job. And the thing is, they weren't cheesy to begin with. The first couple of seasons were great (actually only season 1) and it has been a struggle since. And I wouldn't even call Walking Dead a cheesy show. I mean if they want to go that route, then go full ******. The thing is, it tries to be an serious show but just fails to.
Man, what kind of Awards.
Make up?

I like the show. I like it just how it is.
I don't expect Downton Abbey type of writing or Precision or acting or realism or authenticity or any of that.

I enjoy it for what it is.
Just tired of reading this 3 page reviews on how they botched one 2 minute scene.

Nah man be real now.
I remember cringin at the acting, all the way through Season 1, because it was TERRIBLE.
By then I was hooked, so it didn't matter anymore.
Now, I know what to expect, and it isn't precision or high acting chops, never was.
I mean, Season 1 was the best by far and looking back you can see it was because of Frank Darabont. He was the executive producer and prolly the main reason why it was brought to TV in the first place.. I remember it being a big thing when he left because of "creative decisions" lol I knew the show wouldnt be as great as it could've been since reading that.
yo.....when rick had the snipers on the roof...was I the only one that thought that roof looked like the first roof from season one? the one they left merle chained too? I thought that was a cool nod to the og days. Of course a lot of roofs look alike, but still..I wouldn't necessarily be surprised at that easter egg
and glenn is my boy, but i feel like he's worn out his necessity on the show. I think most of us only liked him to begin with becuase he reminded us of the cool asian kid from the goonies, all grown up. Data lol.
yo.....when rick had the snipers on the roof...was I the only one that thought that roof looked like the first roof from season one? the one they left merle chained too? I thought that was a cool nod to the og days. Of course a lot of roofs look alike, but still..I wouldn't necessarily be surprised at that easter egg
i think the tank they passed by in daryl/carol's ep was rick's tank 
the acting has definitely gotten better since season 1, it's the damn writing that seems to be hugely inconsistent

it's crazy because this show has had some directors from plenty of shows that we love (The Wire, Lost, Breaking Bad, Treme, Dexter, Homeland, Californication, Friday Night Lights I could go on and on)
Morgan is the best actor on the show by far. Which is sad because we've seen him 4 times in a what....6 year span?
Forgive me if I'm wrong but I don't think he was ever supposed to come back after the pilot
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Man this show is getting broken down like it's some Oscar/Emmy Period Piece type and not some cheesy Zombie Apocalypse Drama.

It's ******* zombies man.(The Slow Zombies too) 
Who needs good writing, just keep some hot babes on deck, smash some skulls, show a little blood and you've done the Zombie thing well.

Now If they were real  Zombies, like 28 days later or World War Z, fine, criticizing the writing would make sense, to me.
These are the *Slow Zombies though, **** has to be a little cupcake man.

SlowZombies= Chee sy
FastZombies= Not Cheesy
Sorry but this just sounds lazy and dumb to me. To base expectations on any work of fiction this way doesn't make sense. I'd rather base the show on what it actually does not something arbitrary. Then again I'm not in to the whole zombie culture thing so if that's how yall do it w/e. I mean aren't slow zombies the norm default? and fast zombies are relatively newer? Also even though I don't think TWD isn't good anymore, cheesy isn't the word that comes to mind.

If I were to go by what you just said then World War Z must be the worst zombie movie of the past 2 centuries. **** had fast zombies and still managed to be boring as ****
Forgive me if I'm wrong but I don't think he was ever supposed to come back after the pilot
On the show I remember them talking about it was being up in the air if he was gonna return. Story wise he definitely was supposed to come back.
Man this show is getting broken down like it's some Oscar/Emmy Period Piece type and not some cheesy Zombie Apocalypse Drama.

It's ******* zombies man.(The Slow Zombies too)
Who needs good writing, just keep some hot babes on deck, smash some skulls, show a little blood and you've done the Zombie thing well.

Now If they were real Zombies, like 28 days later or World War Z, fine, criticizing the writing would make sense, to me.
These are the *Slow Zombies though, **** has to be a little cupcake man.

SlowZombies= Chee sy
FastZombies= Not Cheesy

Bravo! Folks be acting like this is written by Aaron Sorkin and crap. Relax, its friggin sci fi
You must've missed out on NT's LOST thread with this talk :lol:
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That's cool, I guess, Zik.

You said "To base expectations on any work of Fiction this way doesn't make sense".

Point is, the minute the show tried to convince me again, that "slow zombies" or Walkers could kill an able bodied in shape Anybody at a high rate, without them escaping with a couple of juke moves, I wasn't going to take the show too Serious, but that's just me.  I didn't/don't expect much, and I didn't set my expectations any Higher than comparing it with past Zombie flicks.

And World War Z ( I thought) was dope, and believable.

I don't really see how my post had information or ideas in it that would lead you to conclude it is/would be "The worst Zombie movie ever" based off of that info.
This show wouldn't have made it to season 2 if they had fast zombies. it changes eveything, the group just can't go out and travel/find supplies like they do now. Most of the crew would have died, the rest would just be indoors.

Shoot one round and you got multiples running at you, can't even shoot them in the head becuase there moving too quick. All the fat dudes/women/kids would be sacrifice Shane would flourish in this world.
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