The Walking Dead - Official Thread

I don't see why they won't kill a few walkers put their bloody clothes on...maybe it would be too easy and the show could be boring at times
i cant see how you guys would think hes alive... he was practically surrounded by walkers and even if the other guys body was on top of glenn he still would be eatin alive... i am disappointed glenn died also and hope hes still alive but its unrealistic based on what just happened
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The way they played the angles leaves a lot of speculation, I'll tell u that. It was a weak way for him to go out if he did in fact get mauled, but either his acting isn't real good or he was crying at the situation he was in and not in utter pain from having his guts ripped out.

But like some said earlier, I see the stairs and said "Oh, ok, they'll get on the fire escape that already blocked, they're good money."

And how did dude have one more magic bullet in the chamber?
someone posted about a phantom manhole cover bring some ridiculous way he gets out of it

maybe. just maybe that might be some plausible way. :\

but yeah, those were def Nicholas's guts. not his own.
But even if it was Nicholas's blood covering Glenn, that's not walker blood, so he should still be killed.

Question, I know that Rick was attacked by the wolves at the end, but was the guy that shot at Rick the same guy that Morgan let go with the gun?
But even if it was Nicholas's blood covering Glenn, that's not walker blood, so he should still be killed.

Question, I know that Rick was attacked by the wolves at the end, but was the guy that shot at Rick the same guy that Morgan let go with the gun?
Yes. That's the same guy
But even if it was Nicholas's blood covering Glenn, that's not walker blood, so he should still be killed.

Question, I know that Rick was attacked by the wolves at the end, but was the guy that shot at Rick the same guy that Morgan let go with the gun?

I think so. Same hair type and all

My guy Rick blasted them fools with that AK tho
From a writing POV this is the dumbest way to write off one of the top 4 characters of the series, we have plenty of core yet disposable characters we could have done that to (Rosita, Abe, Sasha, Eugene) if they wanted, BUT Glenn!? Without giving Maggie actual closure?...alone!?...because of some newly introduced coward character who HE gave redemption to? doesn't have to make sense how he escapes, this is the show that had Herschel use the gameshark and put in infirmity ammo into that shotgun, and had an RV fall off a cliff and do a complete flip and land upright with no momentum...what matters is that they don't send off my dude like that, not him...that would be just terrible execution.

My take is Nicholas said Thank you, because he knew taking the L and dying will preoccupy the walkers with his body, it was his moment redemption...the walkers are tearing Nicholas apart and Glenn is under him...gunfire will eventually draw a lot of those walkers attention and give Glenn some room to see his way out....I'm not saying he's not bitten, but HE HAS TO MAKE IT HOME....he has to give the group closure...I've shed tears through most of the major deaths, the writers can't rob the audience of the emotion of mourning....we over here legit just wondering if he is or isn't dead...they gotta give us a chance to know for sure and absorb it properly, not kill him in "maybe he dead, maybe he not, ohh he didn't show up the rest of the season I guess he is dead after all" that would suck balls for a character like Glenn...probably the most beloved character of the entire show.

Nick clearly fell on top of him, the show elaborated on that. I know it's a show but we don't have guts in our upper chest, those were Nicholas guts. We've seen similar situations in earlier episodes where a live person was being covered by a dead person or walker.

I think Glenn is going to hide under the dumpster until the coast clears.

ALSO, earlier in the episode Glenn mentioned that things went south, he'd leave/make a sign to let them know he was still alive and make it. I expect to see that sign soon.

I was thinking about Glenn crawling under the dumpster while Nicholas was gettin consumed. Another reason to doubt his death is the last scene showing the walkers about to surround Rick, them over dramatizing the last few scenes leaves speculation.
Couldn't they just go into the dumpster and chill there :lol:

And I think Glenn will survive somehow
While it is plausible that it was Nicholas who was getting torn apart instead of Glenn I don't see a situation where he could've gotten out of that situation alive.

They were SURROUNDED by a herd walkers with no form of escape in sight. If Glenn was covered in Nicholas' blood that wouldn't deter the walkers from attacking him, it would be the exact opposite. Ole boy would be walker catnip. :lol:

It wasn't like he had a walker guts/blood pack that he could smear on himself to diddy bop outta that herd.

Now matter the eventually outcome, seeing a major character potential go out like that was a :wow: moment.

remember Glenn still has a knife on him

while they are feasting on Nick he can stab a couple of walkers in the head leaving him laying surrounded by dead walkers which he can just lay there and kill/slice/stab multiple walkers leaving so much walker blood and bodies by him that the living walkers dont bother him and continue to Alexandria

And then Rick went Rambo on the side of the trailer. That was dope lol. I'm ready to find out how he escapes the herd he's about to face.

Rick is in a better situation

he can climb on the roof and wait for Daryl while trying to get the radio to work
They gon have to do some great explaning like it was an alternate reality where Glenn didn't fall but Nick's body did. Glenn's face being exposed in a swarm of zombies and not unscathed leaves a big question mark.

Next week I'm gon need about 20mins dedicated to Morgan before he got to Alexandria and then the rest all action b. can't waste this 90min slot
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Imo if Glenn was killed off its a good thing. Shows no one is safe and takes the show in a different direction instead of the usual. That's what we as viewers want right? Not the same old
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Im now on Team Glensnotdead. But man he HAS to die soon. And it has to be either very epic or very emotional or very epically emotional.

I don't really mind Glenn dying because it does stray from the norm of the expendable people catching the fade but not the core squad. It's like right now Rick, Darryl, Carol, Michonne, and Glenn(?) are untouchable and won't really face any hardship. The backup squad could be expendable at the right time, like Beth :lol:

And I did feel a lil proud when all 3 people who made it back were Black :lol: (4 if you count Morgan getting there first) I'm jokin though.
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