The word God is nothing more than the expression and product of human weakness.

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

I have read a lot about metaphysics. It still doesn't change the fact that our existence is by accident.
You're right, you know it all already.

What's the point of even opening up discussion, when our society has geniuses like lobotomybeats to break it down for us?

Science is humble, always changing, always advancing. I'd rather sidewith something that'll find the right answers and prove themlogically�than with�something that claims to have ALL the answers andhas to be taken on faith.��I'm just saying, all the questions that youcurrently answer with "God" will have answers eventually. And we'reperfectly fine with saying "We don't know yet, but we're trying to findout right now"

So science is your God, then.. true scientists know that there are crucial questions that the field of science can never answer. But for some reason, the devoted acolytes of the Church of Empirical Science seem convinced that science will eventually explain everything (not talking about you in particular, just the particular faction of people who assert with certainty that empirical science is the end all be all.. the Richard Dawkins-types). At a certain point you have to admit that you are putting blind faith in something as well.
really who gives a @%*% about what other people believe or do? let them do them and you do you. mother +@##%! got too much time on here worrying about the next man and if he believe in god. dinosaurs, or the hamburgalar or not...
really who gives a @%*% about what other people believe or do? let them do them and you do you. mother +@##%! got too much time on here worrying about the next man and if he believe in god. dinosaurs, or the hamburgalar or not...
Originally Posted by NobleKane

really who gives a @%*% about what other people believe or do? let them do them and you do you. mother +@##%! got too much time on here worrying about the next man and if he believe in god. dinosaurs, or the hamburgalar or not...

Well damn!!!!
Originally Posted by NobleKane

really who gives a @%*% about what other people believe or do? let them do them and you do you. mother +@##%! got too much time on here worrying about the next man and if he believe in god. dinosaurs, or the hamburgalar or not...

Well damn!!!!
I didn't read the thread in it's entirety, but with the guy that asked this ...

"Say one day religion and a higher being were PROVEN to be false. As in its a FACT that its not real, its accepted that its not true.
What would you do then??"

And you all sat here and said "it'll never happen though" ... how do YOU know?

That's unbelievable, but you expect people to sit here & believe this almighty power is looking down on us, waiting for us to die to choose if we're going to live lavish or not.

That's ridiculous to believe, if you won't even believe something like al3mac1 stated, how could you believe THAT?

If someone put it into your head that that's what it is, how it will be, and if you don't believe that you may be doomed forever - that's how.
Originally Posted by NobleKane

really who gives a @%*% about what other people believe or do? let them do them and you do you. mother +@##%! got too much time on here worrying about the next man and if he believe in god. dinosaurs, or the hamburgalar or not...

..and there it is ladies and gentlemen! The wonderfully astute, then always insightful and incredibly articulate "noble kane", has spoken!

Way to go Kris!
I didn't read the thread in it's entirety, but with the guy that asked this ...

"Say one day religion and a higher being were PROVEN to be false. As in its a FACT that its not real, its accepted that its not true.
What would you do then??"

And you all sat here and said "it'll never happen though" ... how do YOU know?

That's unbelievable, but you expect people to sit here & believe this almighty power is looking down on us, waiting for us to die to choose if we're going to live lavish or not.

That's ridiculous to believe, if you won't even believe something like al3mac1 stated, how could you believe THAT?

If someone put it into your head that that's what it is, how it will be, and if you don't believe that you may be doomed forever - that's how.
Originally Posted by NobleKane

really who gives a @%*% about what other people believe or do? let them do them and you do you. mother +@##%! got too much time on here worrying about the next man and if he believe in god. dinosaurs, or the hamburgalar or not...

..and there it is ladies and gentlemen! The wonderfully astute, then always insightful and incredibly articulate "noble kane", has spoken!

Way to go Kris!
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

When I said persuade me, I mean that I am interested in your logic on the subject. Right now, I will say I don't have a solid belief system. Which is why I am interested in what all of you have to say. I will take that and do my own research. So it wasn't about changing my thoughts. My thoughts are written in pencil right now.

But how can you compare it to the idea that the world is flat? The fact that everyone believes it?

I just want to know how you feel this universe came about. Where did it come from if it had no starting point? Meaning it always existed? But didn't it have to start somewhere? You are losing me with that thought.

Found something on the subject:

Someone said:

before the universe there was no such thing as time so therefore the universe was the beginning of time.

That is interesting, and it is nice to read it again! That said, The universe has always been here, but perhaps we as beings have not. Possibly the beginning of time for HUMANKIND is what may be refered to as a timeline. But then again, that is the arrogance of some men thinking that all of this was somehow created for us to live in, as if there was nothing else here in existence. There is some evidence of other mammals being older than mankind. Should they be discounted during the continuum? They too contribute to the evolution of the earth, just as we do.

So, with the thinking of the beginning of all of this, I think that we must think outside of ourselves for a moment. 

The world isn't flat, and the universe didn't just begin when we came to conciousness.  
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

When I said persuade me, I mean that I am interested in your logic on the subject. Right now, I will say I don't have a solid belief system. Which is why I am interested in what all of you have to say. I will take that and do my own research. So it wasn't about changing my thoughts. My thoughts are written in pencil right now.

But how can you compare it to the idea that the world is flat? The fact that everyone believes it?

I just want to know how you feel this universe came about. Where did it come from if it had no starting point? Meaning it always existed? But didn't it have to start somewhere? You are losing me with that thought.

Found something on the subject:

Someone said:

before the universe there was no such thing as time so therefore the universe was the beginning of time.

That is interesting, and it is nice to read it again! That said, The universe has always been here, but perhaps we as beings have not. Possibly the beginning of time for HUMANKIND is what may be refered to as a timeline. But then again, that is the arrogance of some men thinking that all of this was somehow created for us to live in, as if there was nothing else here in existence. There is some evidence of other mammals being older than mankind. Should they be discounted during the continuum? They too contribute to the evolution of the earth, just as we do.

So, with the thinking of the beginning of all of this, I think that we must think outside of ourselves for a moment. 

The world isn't flat, and the universe didn't just begin when we came to conciousness.  
I've been torn all week about posting a thread about "unintelligent design".
 I f God created us in his image he did an AWFUL job
I've been torn all week about posting a thread about "unintelligent design".
 I f God created us in his image he did an AWFUL job
Im surprised this thread has been going strong all week...In actuality no side will be able to convince the other of anything. What people don't understand is even scientists that come up with these scientifically proven "Facts" about creation, evolution and what-not are having a war among themselves over who is right. I read in an article once that scientists are assuming that creation by a higher power being based off myth and miracle, while they draw upon the same myth and miracle to convince people that we were once monkeys, then before that rodents, and before that some shapeless matter with the POTENTIAL to become something living.

And its not that far fetched that the earth was placed here for man to live on. Yes there were living beings on earth before man, but how many were given the brain and survival instincts that we have? And if you look at almost everything man created, it is mimicked from Nature. The cameras we use are mimicked from the eyeball, wetsuits work like skin, certain structures we revere were built and designed from looking at nature, planes were modeled after birds etc.

If the earth was moved 1 inch closer to the sun in orbit we would be torched. If it was moved 1 inch away we would be frozen. The axis of the earth allows for 4 seasons, days that allow us to recharge, and all varieties of climates..its hard to say all of this was mere chance in my eyes. Just because you can't see something doesn't mean it isn't there. A scientist didnt have to tell me that the wind blows, and I have never seen WIND in my entire life, jjust the SIGNS and RESULTS of wind, but that doesn't mean I can say it doesn't exist.
Im surprised this thread has been going strong all week...In actuality no side will be able to convince the other of anything. What people don't understand is even scientists that come up with these scientifically proven "Facts" about creation, evolution and what-not are having a war among themselves over who is right. I read in an article once that scientists are assuming that creation by a higher power being based off myth and miracle, while they draw upon the same myth and miracle to convince people that we were once monkeys, then before that rodents, and before that some shapeless matter with the POTENTIAL to become something living.

And its not that far fetched that the earth was placed here for man to live on. Yes there were living beings on earth before man, but how many were given the brain and survival instincts that we have? And if you look at almost everything man created, it is mimicked from Nature. The cameras we use are mimicked from the eyeball, wetsuits work like skin, certain structures we revere were built and designed from looking at nature, planes were modeled after birds etc.

If the earth was moved 1 inch closer to the sun in orbit we would be torched. If it was moved 1 inch away we would be frozen. The axis of the earth allows for 4 seasons, days that allow us to recharge, and all varieties of climates..its hard to say all of this was mere chance in my eyes. Just because you can't see something doesn't mean it isn't there. A scientist didnt have to tell me that the wind blows, and I have never seen WIND in my entire life, jjust the SIGNS and RESULTS of wind, but that doesn't mean I can say it doesn't exist.
well idk some people that believe in the hamburgler and what not like you said happen to want to destroy you and everything u know, its only a matter of time before a god worshiping group from wherever sets off a nuclear weapon somewhere because they think god wants them too, people are just fearful and cant handle the unknown factor, its natural
well idk some people that believe in the hamburgler and what not like you said happen to want to destroy you and everything u know, its only a matter of time before a god worshiping group from wherever sets off a nuclear weapon somewhere because they think god wants them too, people are just fearful and cant handle the unknown factor, its natural
I can't ride with any side that claims they know the absolute truth.

With that being said I have to roll with science, but I will still keep an open mind about the possibility of there being a higher power.

But I will never say "I KNOW"
I can't ride with any side that claims they know the absolute truth.

With that being said I have to roll with science, but I will still keep an open mind about the possibility of there being a higher power.

But I will never say "I KNOW"
Originally Posted by 360wavesandxbox

Im surprised this thread has been going strong all week...In actuality no side will be able to convince the other of anything. What people don't understand is even scientists that come up with these scientifically proven "Facts" about creation, evolution and what-not are having a war among themselves over who is right. I read in an article once that scientists are assuming that creation by a higher power being based off myth and miracle, while they draw upon the same myth and miracle to convince people that we were once monkeys, then before that rodents, and before that some shapeless matter with the POTENTIAL to become something living.

And its not that far fetched that the earth was placed here for man to live on. Yes there were living beings on earth before man, but how many were given the brain and survival instincts that we have? And if you look at almost everything man created, it is mimicked from Nature. The cameras we use are mimicked from the eyeball, wetsuits work like skin, certain structures we revere were built and designed from looking at nature, planes were modeled after birds etc.

If the earth was moved 1 inch closer to the sun in orbit we would be torched. If it was moved 1 inch away we would be frozen. The axis of the earth allows for 4 seasons, days that allow us to recharge, and all varieties of climates..its hard to say all of this was mere chance in my eyes. Just because you can't see something doesn't mean it isn't there. A scientist didnt have to tell me that the wind blows, and I have never seen WIND in my entire life, jjust the SIGNS and RESULTS of wind, but that doesn't mean I can say it doesn't exist.

It is only those who believe who are trying to convince. Those of us who do not, do not need to convince anyone of anything. We do not have to disprove what has NOT been proven. Einstien made a valid point, we agree, as none has ever proven the existence of any higher deity.

So again, what proof do you have, if any, that all of this was made simply for humans? I dare any of you to cite the bible, or any of the creationist dogma that suggests that we are the only reason for the earth and universe to exist. 
Originally Posted by 360wavesandxbox

Im surprised this thread has been going strong all week...In actuality no side will be able to convince the other of anything. What people don't understand is even scientists that come up with these scientifically proven "Facts" about creation, evolution and what-not are having a war among themselves over who is right. I read in an article once that scientists are assuming that creation by a higher power being based off myth and miracle, while they draw upon the same myth and miracle to convince people that we were once monkeys, then before that rodents, and before that some shapeless matter with the POTENTIAL to become something living.

And its not that far fetched that the earth was placed here for man to live on. Yes there were living beings on earth before man, but how many were given the brain and survival instincts that we have? And if you look at almost everything man created, it is mimicked from Nature. The cameras we use are mimicked from the eyeball, wetsuits work like skin, certain structures we revere were built and designed from looking at nature, planes were modeled after birds etc.

If the earth was moved 1 inch closer to the sun in orbit we would be torched. If it was moved 1 inch away we would be frozen. The axis of the earth allows for 4 seasons, days that allow us to recharge, and all varieties of climates..its hard to say all of this was mere chance in my eyes. Just because you can't see something doesn't mean it isn't there. A scientist didnt have to tell me that the wind blows, and I have never seen WIND in my entire life, jjust the SIGNS and RESULTS of wind, but that doesn't mean I can say it doesn't exist.

It is only those who believe who are trying to convince. Those of us who do not, do not need to convince anyone of anything. We do not have to disprove what has NOT been proven. Einstien made a valid point, we agree, as none has ever proven the existence of any higher deity.

So again, what proof do you have, if any, that all of this was made simply for humans? I dare any of you to cite the bible, or any of the creationist dogma that suggests that we are the only reason for the earth and universe to exist. 
Originally Posted by Nat Turner

Originally Posted by 360wavesandxbox

Im surprised this thread has been going strong all week...In actuality no side will be able to convince the other of anything. What people don't understand is even scientists that come up with these scientifically proven "Facts" about creation, evolution and what-not are having a war among themselves over who is right. I read in an article once that scientists are assuming that creation by a higher power being based off myth and miracle, while they draw upon the same myth and miracle to convince people that we were once monkeys, then before that rodents, and before that some shapeless matter with the POTENTIAL to become something living.

And its not that far fetched that the earth was placed here for man to live on. Yes there were living beings on earth before man, but how many were given the brain and survival instincts that we have? And if you look at almost everything man created, it is mimicked from Nature. The cameras we use are mimicked from the eyeball, wetsuits work like skin, certain structures we revere were built and designed from looking at nature, planes were modeled after birds etc.

If the earth was moved 1 inch closer to the sun in orbit we would be torched. If it was moved 1 inch away we would be frozen. The axis of the earth allows for 4 seasons, days that allow us to recharge, and all varieties of climates..its hard to say all of this was mere chance in my eyes. Just because you can't see something doesn't mean it isn't there. A scientist didnt have to tell me that the wind blows, and I have never seen WIND in my entire life, jjust the SIGNS and RESULTS of wind, but that doesn't mean I can say it doesn't exist.

It is only those who believe who are trying to convince. Those of us who do not, do not need to convince anyone of anything. We do not have to disprove what has NOT been proven. Einstien made a valid point, we agree, as none has ever proven the existence of any higher deity.

So again, what proof do you have, if any, that all of this was made simply for humans? I dare any of you to cite the bible, or any of the creationist dogma that suggests that we are the only reason for the earth and universe to exist. 
Um... no, it's not... the existence of this thread indicates otherwise.

Neither "side" NEEDS to convince anyone of anything... people on both "sides" CHOOSE to attempt to do so.
Originally Posted by Nat Turner

Originally Posted by 360wavesandxbox

Im surprised this thread has been going strong all week...In actuality no side will be able to convince the other of anything. What people don't understand is even scientists that come up with these scientifically proven "Facts" about creation, evolution and what-not are having a war among themselves over who is right. I read in an article once that scientists are assuming that creation by a higher power being based off myth and miracle, while they draw upon the same myth and miracle to convince people that we were once monkeys, then before that rodents, and before that some shapeless matter with the POTENTIAL to become something living.

And its not that far fetched that the earth was placed here for man to live on. Yes there were living beings on earth before man, but how many were given the brain and survival instincts that we have? And if you look at almost everything man created, it is mimicked from Nature. The cameras we use are mimicked from the eyeball, wetsuits work like skin, certain structures we revere were built and designed from looking at nature, planes were modeled after birds etc.

If the earth was moved 1 inch closer to the sun in orbit we would be torched. If it was moved 1 inch away we would be frozen. The axis of the earth allows for 4 seasons, days that allow us to recharge, and all varieties of climates..its hard to say all of this was mere chance in my eyes. Just because you can't see something doesn't mean it isn't there. A scientist didnt have to tell me that the wind blows, and I have never seen WIND in my entire life, jjust the SIGNS and RESULTS of wind, but that doesn't mean I can say it doesn't exist.

It is only those who believe who are trying to convince. Those of us who do not, do not need to convince anyone of anything. We do not have to disprove what has NOT been proven. Einstien made a valid point, we agree, as none has ever proven the existence of any higher deity.

So again, what proof do you have, if any, that all of this was made simply for humans? I dare any of you to cite the bible, or any of the creationist dogma that suggests that we are the only reason for the earth and universe to exist. 
Um... no, it's not... the existence of this thread indicates otherwise.

Neither "side" NEEDS to convince anyone of anything... people on both "sides" CHOOSE to attempt to do so.
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