The Wolverine - Movie Thread (07/26/13) - Trailers on page 7

Yeah, the only characters I know are Logan and Silver Samurai. Silver Samurai looks like he's a robot in that trailer.

Viper character is kinda hot.
Viper is Madame Hydra, she'd been featured in comics a lot and she was actually in the Avengers animated series that was cancelled earlier this year.
Oh ok. Didn't think about her being connected to Wolverine. I liked her in The Avengers cartoon. The new one looks lame.
GreyFoxx - I live in MD. We go to 5 & Below before the movies to get candy & walk into the theater with our pockets "swoll". :lol:

Answers for questions from the previous page about characters from the new posters...

Viper - Not sure of this is the normal Viper in Marvel Universe aka Madame Hydra...

Harada - aka the Silver Samurai & bastard son of Shingen Yashida. Has mutant ability to channel energy into most commonly a sword, to create an energy field capable of cutting anything except adamantium. I think he can teleport too. Cousin of Sunfire (mutant).

Mariko - Very long story line but daughter of Shingen Yashida. No mutant powers. Logan's fiance. Not going to say more as not to spoil for some NTers. Cousin to Sunfire (mutant).

Shingen Yashida - In Marvel universe, he's a Japanese Yakuza crime boss & father or Mariko. Also very long story line with Wolverine. Vast criminal entity & ties to imperial Japanese throne. Has extensive knowledge of the human body that he's used against his foes like Logan.

Yukio - from the X-Men universe. She's a female ninja who first popped up when Logan had his problems with Shingen Yashida. In the comics, she had no mutant powers or anything. Ties to The Hand.
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To those who hasn't read the comic, this is a must see when it comes out.

Earlier this year, Hugh Jackman revealed that he would like nothing more than to see Wolverine fighting alongside Earth's Mightiest Heroes. In a recent interview with Collider, the Academy Award nominated actor told the site that he has actually approached Marvel to see if such a crossover could ever be made a reality.

"I literally asked the same question the other day to Tom from Marvel who works with all the other studios, he works with Sony and Fox, that’s his job to liaise. I said, ‘Man, can this happen?’ and he goes ‘Look, it’s not gonna be easy because you’re working with different studios and they’re their properties.’ But I believe—maybe I’m optimistic, I understand at Marvel they’ve got The Avengers, they’ve got a lot of big things going on, but at some point I just find it almost impossible that there’s not a way to bring Iron Man, all the Avengers characters, Wolverine, the X-Men characters, Spider-Man, and somehow get them in together."

However, as we all know, the rights issues make such a team-up incredibly difficult! Jackman meanwhile has a very sensible solution as to how they could handle it.

"I don’t see the impediment! I’m like, okay you’ve got three studios, just split it three ways in terms of the cost, and happy days it’s all coming together! I would love to… I’m in for it, I’m totally up for it because I think that would be really exciting for fans across the board."
I kinda feel bad for Jackman, Garfield and all the other folks who can't be a part of THE Marvel cinematic universe. Damn shame :smh:
If the we want it bad enough eventually it happen. C'mon infinity gauntlet!

Imagine how much they'll make off of merchandising alone :x
I'd love to see these characters crossover into one film. Hopefully a minor crossover happens in Avengers 2.
How are you going to determine whether the movie sucks or not? I mean one person could love it while the other could hate it.
How are you going to determine whether the movie sucks or not? I mean one person could love it while the other could hate it.
I think we will be able to agree when this m ur releases if it is trash or not. I mean Silver samurai is a robot :rolleyes
Not the whole film, he likely gets an upgrade later on to finish off the film.

I still think it'll end up an argument if either person wants to lose because you guys view it differently. :lol:

I mean I believe it was Grim who hated and said MoS sucked w/o seeing the film. :rofl:
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