The Wolverine - Movie Thread (07/26/13) - Trailers on page 7

I read somewhere Russell Crowe was originally offered the role as Logan but I'm perfectly fine with Jackman, he's a good actor who seems to take his role as Wolverine pretty serious and dude gets jacked for every film. I can't really see any current actor doing a better job.
I read somewhere Russell Crowe was originally offered the role as Logan but I'm perfectly fine with Jackman, he's a good actor who seems to take his role as Wolverine pretty serious and dude gets jacked for every film. I can't really see any current actor doing a better job.

Can't see Crowe in that type of physical shape, but actors have the resources to morph their it probably could have been done.
Can't see Crowe in that type of physical shape, but actors have the resources to morph their it probably could have been done.

when its your JOB and hollywood money, not to mention resources...............

a lot of things are possible.

steezy even you could look like that if its your ft job to look so, with top trainers and food behind you man, even a lil "assistance" to get em there quicker at age 40.
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I read somewhere Russell Crowe was originally offered the role as Logan but I'm perfectly fine with Jackman, he's a good actor who seems to take his role as Wolverine pretty serious and dude gets jacked for every film. I can't really see any current actor doing a better job.

Crowe actually suggested Jackman for the role of Wolverine since they are good friends and both Australian (well Crowe lived in Australia since he was kid).
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this NEEDS to be rated R.
but it wont be. :smh:

It would be great if I was they could actually show the true wolverine.
It would be pretty cool if they could hint at daken and romulus towards the end off the movie and have them be the villains in the next one
This should have had Tarantino atleast producing it.

Imagine the sword fighting scenes :pimp: :x :wow:
Will watch.
The only Xmen movie I didnt like was The Last Stand.
Left too many plot holes.
I liked Origins. I think im in the minority here though.
Will watch.
The only Xmen movie I didnt like was The Last Stand.
Left too many plot holes.
I liked Origins. I think im in the minority here though.

Nope... bro I feel you on all of what you said except for the last stand it was decent but I understand the plot wholes statement. I like origins too I would've liked it if they went deeper into Logan's story beside the whole quick clip of the beginning credits. This movie I am looking forward to foshoooooo......

:smokin x Infiniti
i wonder who else they were thinking of casting instead of jackman..i couldnt think of anyone off the top..

they also needed a "big" give it that push.

besides gerard butler and jason statham i dont see anyone fitting this role.
Maybe they could've hired Statham if Wolverine drove his jeep the whole time and wore a hat.

I like Jackman as Wolverine. He looks like the character to me besides the height of course. Dude looks like a savage.
smh these super heroes movies are played out.. thats why thers no good movies any more.. save it for the kids
Disrespected that man's car.
smh these super heroes movies are played out.. thats why thers no good movies any more.. save it for the kids
Adults get more geeked about these superhero movies than the kids sometimes. A lot of us grew up watching the cartoons or reading the comics and seeing them in live action on the big screen is awesome for the most part.
Adults get more geeked about these superhero movies than the kids sometimes. A lot of us grew up watching the cartoons or reading the comics and seeing them in live action on the big screen is awesome for the most part.
to each his own... well not for me, its too corny and destroying the film industry.... we need classics and good movies not these bs
yes excatly ... everytime i go to the theaters and i see something corny/fake ill be sighing real loud like WTF... especially CGI i hate that ****... especially when it look cheap, you'll hate to have to watch movies with me...
Still wish Aronofsky was directing this, I really wanted to see what his vision for this film would have been
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