The word God is nothing more than the expression and product of human weakness.

Originally Posted by WhatsLosinLike

Some of you dudes must have had a horrible childhood. Why are yall so bitter to everything 

I believe that there is something greater. Period. Creation of all this was NO accident. I dont give a damn what you guys say
How so? Proof? If you have none, why should we give a damn about what YOU say?

Originally Posted by airjzz

Yunno, I don't mind people downplaying religion or questioning its origins or even denying man-made organized religions as fact. After all, religion is all's all theoretical and you choose to believe based on whatever faith you are. I myself question all religions just as I think most competent 21st century human beings should.

However, to not believe in a higher power at ALL completely behooves me as to what makes you think you are so arrogant as to believe that this planet, and our existence was completely a shot in the dark.

Some of the non-believers like to look at only FACTS which is understandable. So I say to you look at the facts of how our planet works, how the placement of the other planets and the moon around Earth works, hell almost anything science related period. Some of you don't understand how perfect our surroundings are for sustaining life, and being off by just a bit, would make earth uninhabitable for humans.

If you can't simply take a walk outside, feel the cool breeze, warm sun, see birds and bugs of all shapes,sizes, and colors. Hell turn to National Geographic and watch Lions in Africa, or 100 ft Blue Whales (all of which play a very important part to our ecosystem) and not understand this is apart of some grand creation/scheme with an owner whom has a very creative personality....then I have to question your ability to draw conclusions from facts that surround you.
Why is to unfathomable that our existence is random and by accident?  Isn't that an easier explanation than chalking it up to some deity.  If given the choice, I'd choose something with the teeniest tiniest tangible evidence for an explanation.  I don't feel a breeze, sun or see birds and automatically think these are irrefutable evidence of a higher being and of a grander scheme.
Originally Posted by airjzz

Yunno, I don't mind people downplaying religion or questioning its origins or even denying man-made organized religions as fact. After all, religion is all's all theoretical and you choose to believe based on whatever faith you are. I myself question all religions just as I think most competent 21st century human beings should.

However, to not believe in a higher power at ALL completely behooves me as to what makes you think you are so arrogant as to believe that this planet, and our existence was completely a shot in the dark.

Some of the non-believers like to look at only FACTS which is understandable. So I say to you look at the facts of how our planet works, how the placement of the other planets and the moon around Earth works, hell almost anything science related period. Some of you don't understand how perfect our surroundings are for sustaining life, and being off by just a bit, would make earth uninhabitable for humans.

If you can't simply take a walk outside, feel the cool breeze, warm sun, see birds and bugs of all shapes,sizes, and colors. Hell turn to National Geographic and watch Lions in Africa, or 100 ft Blue Whales (all of which play a very important part to our ecosystem) and not understand this is apart of some grand creation/scheme with an owner whom has a very creative personality....then I have to question your ability to draw conclusions from facts that surround you.
Why is to unfathomable that our existence is random and by accident?  Isn't that an easier explanation than chalking it up to some deity.  If given the choice, I'd choose something with the teeniest tiniest tangible evidence for an explanation.  I don't feel a breeze, sun or see birds and automatically think these are irrefutable evidence of a higher being and of a grander scheme.
Originally Posted by Nat Turner

The slavemasters kept them suspended in the fear of the unknown. Many superstitions came from this fear, ones that fly in the face of logic, and many that some hold onto till this day.

Can you name/list a few of these superstitions that were created here? If you don't mind.
Originally Posted by Nat Turner

The slavemasters kept them suspended in the fear of the unknown. Many superstitions came from this fear, ones that fly in the face of logic, and many that some hold onto till this day.

Can you name/list a few of these superstitions that were created here? If you don't mind.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by Nat Turner

The slavemasters kept them suspended in the fear of the unknown. Many superstitions came from this fear, ones that fly in the face of logic, and many that some hold onto till this day.

Can you name/list a few of these superstitions that were created here? If you don't mind.

You mean other than simply praying to "Jesus", then waiting for a response?

In the southern United States, there are many superstitions that many still hold on to. It is if you have no control over your own successes, a direct effect of being locked into that slave mentality. If you dream about fish, then someone near you is pregnant. A woman should never put her handbag on the floor, as this means that she will never make any money. Men should not let a female barber cut their hair, as she will keep the hair, then give it to another woman to cast a spell, making him a slave to a woman.

My point is, you are not supposed to be able to serve two masters!

So which is it?

Jesus, God, or the Barber?

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by Nat Turner

The slavemasters kept them suspended in the fear of the unknown. Many superstitions came from this fear, ones that fly in the face of logic, and many that some hold onto till this day.

Can you name/list a few of these superstitions that were created here? If you don't mind.

You mean other than simply praying to "Jesus", then waiting for a response?

In the southern United States, there are many superstitions that many still hold on to. It is if you have no control over your own successes, a direct effect of being locked into that slave mentality. If you dream about fish, then someone near you is pregnant. A woman should never put her handbag on the floor, as this means that she will never make any money. Men should not let a female barber cut their hair, as she will keep the hair, then give it to another woman to cast a spell, making him a slave to a woman.

My point is, you are not supposed to be able to serve two masters!

So which is it?

Jesus, God, or the Barber?

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

I see where you are coming from. It makes sense to me. But since you asked, "Why did it have to be started at all?" what is your interpretation of the whole process of how this universe came about? Everything has a starting point right? If it didn't it wouldn't exist right? How do you think the universe came into existence?

Nat, also check your PMs

I don't think that I agree that everything needs a starting point. 
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

I see where you are coming from. It makes sense to me. But since you asked, "Why did it have to be started at all?" what is your interpretation of the whole process of how this universe came about? Everything has a starting point right? If it didn't it wouldn't exist right? How do you think the universe came into existence?

Nat, also check your PMs

I don't think that I agree that everything needs a starting point. 
The fish/pregnancy logic is something I always laugh at. Female friends of mine tell me that their mothers believe in that and I laugh at them. Mostly to make them understand how dumb it is.

And when it comes to praying to Jesus and waiting for a response, I always tell folks that Jesus says whatever you want him to say. If you have 2 job offers and you are leaning towards one, when you pray to Jesus, Jesus will simply tell you what you want to hear or what you already knew.

The barber one I never heard of. LOL. That doesn't even make sense.

Never heard of the handbag one either.

I was never really a fan of superstition, people know that it doesn't make sense they just want a reason to blame something/someone if something doesn't go the way they planned.
The fish/pregnancy logic is something I always laugh at. Female friends of mine tell me that their mothers believe in that and I laugh at them. Mostly to make them understand how dumb it is.

And when it comes to praying to Jesus and waiting for a response, I always tell folks that Jesus says whatever you want him to say. If you have 2 job offers and you are leaning towards one, when you pray to Jesus, Jesus will simply tell you what you want to hear or what you already knew.

The barber one I never heard of. LOL. That doesn't even make sense.

Never heard of the handbag one either.

I was never really a fan of superstition, people know that it doesn't make sense they just want a reason to blame something/someone if something doesn't go the way they planned.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

The fish/pregnancy logic is something I always laugh at. Female friends of mine tell me that their mothers believe in that and I laugh at them. Mostly to make them understand how dumb it is.

And when it comes to praying to Jesus and waiting for a response, I always tell folks that Jesus says whatever you want him to say. If you have 2 job offers and you are leaning towards one, when you pray to Jesus, Jesus will simply tell you what you want to hear or what you already knew.

The barber one I never heard of. LOL. That doesn't even make sense.

Never heard of the handbag one either.

I was never really a fan of superstition, people know that it doesn't make sense they just want a reason to blame something/someone if something doesn't go the way they planned.
Man, I've heard all kinds of crazy crap in the socalled "Bible Belt". A lot of it comes from a willing lack of sophistication, due to fear of the unknown.

Ask them why they believe in this stuff?

"God only knows."

This is always the response.

Einstein was 100 percent correct.

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

The fish/pregnancy logic is something I always laugh at. Female friends of mine tell me that their mothers believe in that and I laugh at them. Mostly to make them understand how dumb it is.

And when it comes to praying to Jesus and waiting for a response, I always tell folks that Jesus says whatever you want him to say. If you have 2 job offers and you are leaning towards one, when you pray to Jesus, Jesus will simply tell you what you want to hear or what you already knew.

The barber one I never heard of. LOL. That doesn't even make sense.

Never heard of the handbag one either.

I was never really a fan of superstition, people know that it doesn't make sense they just want a reason to blame something/someone if something doesn't go the way they planned.
Man, I've heard all kinds of crazy crap in the socalled "Bible Belt". A lot of it comes from a willing lack of sophistication, due to fear of the unknown.

Ask them why they believe in this stuff?

"God only knows."

This is always the response.

Einstein was 100 percent correct.

Originally Posted by cartune

Who created the creator? Who created nothingness?

Has there been any proof of "nothingness"?  I mean, anytime someone suggests a beginning, we always unearth something that came before....just like when people claimed the world was flat.

How'd that work out?
Originally Posted by cartune

Who created the creator? Who created nothingness?

Has there been any proof of "nothingness"?  I mean, anytime someone suggests a beginning, we always unearth something that came before....just like when people claimed the world was flat.

How'd that work out?
Originally Posted by Nat Turner

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

I see where you are coming from. It makes sense to me. But since you asked, "Why did it have to be started at all?" what is your interpretation of the whole process of how this universe came about? Everything has a starting point right? If it didn't it wouldn't exist right? How do you think the universe came into existence?

Nat, also check your PMs

I don't think that I agree that everything needs a starting point. 

Hmm, this is where I am having trouble changing my thoughts. Can you attempt to persuade me into understanding why the universe doesn't have a starting point? If someone asks you how did all of this happen, your response would be..........................
Originally Posted by Nat Turner

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

I see where you are coming from. It makes sense to me. But since you asked, "Why did it have to be started at all?" what is your interpretation of the whole process of how this universe came about? Everything has a starting point right? If it didn't it wouldn't exist right? How do you think the universe came into existence?

Nat, also check your PMs

I don't think that I agree that everything needs a starting point. 

Hmm, this is where I am having trouble changing my thoughts. Can you attempt to persuade me into understanding why the universe doesn't have a starting point? If someone asks you how did all of this happen, your response would be..........................
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by Nat Turner

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

I see where you are coming from. It makes sense to me. But since you asked, "Why did it have to be started at all?" what is your interpretation of the whole process of how this universe came about? Everything has a starting point right? If it didn't it wouldn't exist right? How do you think the universe came into existence?

Nat, also check your PMs

I don't think that I agree that everything needs a starting point. 

Hmm, this is where I am having trouble changing my thoughts. Can you attempt to persuade me into understanding why the universe doesn't have a starting point? If someone asks you how did all of this happen, your response would be..........................

I don't want to change your thoughts, do you...but the thought that the Universe must have a starting point, is in the same thinking that the world was flat.

As far as my response to the question goes I would answer, why are you asking me? 
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by Nat Turner

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

I see where you are coming from. It makes sense to me. But since you asked, "Why did it have to be started at all?" what is your interpretation of the whole process of how this universe came about? Everything has a starting point right? If it didn't it wouldn't exist right? How do you think the universe came into existence?

Nat, also check your PMs

I don't think that I agree that everything needs a starting point. 

Hmm, this is where I am having trouble changing my thoughts. Can you attempt to persuade me into understanding why the universe doesn't have a starting point? If someone asks you how did all of this happen, your response would be..........................

I don't want to change your thoughts, do you...but the thought that the Universe must have a starting point, is in the same thinking that the world was flat.

As far as my response to the question goes I would answer, why are you asking me? 
When I said persuade me, I mean that I am interested in your logic on the subject. Right now, I will say I don't have a solid belief system. Which is why I am interested in what all of you have to say. I will take that and do my own research. So it wasn't about changing my thoughts. My thoughts are written in pencil right now.

But how can you compare it to the idea that the world is flat? The fact that everyone believes it?

I just want to know how you feel this universe came about. Where did it come from if it had no starting point? Meaning it always existed? But didn't it have to start somewhere? You are losing me with that thought.

Found something on the subject:

Someone said:

before the universe there was no such thing as time so therefore the universe was the beginning of time.

When I said persuade me, I mean that I am interested in your logic on the subject. Right now, I will say I don't have a solid belief system. Which is why I am interested in what all of you have to say. I will take that and do my own research. So it wasn't about changing my thoughts. My thoughts are written in pencil right now.

But how can you compare it to the idea that the world is flat? The fact that everyone believes it?

I just want to know how you feel this universe came about. Where did it come from if it had no starting point? Meaning it always existed? But didn't it have to start somewhere? You are losing me with that thought.

Found something on the subject:

Someone said:

before the universe there was no such thing as time so therefore the universe was the beginning of time.

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

When I said persuade me, I mean that I am interested in your logic on the subject. Right now, I will say I don't have a solid belief system. Which is why I am interested in what all of you have to say. I will take that and do my own research. So it wasn't about changing my thoughts. My thoughts are written in pencil right now.

But how can you compare it to the idea that the world is flat? The fact that everyone believes it?

I just want to know how you feel this universe came about. Where did it come from if it had no starting point? Meaning it always existed? But didn't it have to start somewhere? You are losing me with that thought.

Found something on the subject:

Someone said:

before the universe there was no such thing as time so therefore the universe was the beginning of time.

What is time in space when time on earth is just how fast we turn as we move around the sun?
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

When I said persuade me, I mean that I am interested in your logic on the subject. Right now, I will say I don't have a solid belief system. Which is why I am interested in what all of you have to say. I will take that and do my own research. So it wasn't about changing my thoughts. My thoughts are written in pencil right now.

But how can you compare it to the idea that the world is flat? The fact that everyone believes it?

I just want to know how you feel this universe came about. Where did it come from if it had no starting point? Meaning it always existed? But didn't it have to start somewhere? You are losing me with that thought.

Found something on the subject:

Someone said:

before the universe there was no such thing as time so therefore the universe was the beginning of time.

What is time in space when time on earth is just how fast we turn as we move around the sun?
Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by airjzz

Yunno,I don't mind people downplaying religion or questioning its origins oreven denying man-made organized religions as fact. After all, religionis all's all theoretical and you choose to believe basedon whatever faith you are. I myself question all religions just as Ithink most competent 21st century human beings should.

However, to not believe in a higher power at ALL completely behooves meas to what makes you think you are so arrogant as to believe that thisplanet, and our existence was completely a shot in the dark.

Some of the non-believers like to look at only FACTS which isunderstandable. So I say to you look at the facts of how our planetworks, how the placement of the other planets and the moon around Earthworks, hell almost anything science related period. Some of you don'tunderstand how perfect our surroundings are for sustaining life, andbeing off by just a bit, would make earth uninhabitable for humans.

If you can't simply take a walk outside, feel the cool breeze, warmsun, see birds and bugs of all shapes,sizes, and colors. Hell turn toNational Geographic and watch Lions in Africa, or 100 ft Blue Whales(all of which play a very important part to our ecosystem) and notunderstand this is apart of some grand creation/scheme with an ownerwhom has a very creative personality....then I have to question yourability to draw conclusions from facts that surround you.
Whyis to unfathomable that our existence is random and by accident?  Isn'tthat an easier explanation than chalking it up to some deity.  If giventhe choice, I'd choose something with the teeniest tiniest tangibleevidence for an explanation.  I don't feel a breeze, sun or see birdsand automatically think these are irrefutable evidence of a higherbeing and of a grander scheme.
i never understood this rebuttal. approaching it from a inquiring perspective only, if anything it's harder to believe that the universe, time, and space randomly exist.

according to you, there's no reason at all for the universe to evenexist. and in the off chance that the universe has come into existence,there is literally no reason at all why the universe would ever movetowards supporting life. and in the off chance that the universe wouldmove towards supporting life, again, i see no reason why it wouldsupport any intelligent beings who develop a conscience and the abilityto develop complex ideas and observe things about theirenvironment. and that doesn't just include humans.. even if there wereother intelligent races in the past in different planets/galaxies, theuniverse has only been around for ~20 billion years. if we were talkingtrillions of years or even an infinite span of time, that's one thing. but idk the chance that any of thiswould happen in just 20 billion years (much less multiple times) seemsso unlikely and illogical when you really think about it.

scientists make all kinds of advanced observations that have taught usmore about the universe, but they never once sit down and think abouthow unlikely it has been for all of this to happen. thats fine by me.. theirjob is to determine "what", not "why?" but somebody has to think aboutthe "why" right....  the more we learn about the timeline of the cosmos, theless likely it appears to me that our universe has not been guided insome way. just my opinion..
Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by airjzz

Yunno,I don't mind people downplaying religion or questioning its origins oreven denying man-made organized religions as fact. After all, religionis all's all theoretical and you choose to believe basedon whatever faith you are. I myself question all religions just as Ithink most competent 21st century human beings should.

However, to not believe in a higher power at ALL completely behooves meas to what makes you think you are so arrogant as to believe that thisplanet, and our existence was completely a shot in the dark.

Some of the non-believers like to look at only FACTS which isunderstandable. So I say to you look at the facts of how our planetworks, how the placement of the other planets and the moon around Earthworks, hell almost anything science related period. Some of you don'tunderstand how perfect our surroundings are for sustaining life, andbeing off by just a bit, would make earth uninhabitable for humans.

If you can't simply take a walk outside, feel the cool breeze, warmsun, see birds and bugs of all shapes,sizes, and colors. Hell turn toNational Geographic and watch Lions in Africa, or 100 ft Blue Whales(all of which play a very important part to our ecosystem) and notunderstand this is apart of some grand creation/scheme with an ownerwhom has a very creative personality....then I have to question yourability to draw conclusions from facts that surround you.
Whyis to unfathomable that our existence is random and by accident?  Isn'tthat an easier explanation than chalking it up to some deity.  If giventhe choice, I'd choose something with the teeniest tiniest tangibleevidence for an explanation.  I don't feel a breeze, sun or see birdsand automatically think these are irrefutable evidence of a higherbeing and of a grander scheme.
i never understood this rebuttal. approaching it from a inquiring perspective only, if anything it's harder to believe that the universe, time, and space randomly exist.

according to you, there's no reason at all for the universe to evenexist. and in the off chance that the universe has come into existence,there is literally no reason at all why the universe would ever movetowards supporting life. and in the off chance that the universe wouldmove towards supporting life, again, i see no reason why it wouldsupport any intelligent beings who develop a conscience and the abilityto develop complex ideas and observe things about theirenvironment. and that doesn't just include humans.. even if there wereother intelligent races in the past in different planets/galaxies, theuniverse has only been around for ~20 billion years. if we were talkingtrillions of years or even an infinite span of time, that's one thing. but idk the chance that any of thiswould happen in just 20 billion years (much less multiple times) seemsso unlikely and illogical when you really think about it.

scientists make all kinds of advanced observations that have taught usmore about the universe, but they never once sit down and think abouthow unlikely it has been for all of this to happen. thats fine by me.. theirjob is to determine "what", not "why?" but somebody has to think aboutthe "why" right....  the more we learn about the timeline of the cosmos, theless likely it appears to me that our universe has not been guided insome way. just my opinion..
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