The Wolverine - Movie Thread (07/26/13) - Trailers on page 7

Also every X movie minus First Class has been about Wolverine. They need to establish a better world and richer characters before reintroducing him but they'll mess it up like they always do

and even in first class wolverine stole the show with only three words :rofl:
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Ya'll want the Wolverine comic book costume? Here it is...

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Possible Spoiler

Potential Cameo in The Wolverine Revealed?

Fox Creative Consultant Mark Millar once referred to The Wolverine as Fox's answer to Iron Man, meaning the start of an expanded and interconnected universe. Now it appears they're really trying to answer Iron Man.

JoBlo is reporting on a small re-shoot for the film in Montreal. According to their source, a short scene was being filmed, potentially for a post-credits stinger like Nick Fury's appearance in Iron Man, that saw Logan entering an airport and being greeted by Patrick Stewart as Professor Xavier.

Now, this raises many points if it turns out to be true. The first of which is that The Wolverine has long been confirmed to take place after the events of X-Men: The Last Stand, and if you recall Xavier died in that film. If you think back further though, the post-credits scene in that film teased Xavier's "revival" in the body of his braindead twin brother on Muir Island. Xavier would be able to walk in his "new body" and JoBlo's sources report that he was in fact not in a wheelchair for the shoot

Why is Xavier coming to visit Logan at an airport? Could it be to setup the upcoming X-Men: Days of Future Past?
after the events of X-Men: The Last Stand, and if you recall Xavier died in that film. If you think back further though, the post-credits scene in that film teased Xavier's "revival" in the body of his braindead twin brother on Muir Island


There's an after credits scene in X3??????
I like what I'm seeing from this movie. I'm seeing a lot of questions about it but moreso based on how they're handling the characters (i.e. how Silver Samurai looks)

But as someone who doesn't know much about the comics, this looks good as an action movie
after the events of X-Men: The Last Stand, and if you recall Xavier died in that film. If you think back further though, the post-credits scene in that film teased Xavier's "revival" in the body of his braindead twin brother on Muir Island


There's an after credits scene in X3??????

^^^ whoa mind is blown
Could we see onslaught???
Or professor x just comes back
After all these years I never there was a extra scene
after the events of X-Men: The Last Stand, and if you recall Xavier died in that film. If you think back further though, the post-credits scene in that film teased Xavier's "revival" in the body of his braindead twin brother on Muir Island


There's an after credits scene in X3??????

:lol: how am I just now knowing there was a post credit scene guess I was in a rush to leave the theater :lol:
lmao at people just wanting to get the **** out of the theater

I remember my friends caught the midnight showing at the expense of being tired at school the next day, and were beyond pissed they made that choice
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