The Walking Dead - Official Thread

that was just so corny lol.. morgan getting trained by a random person and getting learning how to use his broom stick to fight? sounds like something straight out of a fairy tale
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You guys are trippin' and lack humanity if that episode didn't pull you into your feels. One of the best episodes this season, hands down.
That was like a combination of batman begins and that episode of better call saul where saul visits his overweight friend
Haven't watched it yet, but not surprised by the reaction to the Morgantello centric episode on here.

Probably was a good episode, but I know people are anxious to know Glenn's fate so they DGAF.

And next week's is another character centric episode too?
I really don't think it was a good episode. It was way too long, redundant, corny at times. To shoehorn this in at this point of the season really makes no sense.

They could have sprinkled in some flashbacks throughout the season and we would have still got the information we needed. Delivery was just lacking.
I was upset about the episode in the beginning but overall enjoyed it. Like someone said above, I would've liked to see his son get bitten by moms and then show him trippin before his spot burned down.

I honestly think that there's going to be a moment when he transitions to being the dude that values life but is more selective in the life that he values. Right now he's like the person who just found religion and want to be gung-ho about it.

Crazy thing is, it didn't even feel like 90min.
I enjoyed the episode. It probably could have been shorter, but Lenny is a great actor and the dynamic of their bonding was well done.
So Steven Yeun wasn't in the opening credits? I see you trolling TWD. I see you.

He's most definitely alive. For right now at least.
I'm just gonna consider this a bottle episode. I'll assume the writers were just trying to save a little coin for the finale. Ie. Breaking Bads "The Fly" episode.

Otherwise that was some trash.
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Yeah. I loved Hung. He was a funny and cool pimp on there but I will always remember him from Snatch.


Wow even the trainer who taught the actors how to use the bow staff worked on the ninja turtle movies. Nice.

So was it just a coincidence that the teacher's name was "Eastman" ?
I told my wife the episode would be boring before it started. I ended up liking it tho but she complained the entire time lol. I think that made me appreciate the story telling that much more.

Thought Morgan would flip the switch and kill that wolf at the end. Keeping him alive i feel like is just foreshadowing. Morgan is either going to be the reason somebody in the community dies or he ends up saving lives by killing again.
I've thought this since the season premiere, but after this episode I am 100% certain that Morgan is gonna die by the end of the season. they're just setting up is eventual death with his whole 'refusal to kill' philosophy. keeping the member of the Wolves that's tried to kill you twice locked up and thinking you can change him like Eastman did to you?? bad idea, Morgan. this gon get ugly :smh:
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