The word God is nothing more than the expression and product of human weakness.

Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by torgriffith

Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by torgriffith

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

torgriffith wrote:

proper english wrote:

i am an Atheist..  i have my reasons..

but i cant help to think that alot of you non-god believers do it to feel "holier-than-thou" (
).. constantly coming up with the same "I live a better/enlightened life because of what I DONT believe in..etc etc,, yada yada yada" shtick every time a religion thread pops-up. calm down already.. you guys are just as bad as the religious heads trying force feed us w/ their beliefs on here. 

What's funny is that scientist are using scientific method to study both athiest vs. religion debates such as these. 
 Ya'll both arms on the same body of ( I don't know). Just one side admits it, while the other side proclaims a truth. Both polar opposites of the same ideology. 

   I'm tryna separate this whole science vs. religion "debate". I use science first and foremost for practical reasons and admit that science does NOT have all the answers but they're are perpetually looking. Religious people are in here tryna front like their entire lives aren't affected in one way or another by "science". 

When it comes to the unknown, there are somethings science cannot prove. The difference between myself (strict agnostic) and a religious person is I don't make absolute statements about the unknown. I don't claim to know where I go when I die. I don't make attempts to describe a holy, higher-being I have never witnessed.

I don't know what happens when we die. I don't know/can't know if there is a God. I treat the scriptures in organized religion like I treat all other things fiction, but I still contemplate existence.

Even religious people use science to call ducktales on the unbelievable....just as long their own religion is left alone. If I told a religious person that I'm supersaiyan and can shoot bolts of energy out of my hands, they are gonna want proof.
What I find interesting is that both arguments are not complete theories. They are both ever evolving and growing into something else or towards a single point. We all know that science continues to re write itself and branch off into new segmented fields of study, and religious institutions schism and are created just alike. kcmochris: said something very important and that was about instead of religion, we should focus our mystical connection to something bigger than ourselves. IMO this is essentially all religion should amount to if it is around and that's to bring people into focus on theirselves instead of preaching about an external God and Christ that you have to get to come to you.

No. God and creationism is not a theory. A theory has to have the ability to be tested.
Can creation not be tested?

No. I don't see how one can scientifically test if and how God created this universe.
Any theory is the study of the nature of god. Theos (greek) means God, Diety. Whenever we test and prove theories, we are testing and calculating God in one way, shape, or another.
Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by torgriffith

Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by torgriffith

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

torgriffith wrote:

proper english wrote:

i am an Atheist..  i have my reasons..

but i cant help to think that alot of you non-god believers do it to feel "holier-than-thou" (
).. constantly coming up with the same "I live a better/enlightened life because of what I DONT believe in..etc etc,, yada yada yada" shtick every time a religion thread pops-up. calm down already.. you guys are just as bad as the religious heads trying force feed us w/ their beliefs on here. 

What's funny is that scientist are using scientific method to study both athiest vs. religion debates such as these. 
 Ya'll both arms on the same body of ( I don't know). Just one side admits it, while the other side proclaims a truth. Both polar opposites of the same ideology. 

   I'm tryna separate this whole science vs. religion "debate". I use science first and foremost for practical reasons and admit that science does NOT have all the answers but they're are perpetually looking. Religious people are in here tryna front like their entire lives aren't affected in one way or another by "science". 

When it comes to the unknown, there are somethings science cannot prove. The difference between myself (strict agnostic) and a religious person is I don't make absolute statements about the unknown. I don't claim to know where I go when I die. I don't make attempts to describe a holy, higher-being I have never witnessed.

I don't know what happens when we die. I don't know/can't know if there is a God. I treat the scriptures in organized religion like I treat all other things fiction, but I still contemplate existence.

Even religious people use science to call ducktales on the unbelievable....just as long their own religion is left alone. If I told a religious person that I'm supersaiyan and can shoot bolts of energy out of my hands, they are gonna want proof.
What I find interesting is that both arguments are not complete theories. They are both ever evolving and growing into something else or towards a single point. We all know that science continues to re write itself and branch off into new segmented fields of study, and religious institutions schism and are created just alike. kcmochris: said something very important and that was about instead of religion, we should focus our mystical connection to something bigger than ourselves. IMO this is essentially all religion should amount to if it is around and that's to bring people into focus on theirselves instead of preaching about an external God and Christ that you have to get to come to you.

No. God and creationism is not a theory. A theory has to have the ability to be tested.
Can creation not be tested?

No. I don't see how one can scientifically test if and how God created this universe.
Any theory is the study of the nature of god. Theos (greek) means God, Diety. Whenever we test and prove theories, we are testing and calculating God in one way, shape, or another.
To me it's harder to believe with all the detail of everything in the world was just an accident.

We accidently have a nervous system, accidently get sleepy and energetic, accidently figured out sex feels good...

Come on now.
To me it's harder to believe with all the detail of everything in the world was just an accident.

We accidently have a nervous system, accidently get sleepy and energetic, accidently figured out sex feels good...

Come on now.
Originally Posted by jbone2308

To me it's harder to believe with all the detail of everything in the world was just an accident.

We accidently have a nervous system, accidently get sleepy and energetic, accidently figured out sex feels good...

Come on now.
But come on now? You really didn't say anything. So because something is complex must mean it was calculated?
Originally Posted by jbone2308

To me it's harder to believe with all the detail of everything in the world was just an accident.

We accidently have a nervous system, accidently get sleepy and energetic, accidently figured out sex feels good...

Come on now.
But come on now? You really didn't say anything. So because something is complex must mean it was calculated?
Originally Posted by DT43

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by airjzz

Yunno,I don't mind people downplaying religion or questioning its origins oreven denying man-made organized religions as fact. After all, religionis all's all theoretical and you choose to believe basedon whatever faith you are. I myself question all religions just as Ithink most competent 21st century human beings should.

However, to not believe in a higher power at ALL completely behooves meas to what makes you think you are so arrogant as to believe that thisplanet, and our existence was completely a shot in the dark.

Some of the non-believers like to look at only FACTS which isunderstandable. So I say to you look at the facts of how our planetworks, how the placement of the other planets and the moon around Earthworks, hell almost anything science related period. Some of you don'tunderstand how perfect our surroundings are for sustaining life, andbeing off by just a bit, would make earth uninhabitable for humans.

If you can't simply take a walk outside, feel the cool breeze, warmsun, see birds and bugs of all shapes,sizes, and colors. Hell turn toNational Geographic and watch Lions in Africa, or 100 ft Blue Whales(all of which play a very important part to our ecosystem) and notunderstand this is apart of some grand creation/scheme with an ownerwhom has a very creative personality....then I have to question yourability to draw conclusions from facts that surround you.
Whyis to unfathomable that our existence is random and by accident?  Isn'tthat an easier explanation than chalking it up to some deity.  If giventhe choice, I'd choose something with the teeniest tiniest tangibleevidence for an explanation.  I don't feel a breeze, sun or see birdsand automatically think these are irrefutable evidence of a higherbeing and of a grander scheme.
i never understood this rebuttal. approaching it from a inquiring perspective only, if anything it's harder to believe that the universe, time, and space randomly exist.

according to you, there's no reason at all for the universe to evenexist. and in the off chance that the universe has come into existence,there is literally no reason at all why the universe would ever movetowards supporting life. and in the off chance that the universe wouldmove towards supporting life, again, i see no reason why it wouldsupport any intelligent beings who develop a conscience and the abilityto develop complex ideas and observe things about theirenvironment. and that doesn't just include humans.. even if there wereother intelligent races in the past in different planets/galaxies, theuniverse has only been around for ~20 billion years. if we were talkingtrillions of years or even an infinite span of time, that's one thing. but idk the chance that any of thiswould happen in just 20 billion years (much less multiple times) seemsso unlikely and illogical when you really think about it.

scientists make all kinds of advanced observations that have taught usmore about the universe, but they never once sit down and think abouthow unlikely it has been for all of this to happen. thats fine by me.. theirjob is to determine "what", not "why?" but somebody has to think aboutthe "why" right....  the more we learn about the timeline of the cosmos, theless likely it appears to me that our universe has not been guided insome way. just my opinion..
You are absolutely right, our is existence is unlikely. The fact that some animals still exist that have been around for ages is unlikely.  none of this points to a creator.  As unlikely and inconceivable as the randomness of our existence may seem, it is still entirely more logical than saying someone did this for us.  Our existence came about by accident.  I find that to be incredibly humbling.
Originally Posted by DT43

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by airjzz

Yunno,I don't mind people downplaying religion or questioning its origins oreven denying man-made organized religions as fact. After all, religionis all's all theoretical and you choose to believe basedon whatever faith you are. I myself question all religions just as Ithink most competent 21st century human beings should.

However, to not believe in a higher power at ALL completely behooves meas to what makes you think you are so arrogant as to believe that thisplanet, and our existence was completely a shot in the dark.

Some of the non-believers like to look at only FACTS which isunderstandable. So I say to you look at the facts of how our planetworks, how the placement of the other planets and the moon around Earthworks, hell almost anything science related period. Some of you don'tunderstand how perfect our surroundings are for sustaining life, andbeing off by just a bit, would make earth uninhabitable for humans.

If you can't simply take a walk outside, feel the cool breeze, warmsun, see birds and bugs of all shapes,sizes, and colors. Hell turn toNational Geographic and watch Lions in Africa, or 100 ft Blue Whales(all of which play a very important part to our ecosystem) and notunderstand this is apart of some grand creation/scheme with an ownerwhom has a very creative personality....then I have to question yourability to draw conclusions from facts that surround you.
Whyis to unfathomable that our existence is random and by accident?  Isn'tthat an easier explanation than chalking it up to some deity.  If giventhe choice, I'd choose something with the teeniest tiniest tangibleevidence for an explanation.  I don't feel a breeze, sun or see birdsand automatically think these are irrefutable evidence of a higherbeing and of a grander scheme.
i never understood this rebuttal. approaching it from a inquiring perspective only, if anything it's harder to believe that the universe, time, and space randomly exist.

according to you, there's no reason at all for the universe to evenexist. and in the off chance that the universe has come into existence,there is literally no reason at all why the universe would ever movetowards supporting life. and in the off chance that the universe wouldmove towards supporting life, again, i see no reason why it wouldsupport any intelligent beings who develop a conscience and the abilityto develop complex ideas and observe things about theirenvironment. and that doesn't just include humans.. even if there wereother intelligent races in the past in different planets/galaxies, theuniverse has only been around for ~20 billion years. if we were talkingtrillions of years or even an infinite span of time, that's one thing. but idk the chance that any of thiswould happen in just 20 billion years (much less multiple times) seemsso unlikely and illogical when you really think about it.

scientists make all kinds of advanced observations that have taught usmore about the universe, but they never once sit down and think abouthow unlikely it has been for all of this to happen. thats fine by me.. theirjob is to determine "what", not "why?" but somebody has to think aboutthe "why" right....  the more we learn about the timeline of the cosmos, theless likely it appears to me that our universe has not been guided insome way. just my opinion..
You are absolutely right, our is existence is unlikely. The fact that some animals still exist that have been around for ages is unlikely.  none of this points to a creator.  As unlikely and inconceivable as the randomness of our existence may seem, it is still entirely more logical than saying someone did this for us.  Our existence came about by accident.  I find that to be incredibly humbling.
Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by DT43

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by airjzz

Yunno,I don't mind people downplaying religion or questioning its origins oreven denying man-made organized religions as fact. After all, religionis all's all theoretical and you choose to believe basedon whatever faith you are. I myself question all religions just as Ithink most competent 21st century human beings should.

However, to not believe in a higher power at ALL completely behooves meas to what makes you think you are so arrogant as to believe that thisplanet, and our existence was completely a shot in the dark.

Some of the non-believers like to look at only FACTS which isunderstandable. So I say to you look at the facts of how our planetworks, how the placement of the other planets and the moon around Earthworks, hell almost anything science related period. Some of you don'tunderstand how perfect our surroundings are for sustaining life, andbeing off by just a bit, would make earth uninhabitable for humans.

If you can't simply take a walk outside, feel the cool breeze, warmsun, see birds and bugs of all shapes,sizes, and colors. Hell turn toNational Geographic and watch Lions in Africa, or 100 ft Blue Whales(all of which play a very important part to our ecosystem) and notunderstand this is apart of some grand creation/scheme with an ownerwhom has a very creative personality....then I have to question yourability to draw conclusions from facts that surround you.
Whyis to unfathomable that our existence is random and by accident?  Isn'tthat an easier explanation than chalking it up to some deity.  If giventhe choice, I'd choose something with the teeniest tiniest tangibleevidence for an explanation.  I don't feel a breeze, sun or see birdsand automatically think these are irrefutable evidence of a higherbeing and of a grander scheme.
i never understood this rebuttal. approaching it from a inquiring perspective only, if anything it's harder to believe that the universe, time, and space randomly exist.

according to you, there's no reason at all for the universe to evenexist. and in the off chance that the universe has come into existence,there is literally no reason at all why the universe would ever movetowards supporting life. and in the off chance that the universe wouldmove towards supporting life, again, i see no reason why it wouldsupport any intelligent beings who develop a conscience and the abilityto develop complex ideas and observe things about theirenvironment. and that doesn't just include humans.. even if there wereother intelligent races in the past in different planets/galaxies, theuniverse has only been around for ~20 billion years. if we were talkingtrillions of years or even an infinite span of time, that's one thing. but idk the chance that any of thiswould happen in just 20 billion years (much less multiple times) seemsso unlikely and illogical when you really think about it.

scientists make all kinds of advanced observations that have taught usmore about the universe, but they never once sit down and think abouthow unlikely it has been for all of this to happen. thats fine by me.. theirjob is to determine "what", not "why?" but somebody has to think aboutthe "why" right....  the more we learn about the timeline of the cosmos, theless likely it appears to me that our universe has not been guided insome way. just my opinion..
You are absolutely right, our is existence is unlikely. The fact that some animals still exist that havebeen around for ages is unlikely.  none of this points to a creator. As unlikely and inconceivable as the randomness of our existence mayseem, it is still entirely more logical than saying someone did thisfor us.  Our existence came about by accident.  I find that to beincredibly humbling.
Of course, this is just howyou see things from your worldview. You speak like someoneone who strongly subscribes to the materialist view towards existence.People who think like you only deal with that which is falsifiableaccording to their own accepted logic and parameters. The only problemis they don't take into account the fact that their parameters areinherently flawed and relative, because they are limited by their ownperspectives.

Have you ever seriously researched the field of metaphysics? You willfind a lot of interesting viewpoints that will make you rethink yourperspective. A creator is only illogical to someone who subscribes toyour worldview. But to hundreds of philosophers who, for centuries,made contributions to metaphysical and ontological schools of thought,your idea that a creator is simply "illogical" would be absurd. These things are a lot deeper than most people think.

What I find humbling is how easily a society can conform it'sintelligentsia to a "predominant" school of thought while completelyrejecting even the discussion other valid perspectives..
Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by DT43

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by airjzz

Yunno,I don't mind people downplaying religion or questioning its origins oreven denying man-made organized religions as fact. After all, religionis all's all theoretical and you choose to believe basedon whatever faith you are. I myself question all religions just as Ithink most competent 21st century human beings should.

However, to not believe in a higher power at ALL completely behooves meas to what makes you think you are so arrogant as to believe that thisplanet, and our existence was completely a shot in the dark.

Some of the non-believers like to look at only FACTS which isunderstandable. So I say to you look at the facts of how our planetworks, how the placement of the other planets and the moon around Earthworks, hell almost anything science related period. Some of you don'tunderstand how perfect our surroundings are for sustaining life, andbeing off by just a bit, would make earth uninhabitable for humans.

If you can't simply take a walk outside, feel the cool breeze, warmsun, see birds and bugs of all shapes,sizes, and colors. Hell turn toNational Geographic and watch Lions in Africa, or 100 ft Blue Whales(all of which play a very important part to our ecosystem) and notunderstand this is apart of some grand creation/scheme with an ownerwhom has a very creative personality....then I have to question yourability to draw conclusions from facts that surround you.
Whyis to unfathomable that our existence is random and by accident?  Isn'tthat an easier explanation than chalking it up to some deity.  If giventhe choice, I'd choose something with the teeniest tiniest tangibleevidence for an explanation.  I don't feel a breeze, sun or see birdsand automatically think these are irrefutable evidence of a higherbeing and of a grander scheme.
i never understood this rebuttal. approaching it from a inquiring perspective only, if anything it's harder to believe that the universe, time, and space randomly exist.

according to you, there's no reason at all for the universe to evenexist. and in the off chance that the universe has come into existence,there is literally no reason at all why the universe would ever movetowards supporting life. and in the off chance that the universe wouldmove towards supporting life, again, i see no reason why it wouldsupport any intelligent beings who develop a conscience and the abilityto develop complex ideas and observe things about theirenvironment. and that doesn't just include humans.. even if there wereother intelligent races in the past in different planets/galaxies, theuniverse has only been around for ~20 billion years. if we were talkingtrillions of years or even an infinite span of time, that's one thing. but idk the chance that any of thiswould happen in just 20 billion years (much less multiple times) seemsso unlikely and illogical when you really think about it.

scientists make all kinds of advanced observations that have taught usmore about the universe, but they never once sit down and think abouthow unlikely it has been for all of this to happen. thats fine by me.. theirjob is to determine "what", not "why?" but somebody has to think aboutthe "why" right....  the more we learn about the timeline of the cosmos, theless likely it appears to me that our universe has not been guided insome way. just my opinion..
You are absolutely right, our is existence is unlikely. The fact that some animals still exist that havebeen around for ages is unlikely.  none of this points to a creator. As unlikely and inconceivable as the randomness of our existence mayseem, it is still entirely more logical than saying someone did thisfor us.  Our existence came about by accident.  I find that to beincredibly humbling.
Of course, this is just howyou see things from your worldview. You speak like someoneone who strongly subscribes to the materialist view towards existence.People who think like you only deal with that which is falsifiableaccording to their own accepted logic and parameters. The only problemis they don't take into account the fact that their parameters areinherently flawed and relative, because they are limited by their ownperspectives.

Have you ever seriously researched the field of metaphysics? You willfind a lot of interesting viewpoints that will make you rethink yourperspective. A creator is only illogical to someone who subscribes toyour worldview. But to hundreds of philosophers who, for centuries,made contributions to metaphysical and ontological schools of thought,your idea that a creator is simply "illogical" would be absurd. These things are a lot deeper than most people think.

What I find humbling is how easily a society can conform it'sintelligentsia to a "predominant" school of thought while completelyrejecting even the discussion other valid perspectives..
I have read a lot about metaphysics. It still doesn't change the fact that our existence is by accident.
I have read a lot about metaphysics. It still doesn't change the fact that our existence is by accident.
To me, the concept of believing in a higher being(s) is not unjustifiable. However, the concept of organized religions is. In the end, it all comes down to faith. But, I just do not see how with such an infinite universe and thousands upon thousands of religions, that there is one ultimate truth and one religion is right. Since the beginning of mankind we have been wired biologically have faith and create religions out of belief systems to answer questions about the unknown, our fears and the afterlife. Depending on the civilization, religions conform to adapt to that society and then they would be created. They evolve and transform and keep changing. Who is any religious group to claim their religion is the ultimate truth? To me, it is a case of shameful ignorance of thinking that we know what we do not know.

I am with DC on this one. I believe in a force, or something, that created this universe. It could be anything. But, I do not know how it functions or it works and I am satisfied with not knowing the answers. I do not need to know. I will never get the answers. I do not need an organized religion to follow which I believe was created by man for political reasons and an agenda to to pertain to that society or the world. We do not need organized religion for that. I just need to live in the present and as is.

I am sure this quote has been miscontrued or changed, but Socrates said, "The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing."

Has Haze posted in here yet?
To me, the concept of believing in a higher being(s) is not unjustifiable. However, the concept of organized religions is. In the end, it all comes down to faith. But, I just do not see how with such an infinite universe and thousands upon thousands of religions, that there is one ultimate truth and one religion is right. Since the beginning of mankind we have been wired biologically have faith and create religions out of belief systems to answer questions about the unknown, our fears and the afterlife. Depending on the civilization, religions conform to adapt to that society and then they would be created. They evolve and transform and keep changing. Who is any religious group to claim their religion is the ultimate truth? To me, it is a case of shameful ignorance of thinking that we know what we do not know.

I am with DC on this one. I believe in a force, or something, that created this universe. It could be anything. But, I do not know how it functions or it works and I am satisfied with not knowing the answers. I do not need to know. I will never get the answers. I do not need an organized religion to follow which I believe was created by man for political reasons and an agenda to to pertain to that society or the world. We do not need organized religion for that. I just need to live in the present and as is.

I am sure this quote has been miscontrued or changed, but Socrates said, "The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing."

Has Haze posted in here yet?
Taking a look at our current state (as human beings), we are... incomplete, mentally and physically. We know next to nothing about ourselves, other species, our planet, our solar system, our galaxy, the universe. Cancer, autoimmune diseases, birth defects, and the like have no purpose in a world 'meant' for us. Hurricanes, tsunamis, floods, etc. have no place on a world 'made' for us.As wonderful as all life might be, there is just some rediculous and 'stupid' stuff in nature. Wehave been 'engineered' by nature for millions of years, it only makes sense that we are imperfect.

If you keep looking for things that are "right", you are blind to things that make absolutely no sense and vice versa. Ground yourself in reality, then start asking questions.

To me, religion is 'the easy way out'. What came before the Universe? God.Why is thisthing this way? God. Praying is absolving anyshred ofresponsibilityyou might have over the situation and turning it over to someoneelse.The outcome is usually one of joy and reverence (positive outcome)or self-delusion (negative outcome).If you're going to put faith in something, put it in humanity. We are making astonishing progress in the field of medicine, our technology is advancing rapidly, and we are making amazing progress as a species. Wars, poverty, etc. can be avoided. We just need to get our heads out of our @!*$! and make things right. I'd rather us spend time trying to fix (with our ownhands) the mess that we're in, instead of wishing it away.

Personally, I believe trying to understand the God of Abraham (Old Testament, New Testament, and Quran) is an excersise in self delusion and mental gymnastics. If the Universe that God supposedly structured is ordered and bound by concrete laws, why isn't that reflected in these books? I tried to make sense of it, but it just doesn't fit. For some of us, "God" is not enough of an answer. It's just a placeholderuntil we advance furtheras a species.Religion is an enormous mess of ideas, innumerable 'gods', and some form of societal control. It's holding us back. We're emotional, illogical, hormonal, driven by chemical reactions: both a gift and a curse. Psychology is great because it's basically a list of the shortcomings of human thinking and perception. Just try to think logically and the world will be a different place.

Imagine: there are billions of billions of stars (estimated to be 100 billion billion stars), which might have planets, like those in our solar system, are out there. Just look up at night.We are 62 percent water andour planet is 70 percent water. Water (H2O) is hydrogen and oxygen, two of the top three most abundant elements in the universe. All life on earth is based on carbon, the most chemically fertile element in the periodic table. ALL OF IT. We are not special, we are the same as everything else living on Earth. It is completely, inexcusably egocenteric to belive that we are special in any way at all, although religous texts make us and our planet seem special.

We are repurposed matter from cores of exploded stars, supernovae. Everything on our planet is (even our planet itself). We are the universe made self-aware. If beingssuch asourselves exist, thenauniverse as vast as ours could be teeming with life. To say we are the only important species on Earth, or that we're the only one that matters, is ignorance. We are not special. Our planet is not special. Billions of galaxies with billons of stars each exist, and I would bet my first born child that there is life out there. The Universe is too vast, the chemistry is too rich, while our minds are too feeble to comprehend the possiblities.

Science is humble, always changing, always advancing. I'd rather side with something that'll find the right answers and prove them logicallythan withsomething that claims to have ALL the answers and has to be taken on faith.I'm just saying, all the questions that you currently answer with "God" will have answers eventually. And we're perfectly fine with saying "We don't know yet, but we're trying to find out right now" image: read: this will take a few minutes to load). The Hubble Deep Field: Practically every source of light in this picture is a galaxy with billions of stars each. This picture (ie the area of it) projected onto the night sky is 1/100 (one-one hundredth) the area of the full moon on the night sky.Any one of those galaxies could have life in it somewhere.I'm pretty sure the life there would have some god of their own as well..

The atoms in your body were once apart of the night sky.


Taking a look at our current state (as human beings), we are... incomplete, mentally and physically. We know next to nothing about ourselves, other species, our planet, our solar system, our galaxy, the universe. Cancer, autoimmune diseases, birth defects, and the like have no purpose in a world 'meant' for us. Hurricanes, tsunamis, floods, etc. have no place on a world 'made' for us.As wonderful as all life might be, there is just some rediculous and 'stupid' stuff in nature. Wehave been 'engineered' by nature for millions of years, it only makes sense that we are imperfect.

If you keep looking for things that are "right", you are blind to things that make absolutely no sense and vice versa. Ground yourself in reality, then start asking questions.

To me, religion is 'the easy way out'. What came before the Universe? God.Why is thisthing this way? God. Praying is absolving anyshred ofresponsibilityyou might have over the situation and turning it over to someoneelse.The outcome is usually one of joy and reverence (positive outcome)or self-delusion (negative outcome).If you're going to put faith in something, put it in humanity. We are making astonishing progress in the field of medicine, our technology is advancing rapidly, and we are making amazing progress as a species. Wars, poverty, etc. can be avoided. We just need to get our heads out of our @!*$! and make things right. I'd rather us spend time trying to fix (with our ownhands) the mess that we're in, instead of wishing it away.

Personally, I believe trying to understand the God of Abraham (Old Testament, New Testament, and Quran) is an excersise in self delusion and mental gymnastics. If the Universe that God supposedly structured is ordered and bound by concrete laws, why isn't that reflected in these books? I tried to make sense of it, but it just doesn't fit. For some of us, "God" is not enough of an answer. It's just a placeholderuntil we advance furtheras a species.Religion is an enormous mess of ideas, innumerable 'gods', and some form of societal control. It's holding us back. We're emotional, illogical, hormonal, driven by chemical reactions: both a gift and a curse. Psychology is great because it's basically a list of the shortcomings of human thinking and perception. Just try to think logically and the world will be a different place.

Imagine: there are billions of billions of stars (estimated to be 100 billion billion stars), which might have planets, like those in our solar system, are out there. Just look up at night.We are 62 percent water andour planet is 70 percent water. Water (H2O) is hydrogen and oxygen, two of the top three most abundant elements in the universe. All life on earth is based on carbon, the most chemically fertile element in the periodic table. ALL OF IT. We are not special, we are the same as everything else living on Earth. It is completely, inexcusably egocenteric to belive that we are special in any way at all, although religous texts make us and our planet seem special.

We are repurposed matter from cores of exploded stars, supernovae. Everything on our planet is (even our planet itself). We are the universe made self-aware. If beingssuch asourselves exist, thenauniverse as vast as ours could be teeming with life. To say we are the only important species on Earth, or that we're the only one that matters, is ignorance. We are not special. Our planet is not special. Billions of galaxies with billons of stars each exist, and I would bet my first born child that there is life out there. The Universe is too vast, the chemistry is too rich, while our minds are too feeble to comprehend the possiblities.

Science is humble, always changing, always advancing. I'd rather side with something that'll find the right answers and prove them logicallythan withsomething that claims to have ALL the answers and has to be taken on faith.I'm just saying, all the questions that you currently answer with "God" will have answers eventually. And we're perfectly fine with saying "We don't know yet, but we're trying to find out right now" image: read: this will take a few minutes to load). The Hubble Deep Field: Practically every source of light in this picture is a galaxy with billions of stars each. This picture (ie the area of it) projected onto the night sky is 1/100 (one-one hundredth) the area of the full moon on the night sky.Any one of those galaxies could have life in it somewhere.I'm pretty sure the life there would have some god of their own as well..

The atoms in your body were once apart of the night sky.


Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

I have read a lot about metaphysics. It still doesn't change the fact that our existence is by accident.
You're right, you know it all already.

What's the point of even opening up discussion, when our society has geniuses like lobotomybeats to break it down for us?

Science is humble, always changing, always advancing. I'd rather sidewith something that'll find the right answers and prove themlogically�than with�something that claims to have ALL the answers andhas to be taken on faith.��I'm just saying, all the questions that youcurrently answer with "God" will have answers eventually. And we'reperfectly fine with saying "We don't know yet, but we're trying to findout right now"

So science is your God, then.. true scientists know that there are crucial questions that the field of science can never answer. But for some reason, the devoted acolytes of the Church of Empirical Science seem convinced that science will eventually explain everything (not talking about you in particular, just the particular faction of people who assert with certainty that empirical science is the end all be all.. the Richard Dawkins-types). At a certain point you have to admit that you are putting blind faith in something as well.
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