Which team is most overrated? (Pick two)

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Just getting around to reading that Kyrie article and it basically all facts, but because he makes a lot of money & has fame... most people just dismiss it as if he should't be able to speak on something that is True.

****** be in here holding personal grudges because of a message board and can't comprehend how Kyrie would be thrown off waking up every morning & having millions of people who have never met him debating his mental state and his personality :lol: .

This is the same Era that is constantly talking about the toxicity of social media & wants to change everything about the world to make them feel comfortable.... but let someone they deem successful speak out on the same feelings & suddenly they should stop complaining.
Kyrie should know all of this comes with territory and no one is forcing him to play ball.

Heck he starred in his own movie
Kyrie should know all of this comes with territory and no one is forcing him to play ball.

Heck he starred in his own movie

It's not like he said he's quitting basketball or won't be able to perform because of it, the **** was bothering him, he got it off his chest like the millions of others who go on social media with their thoughts daily :lol:

I don't see why this is a big deal, you tell the people how you feel.... your emotional and looking for attention.

Your closed off & tell the world to "SMD" your volatile & a bad guy :lol:... the older i get the more i understand celebs who are "*******s" to people, the entitlementpeople have towardsentertainers & people with money is crazy out here.

I remember when Ledlow had small ****
Just getting around to reading that Kyrie article and it basically all facts, but because he makes a lot of money & has fame... most people just dismiss it as if he should't be able to speak on something that is True.

*****s be in here holding personal grudges because of a message board and can't comprehend how Kyrie would be thrown off waking up every morning & having millions of people who have never met him debating his mental state and his personality :lol: .

This is the same Era that is constantly talking about the toxicity of social media & wants to change everything about the world to make them feel comfortable.... but let someone they deem successful speak out on the same feelings & suddenly they should stop complaining.
What Kyrie said makes some sense IF you spend a lot of time reading between the lines, because the way he said it makes no damn sense at all.
What Kyrie said makes some sense IF you spend a lot of time reading between the lines, because the way he said it makes no damn sense at all.
This. We all get what he was trying to say, but that post was a hot mess, and didn't seem to be written by a stable person
What Kyrie said makes some sense IF you spend a lot of time reading between the lines, because the way he said it makes no damn sense at all.

That post was pretty straight to the point imo, wasn't anything profound. He was pretty straight to the point in
1) People internalize and care about sports too much
2) They expect athletes to live & die as nothing more than athletes
3) Sports media/media in general is a circus and they feed the people a bunch of BS narratives.

all of this was pretty self explanatory in reading that, it isn't viewed as such because we're use to Kyrie speaking in riddles sometimes. This wasn't one of those instances tho.
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That post was pretty straight to the point imo, wasn't anything profound. He was pretty straight to the point in
1) People internalize and care about sports too much
2) They expect athletes to live & die as nothing more than athletes
3) Sports media/media in general is a circus and they feed the people a bunch of BS narratives.

all of this was pretty self explanatory in reading that, it isn't viewed as such because where use to Kyrie speaking in riddles sometimes. This wasn't one of those instances tho.
Yeah, I keep seeing posts about it being a jumbled mess and I’m like “HUH? Where?” :lol:

Just another example of if your public perception is already some bull****, more likely than not, people are going to write you off before even hearing what you have to say.
That post was pretty straight to the point imo, wasn't anything profound. He was pretty straight to the point in
1) People internalize and care about sports too much
2) They expect athletes to live & die as nothing more than athletes
3) Sports media/media in general is a circus and they feed the people a bunch of BS narratives.

all of this was pretty self explanatory in reading that, it isn't viewed as such because we're use to Kyrie speaking in riddles sometimes. This wasn't one of those instances tho.
Again, everyone understood what he was trying to say
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