THE WALKING DEAD -- vaya con dios

pretty sure they're just gonna show one ep.
if all fails... just change your tv settings
Why the %@!@ didn't anyone tell me how dope this series is? On a whim, I copped the Season 1 blu-ray at Costco last Friday. Ended up watching it all that night with the wife. We were fiending for more, only to find out Season 2 doesn't drop until August. Immediately used AppleTV to buy the overpriced entire season and finished it in 2 days. All I can say is that this show is the %*#*. October cannot come soon enough.
Originally Posted by rayray3thousand

will they ever release a hard copy of the episode one game?

Telltale will probably release all the episodes on one disc but that is probably several months down the road.

Finished The Rise of Governor; great read.

I started watching that episode 2 vid, but remembered I haven't even played the 1st episode yet.

I need to get on that.

Finally got around to playing Episode 1.

I told myself was only going to play it for about an hour, ended up damn near finishing the episode.

Really enjoying this game.
Have about two chapters left.

Can you replay the game without it overwriting your previous progress?

I want to replay the episode again to make different choices but I want the choices I made during my original playthrough to carry over to Episode 2.
I can't wait until the 2nd book of the governor comes out.

Forgot what it's called though....
Originally Posted by toine2983

Finally got around to playing Episode 1.

I told myself was only going to play it for about an hour, ended up damn near finishing the episode.

Really enjoying this game.
Have about two chapters left.

Can you replay the game without it overwriting your previous progress?

I want to replay the episode again to make different choices but I want the choices I made during my original playthrough to carry over to Episode 2.

I was wondering the same thing as well?
Originally Posted by Uptempo kid

Originally Posted by LiveMyReality

Originally Posted by nawghtyhare

I TRIED to save Shawn or whatever his name was but he got bit anyway and I saved the female reporter cause %+$* she had a gun and knew she would come in handy. I know I wanna kill that dude Larry. So first chance I get if it's him or somebody else it's gonna be the other person that I save. But I hope lee puts it down on the daughter first cause it looks like she wants it and I will be satisfied to let him know that lee whipped it out for his daughter before his death

Man, my logic was wrong. I saved the guy because I assumed the girl still had bullets and she could handle herself. Guess not. HAHA.

 I went straight for cause she held me down earlier. She kept it on the hush
 Same thing for me. I went STRAIGHT for her. and im guessing Hershel son dies either way cause I picked him to survive and he died anyway.
Originally Posted by 6 rings MJ

Originally Posted by toine2983

Finally got around to playing Episode 1.

I told myself was only going to play it for about an hour, ended up damn near finishing the episode.

Really enjoying this game.
Have about two chapters left.

Can you replay the game without it overwriting your previous progress?

I want to replay the episode again to make different choices but I want the choices I made during my original playthrough to carry over to Episode 2.

I was wondering the same thing as well?
i think theres 3 save slots so u can start over and when u start episode 2 it will probably ask which save slot to choose from
nawghtyhare wrote:
Originally Posted by 6 rings MJ

toine2983 wrote:
Finally got around to playing Episode 1.

I told myself was only going to play it for about an hour, ended up damn near finishing the episode.

Really enjoying this game.
Have about two chapters left.

Can you replay the game without it overwriting your previous progress?

I want to replay the episode again to make different choices but I want the choices I made during my original playthrough to carry over to Episode 2.

I was wondering the same thing as well?
i think theres 3 save slots so u can start over and when u start episode 2 it will probably ask which save slot to choose from're correct.. I'm going to use the other 2 slots..until episode 2 is available..
FYI, Episode 2 will be available on PSN on Friday; not sure when for XBL.
Friends, how in the world do I distract Andy from the barn? I tried to tell him his brother called for him and tried turning off the generator numerous times, but still didn't work.
NM, figured it out. 

Just finished episode two. Had a feeling that those at the Dairy farm were like that. Meeting people like Andy and Danny would probably be my second fear if a zombie invasion were to happen. 
Been reading the comics lately, and I just finished book 4. Ummm... holy %#!*. (Yeah, spoilers are very spoilerish indeed, so dont click it if you aint read the comics yet.)

Spoiler [+]
Talk about thinning the heard. RIP Tyresse and like a bajillion other people. Really wish the Governor was murked by Rick or Michonne though, his death was kind of... cheap. Unlike the show, I'm lightweight upset Lori's dead. She wasn't really as annoying in the comics as she is IRL, but I'm really interested in where this takes Rick's mental state.

Now I just gotta hold off on ordering book 5, try to space this out enough that I dont finish these books too fast. Guess I'll occupy myself with non-picture books

Sidenote: There is no way the show is pulling off half of what's been going on since the gang arrived at the prison, though
Straight to HBO with that.
anybody finish playing episode 2 yet?

I started it last night and probably finish it tonight.

When does episode 3 come out? LOL
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