The Walking Dead - Official Thread

This episode did absolutely nothing to advance the storyline. Definition of a filler episode before two "good" episodes to end the season. I'm not generally a critic of these episodes, but this "girl time" stuff was AWFUL.
Never underestimate the lengths this show will go to drag their feet with an episode.

War is not happening this season, not even one attack smh. These writers are pathetic
Oh **** I 100% forgot about TWD 
 2 weeks in a row I've missed 
I really thought the ladies will Takeover and start to lead after the death of Glenn and Abraham.. but I was wrong..

Get on the same page ladies.. Sasha and Rosita is really going to mess things up..
They'll probably show cutscenes from the entire season. Would be fine for anyone who has missed so far :lol:
I think if most of us didn't invest in 6 seasons that we would've cut this off already :smh:

Every comment I see in my Facebook timeline about this show is negative and that has never been the case. It's seems people are over it.
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Can't believe Sasha just sacrificed herself for no reason. :smh:

Running in there guns blazing getting nowhere near Negan :stoneface:

Waiting for a clean shot with the sniper in the abandoned building makes too much sense.
I legit tuned out when that Sasha thing happened. I was not invested at that point. Doesn't really make sense how that plan would work. Eugene is obviously a punk, that move doesn't surprise me. Knowing this writing team they will probably have him "redeem" himself soon.
This episode did absolutely nothing to advance the storyline. Definition of a filler episode before two "good" episodes to end the season. I'm not generally a critic of these episodes, but this "girl time" stuff was AWFUL.


weak *** episode

x2 :smh:

Oh **** I 100% forgot about TWD :lol:  2 weeks in a row I've missed :smh:

I'm in the same boat missed last 2 eipsodes to stubmle in this thread to see what I'm missing :smh:

looks like I stand corrected I will tune back in for the season finale and put this show behind me it was goog while it lasted.
I'm pretty underwhelmed at how they have used Jesus. The whole "did you threaten me?" Thing last night had me :rolleyes :smh:

Wish they had him actually be a badass :smh:
I thought the episode was good, and I think the season has been good so far.

I just base everything from Season 2 because that crap was 18 episodes drawn out in the same setting the same nonsense.

Wonder how much time has passed since the whole Negan thing? I think it's only been like 2-3 weeks since Glenn and Abe got their wigs spilt or am I wrong?
Yeah, why would Sasha go in to sacrifice herself? Wouldn't it be more strategic to retreat with Rosita and formulate a new method of attack with more people?

That would make too much sense though......
And Rosita literally saw Daryl later.. He know everything about that compound.. They could've easily developed a better plan.. Instead of Sasha just going in there blind and shooting randoms..

Sasha.. :smh:
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Not that this show does anything right anymore, but when the hell did Darryl get to the Hilltop?

Like I thought last we saw him was at the Kingdom when he saw Carol no?
I thought it was dwight.

I missed the first 3 episodes tho so i dunno whats going on with him
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