The Walking Dead - Official Thread

How quickly did they amputate Herchels leg?  Why didn't it work on Tyrese?
Didn't take more than 2 minutes to get to Herschel. Took much longer for Tyrese. Noah had to find the others, but he was held up being attacked by walkers. Tyrese being bit twice in the same spit didn't help either.In the end he just gave up the fight and will to keep going.
Thank God Tyrese is dead, one of the most useless characters on the show. Well outside of babysitting. Thankfully they killed and buried would of been a sad sight to see a walker walking pass humans because he to soft to eat flesh.

Those chopped up bodies at the end is intriguing though.
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Thank God Tyrese is dead, one of the most useless characters on the show. Well outside of babysitting. Thankfully they killed and buried would of been a sad sight to see a walker walking pass humans because he to soft to eat flesh.

Those chopped up bodies at the end is intriguing though.
Going to say the same thing. Thank You AMC
So who babysits now? No sympathy for him either, hopefully Morgan replaces Mrs. Doubtfire
what do these ************* eat? when these ****** gon start eating random berries n ****?

remember when carl seemed like the chosen one, now he's not even an extra. they should consolidate the cast down, all these random, useless characters. For survival, these cats would've been peeled ages ago.
Interesting first mid season 5 episode. My thoughts were basically that the car was 2 miles away from the incident and he lost too much blood. Also I guess when you get bite, that's what happens, you hallucinate.

Tyreese for Morgan? I'm calling it.
that episode was a-1 hot garbage...I am intrigued by the diced up bodies though..
Interesting first mid season 5 episode. My thoughts were basically that the car was 2 miles away from the incident and he lost too much blood. Also I guess when you get bite, that's what happens, you hallucinate.

Tyreese for Morgan? I'm calling it.
I'll take that trade off any day of the week, although I expect either Noah or the Preacher is heading out next
they really sent ol boy off with love. He was given a great exit, It felt like a love story
They should of least brought back his chick from last season.
Honestly this show has to end pretty soon. It's becone just them "being". No plot, no goal, or real sense of hope. We understand their isn't a cure, we get that shelter isn't the answer, and we've learned that people need to be avoided. So now what? They need to introduce a means to an end.the character dynamic has lost it luster for sure at this point.
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show needs lee and clementine 
I'm tripping at how them two walkers didn't kill Noah. Look like he was holding them both off with each arm. Walkers have been shown to have some strength. Tyrese even struggled with one, well his arm was bit. But still, dude should've been done.
Honestly this show has to end pretty soon. It's becone just them "being". No plot, no goal, or real sense of hope. We understand their isn't a cure, we get that shelter isn't the answer, and we've learned that people need to be avoided. So now what? They need to introduce a means to an end.the character dynamic has lost it luster for sure at this point.
Washington is probably going to be there last goal.  And I'm really surprised that the baby is still alive.  What happened to all her formula and what not.  Btw how far are they in the comics?
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