The Walking Dead - Official Thread

guess we just gon have to wait to see what happens as the season progresses

if they are so weak and unorganized though, I highly doubt the show would present them in the fashion that they began with nearing the end of the last season
So next week episode is taking place around the same time as this past week's episode just from Rick and his crew's point of view.

I think that attacker that picked up the gun and ran away the Morgan chased will run into Rick's group or someone from it and use that gun maybe on one of them wounding or even killing them.

That will make Morgan change his ways he can't expect to be peaceful with the world in an Armageddon :smh:
she tore that turtle up :lol:

Savage life :smh:.........................I don't know if I could do it raw dog like that :x

where she get that cloak from

From the wolf she killed. Lets not big her up too much and make it look like she got a villan costume stashed away for the right moment :lol:

carl over here baking while there is a war outside :lol:

:rofl: That is funny as hell, but we all know dude was baking before the wolves came through. What it really shows, is that with only 4 or 5 members of Rick's crew available, they can handle an enemy invasion before the brownies even finish.

he did. did u not catch that moment of clarity for morgan when the dude said "you shouldve."? morgan realized it. if he had killed them 2 dudes when he should have, they woulda never ended up attacking the city. and its true. morgan let them go, then later in the ep they found the gay dudes backpack, and now they attacked. Morgan is becoming unlikeable FAST. i hope carol snitches on his BS and rick handles it next episode

Morgan really pissed me off this episode. He caught the guy mutilating someone and he still takes the stance of no killing? Someone in here made the argument of keeping enemies alive for information. I understand that, but the problem with that is you don't need to keep all of them alive. Especially savages like them. I seriously doubt they would even talk. Make matters worse, Morgan was allowing them to leave :smh:. Why in the hell would you let people like that roam free? This is what confused me about him in Season 5. I though Morgan left them to be eaten by the walkers. I didn't understand his method then, but now it seems like that isn't what he was doing. As a person who is able to defend themselves, he heard first hand what they are about. So even if he can handle them on his own, he as to think about the person(s) crossing their path who cant and are defenseless. If he is so big on preserving life, wouldn't logic state that keeping them alive will cause the death of more people, than killing them would?

At some point Morgan has to see that they are fighting both the walkers and evil humans. You have people you are naturally evil roaming around with nothing to stop them, and you have people who have turned towards that side due to circumstances. At that time Morgan didn't know he was the cause of the invasion, but seeing how brutal these people are I dont get how he could even think of letting them remain alive, and allowing them to flee :smh: . Now they have to be on guard more than ever because these people are out there and they can regroup and come harder than they did before. Now they know the layout, and what they are up against and they can strategize. He screwed Alexandria again.

I can see Morgan dying

I am leaning toward that feeling myself. Unless he makes a big change he is going to be his own worst enemy.

Eating a turtle raw :x :x :x :x

Morgan trippin. Really gonna tie dude up....then what? :smh:

Fools have the nerve to attack a town with only hand tools and not just kill people mutilate the bodies. You can't reason with that :stoneface:

Goes to show just how soft that town is though. Getting slaughtered with knives and yall got a room full of guns :smh:

Shorty hiding in the closet inside of the armory :smh:. Not saying she should run out blasting, but take a weapon with you at the very least. These people can't be this naive. They have an armory for crying out loud, everyone should know how to operate the weapons. Otherwise what is the point? Reminds of that party Deanna was having for Rick and the crew and Sasha spazzed on them. They living in la la land.

I think he was in the last scene when Denise couldn't save the girl she was operating on. He didn't have any lines.

:lol: Yeah just a head nod when his boyfriend told him he needed to help.

Wasn't Morgan with Rick and the other group last week? I thought that him and Michonne watched Rick finish that dude.

Rick sent him to Alexandria. I thought he sent Michonne too, but I guess I'm wrong.

give carol that damn Emmy right now. It's a travesty that she doesn't even get a nomination

Carol not even wasting her time to save carvers life. G status

That ***** :smh:. Carver needs to be exterminated asap. He screwed them at the church, he caused Bob to get bit at the food place. He lied about Rick and his crew. He is a waste, and serves no purpose.

She doesn't deserve an emmy, but I do like how she has been handling business since they were in the prison. Consistently stepping her game up, and saving Rick and the crew in Terminus. To be honest this is like heaven for her. She misses killing ****.

some of yall not catching details. rick sent morgan back after dude got bit in the face. morgan killed that dude after realizing some people cant be reasoned with. im willing to bet the farm that this isnt the real wolves. these are the lackees. they had no guns or nothing. they even said "we didn't choose" remember, the wolves are smart. as hell. remember how they set those traps with the trucks, and how they got the walkers back into the trucks after rick and co ruined it. these dudes are CUNNING. 

theyre not just running with a group of 15 willy nilly into alexandira. they sent the bottom of the barrel "soldiers" to do damage and scout the place. morgans dumb *** just let the scouts go. now the REAL wolves army is about to invade. ANNNNND ill take it a step further. im pretty sure enid is  wolf too. if she is, so many things start to make sense. if shes not, then shes seriosly deranged and disconnected from humanity. she was just strolling up to carls door like it was tuesday at 4pm.

I was with you until Enid being part of the wolves, only because they would have came sooner from the intel she provided. I give her a pass for being "crazy" and or disconnected from humanity. She witnessed her parents getting eaten alive. I think she is responding the way any of us would if we were 15 or 16 and mom and dad got devoured in front of us, and we had to eat a raw turtle. Hard thing to recover from :lol:

Nah dat boy def about THAT life

He better get on it quick. He done started a **** storm for the people of Alexandria.
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Yeah now that I think about it, I think the JSS girl is part of the wolves. I mean she kept on sneaking out to do what? That's why she wasn't even worried when it was going down
Yeah now that I think about it, I think the JSS girl is part of the wolves. I mean she kept on sneaking out to do what? That's why she wasn't even worried when it was going down
Yeah a few others said that from last season when she would sneak off and act all weird

Wouldn't be surprised

On the Talking Dead post show, she was on. They straight up asked her "will we be seeing your character the rest of the season?"

She answered: "if you do see her everyone will be pleasantly surprised". What is that supposed to mean?
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Good chance Enid is a wolf. When Carl told her to sit she says they are just people. That this place is to big to protect and has to many blind spots. Then starts to say "that's how we were able to ..........
If Enid is a wolf why didn't she just kill Carl? Obviously they have no remorse what's so ever and she had plenty of chances to kill Carl. In my opinion she was talking about them sneaking out all the time about the place being to big and blind spots
The way I see it they've built a dream team of survivalists and at this point no one can really pose a threat to Ricks group, it just took Carol alone to defend the town, had the rest of the squad been there, the Wolves wouldn't have lasted 3 minutes.

So in turn characters begin to get neutered in order to bring balance.

Anyways Carol Carol Carol....her character is not Emmy worthy acting wise (she's a good actress, but chill) however she is the best character in the entire length of this show, her development is what makes this show, it's absolute genius to bring out a survivalist out of a battered wife...she's AMAZING, she's not emotional, she's smart and collected...when they first entered Alexandria she knew exactly how to portray herself and fly under the radar, without thinking in this episode she knew exactly what to do in order to get the job done, off came the flower cardigan and on came the bloody W...she went full God mode catching bodies left and right....Carol is TWDs golden ticket...every other core character that's still alive were intro not that much different than they still are, she's a completely different person than she was at the beginning and that's due to the world they live in now...I think this is the first episode I see her break in a while....even when I thought she was gonna hold back on the killing she without hesitation stabs that dude in the head :lol:

Love her!

Incredible post. Couldnt have said it better myself
If Enid is a wolf why didn't she just kill Carl? Obviously they have no remorse what's so ever and she had plenty of chances to kill Carl. In my opinion she was talking about them sneaking out all the time about the place being to big and blind spots
Because she still has some humanity in her and she probably came to like Carl (and probably wanted to bone)

Just throwing it out there she might not even be a Wolf
This one wolf episode was better than all of FTWD (dont like that show at all). Carols great, she knows what has to be done and doenst hesitate to do it( i.e. klling the sick at the prison, killing lizzie, terminus and this episode). When she shot dude in the head after Morgan and Carver tied him up
. Morgan needs to get with the program ASAP, I hope he doesnt turn into another Tyresse. Oh, and carl not lighting that wolf up
acting like it was his first time shooting someone
wolves bringin butta knives to a gun fight against carol? :lol:

so enid a wolf or just trying to survive.
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This is my observation:

Wolves have all types of information about Alexandria and should know theyre equipped with guns yet still came in with axes

The Wolves that held Morgan at gunpoint took a risk by not having any ammo

If they werent low on guns and ammo, Wolves wouldve stormed Alexandria with some considering the first point (consequently, many of them died because they brought knives to a gunfight)
u dont send in pawns with heavy artillery. and it was the right call. the pawns armed with knives and 2 axes just killed like 70% of the town.... wolves are smart. this is chess bruh
u dont send in pawns with heavy artillery. and it was the right call. the pawns armed with knives and 2 axes just killed like 70% of the town.... wolves are smart. this is chess bruh
And that's why those pawns died. And they didnt have guns because they didnt have any or the dont have many. The Alexandrians have a lot of guns.

The attack made the Wolves weaker and it appeared that they had no motive other than to kill, which is NOT smart if they know what Rick and co are capable of. If their motive was to take over Alexandria, they wouldve brought guns if they were smart, or wanted to be successful. None of the Alexandrians killed were anybody of value.
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And that's why those pawns died. And they didnt have guns because they didnt have any or the dont have many. The Alexandrians have a lot of guns.

The attack made the Wolves weaker and it appeared that they had no motive other than to kill, which is NOT smart if they know what Rick and co are capable of. If their motive was to take over Alexandria, they wouldve brought guns if they were smart, or wanted to be successful. None of the Alexandrians killed were anybody of value.
i think u missed the point. i was saying to the others thinking the wolves were weak that this group of wolves are the expendable pawns. and u dont send in pawns with heavy artillery. Its not possible for the wolves to know how Rick and co. are... rick came across some wolves and killed them all back on the railroad. and of course u send pawns to kill. what else are they supposed to do? open up communication? they were there to test them. to cause as much damage as possible. thats it.
i think u missed the point. i was saying to the others thinking the wolves were weak that this group of wolves are the expendable pawns. and u dont send in pawns with heavy artillery. Its not possible for the wolves to know how Rick and co. are... rick came across some wolves and killed them all back on the railroad. and of course u send pawns to kill. what else are they supposed to do? open up communication? they were there to test them. to cause as much damage as possible. thats it.
I think you just highlighted some of the Wolves' weaknesses and negligence. They had pictures of Alexandria, possibly heard gunshots coming from the area, had opportunities to spy since Alexandria had so many blind spots, etc. and  couldve devised a better plan of attack. If a pawn planned it, why would the leader have let it go through, if he was so much smarter than them? It just seemed so sloppy. Hopefully it was a way to bait Rick and co to retaliate, as if the Wolves have a better plan when they do come for them.
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Don't know if it was mentioned yet but, there were zombies in the 18 wheeler right?
I'm not too sure. That would be interesting if they did load them up with Walkers though.

But at the same time, I feel that would be more work for the Wolves to clean up if they did take over Alexandria.
clearly if they are smart enough to set elaborate traps like walkers in the food depot, they aren't mindless idiots across the board.

but go ahead, keep thinking they weak. I'm sure they won't even phase Rick's group at all, right?
Regardless of their skill and smarts, Rick won't take kindly to them attacking the spot, especially when he wasn't there and his kids were. I see them going on the offensive back to the depot.
rick and his gang gonna survive this as always
feel like they will be the aggressors/hunters
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