The Walking Dead - Official Thread




Its true though.

Julius F. Wrek
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Killing Daryl just for the sake of introducing Tyreese is plain stupid. Daryl a supremely well developed character and to be offed like that is foolish.

The Rick/Daryl/T-Dog trio worked so why can't it be Rick/Daryl/Tyreese.

Daryl is arguably the most popular character in the TV series. And from what we've seen this season, it's clear that the writers listen and pay attention to what the audience thinks.

Just to be clear I know Daryl will die eventually but not to be just replaced by Tyreese.

I take it you havent read the comics

the show doesnt follow EVERY close detail to comics but the main out line has been there

Daryl leaving the show = controversy/up roar = media/buzz

He might not get murked right away but expect him to be gone in season 3.

we got 2 more episode of this half of the season so we shall see if he goes this half or next

but they already said MAJOR characters WILL die in the meet up its just a guess to who?

Im guessing The Baby, Hershal, Daryl, Merl, Oscar, Carol & some randoms from The Governors military

Hershal gets his comic death
The Baby get ex'd so we wont get attached and have to worry about it (plus the lady who plays lori came out on The Talk and said another child will day and she hinted it was a baby and its gross)
Daryl & Merl go out in a dramatic scene
Oscar gets the comic book Axel treatment
Carol probably gets killed by Merl in the line of fire and Daryl goes crazy and kills Merl but ends up getting killed in the heat of the battle

I dont think Glenn will go because they will probably play out him and Maggies love story and life cause that was BIG moment in the comics after the prison era
did you forget when rick and glen first met and had to run through the city to avoid walkers they hacked up some zombs and put it all over their body and just casually walked through

anyways little side note that annoys when..
these people are getting zombie innards all up in their grill. blood on their face and ****
but the only way you turn is if you get bit (or die from natural causes)
but im talking being alive 
like their teeth are what turns you into a zomb or some ish


Michonne got shot in the leg (open wound)

and about drowned in Zombie blood over her whole body but NONE happened to enter the wound?

writers need to fix this
Michonne got shot in the leg (open wound)
and about drowned in Zombie blood over her whole body but NONE happened to enter the wound?
writers need to fix this
right man when she first passed that crew of walkers and they didnt go after her my first thought was "this girls gone, she got zombie guts in her leg wound, shes slowly turning already"

but nah shes good apparently 

I agree.
But it'll probably happen.
It may be not be as dramatic as Tyrese's death in the comics, but that guy is chum. He did have that one moment of pride/courage when they were first discovered and he was at Daryl's mercy though.
Also from what they showed us with T-Dog's death, is that black guys are pretty much interchangeable.
Lose T-Dog, gain Oscar.
More than likely they'll ditch Oscar for Tyrese.
I see them taking from Daryl at the hands of Merle, than outright taking Daryl out.
But the character of Daryl just made it to the comics so, they could definitely take him out.
Sidenote: I think 2 poc (referring black people) is the limit for our protagonist group.
Jacqui and T-Dog gone, gain Oscar and Michonne, lose Oscar and gain Tyrese.
Julius F. Wrek

... Daryl's not in the Comics...
Some of you have worse memories than me if you forgot about Glen and Rick covering themselves before. Now she can can cover herself in zombie insides if she doesn't have new pet zombies in chains.
If they kill off Daryl for Tyrese I won't have any reason to watch this show. Tyrese was a weak character. Oooooo a jock black guy, I've never seen that before!
Some of you guys really expected Glenn to just shoot Merle? It would make no sense.

I wonder how Daryl's going to handle the fact that his brother is evil and kidnapped Glenn and whatever the girl's name was.
why not? if a dude had a gun to my girl's head in a zombie apocalypse damn right i'm shooting him no questions.

i think daryl will stay on rick's side and if darl dies i'm done with this show. dude saved the crew too many times to die, he's clearly the strongest in the crew.
When did he have the opportunity at that point to shoot Merle though. I was talking about before then. I'd agree that Glenn should have shot Merle after Merle pulled the gun on Maggie, but he never had a decent chance at that point.
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If they kill off Daryl for Tyrese I won't have any reason to watch this show. Tyrese was a weak character. Oooooo a jock black guy, I've never seen that before!
:stoneface: @ trying to sum up Tyrese like that.

If it's like that though, nobody will really care about the death of a white racist redneck that got a thing for a poor man's Jaime Lee Curtis that aint even in the comics.
Glenn and Maggie had guns drawn on Merle while he was talking and getting closer.  Rewatch that homie
Given the history the group has with Merle, they should have shot him on the spot.

**** outta here with that talking BS, we're trying to survive here.
^You right now that I think about it. Glen is pure vagina, guess it's Maggie banging him. All that killer talk to Herschel about wishing we killed all of the prisoners on sight and he hesitating like a child to kill Merle.
Glen was a delivery guy, no one expects him to act like a boss in gun standoff situations. Pounding Maggie all these months has made him even worse.
Merle put down his gun soon as he realized it was Glenn. Glenn shooting him would have been weird as hell. That's some **** Shane wouldn't even do.
Merle put down his gun soon as he realized it was Glenn. Glenn shooting him would have been weird as hell. That's some **** Shane wouldn't even do.

my dude shows up covered in blood, draws a gun on glenn and his gf, and has a knife for a hand in the midst of a zombie apocalypse. But yea, wouldn't want to appear weird. Killing merle (a major antagonist) is just too soon for a tv series especially when he still gotta tie the loose ends with his brother, michonne gotta get introduced to the group etc. whereas in real life he would have gotten clapped.
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I missed the last 15 minutes of last nights episode, but got caught up on it. One thing, is Merle taking Glenn and Maggie to the Governor? If so, I just thought about something that happened in the comics that hasn't, and most likely wont happen in the show...

When the Governor raped Michonne. Since she's seemingly not going to be in that position... so I'm thinking, is it possible Maggie takes her place? Glenn was locked up in the next room over in the comics, and I think Maggie assuming Michonne's role in that arc of the story would serve the show a better purpose in terms of all around development, as well as finally show how evil the Gov really is. And I'm already assuming Glenn's losing his hand, since it seems Rick wont be in that situation. Or that wont happen at all.

Havent read every page since last night yet, just wanted to post this thought before I lose it.
I missed the last 15 minutes of last nights episode, but got caught up on it. One thing, is Merle taking Glenn and Maggie to the Governor? If so, I just thought about something that happened in the comics that hasn't, and most likely wont happen in the show...

When the Governor raped Michonne. Since she's seemingly not going to be in that position... so I'm thinking, is it possible Maggie takes her place? Glenn was locked up in the next room over in the comics, and I think Maggie assuming Michonne's role in that arc of the story would serve the show a better purpose in terms of all around development, as well as finally show how evil the Gov really is. And I'm already assuming Glenn's losing his hand, since it seems Rick wont be in that situation. Or that wont happen at all.
Havent read every page since last night yet, just wanted to post this thought before I lose it.
i was thinking the same thing as soon as merle made them get in the truck. 

maggie will more than likely be the one that gets raped by the governor, not michonne. 
^You right now that I think about it. Glen is pure vagina, guess it's Maggie banging him. All that killer talk to Herschel about wishing we killed all of the prisoners on sight and he hesitating like a child to kill Merle.
I'm saying.
So say you're covered in walker guts and you're in a crowd of walkers. Then you decide to shank one in the head. Will you be noticed by the rest?
So say you're covered in walker guts and you're in a crowd of walkers. Then you decide to shank one in the head. Will you be noticed by the rest?

Naw, its all about the smell. I say that because lets say you have a group of walkers and one gets shot and drops, the others don't look to him in concern.
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