Which team is most overrated? (Pick two)

  • Clippers

  • Celtics

  • Seventy Sixers

  • Bucks

  • Rockets

  • Nuggets

  • Jazz

  • Nets

  • Warriors

  • Pacers

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I personally don't care about Load management when someone is legit nursing an injury, but it's very easy to see why a GM & coach would be upset with a player load managing simply because they think it will "preserve" them in the long run.

Also this is a business and players load managing hurts the business point blank. I was considering Knicks/Lakers Tickets but i'm still weary because idk if both Bron/AD will play.
pretty sure he wants a max contract, just 6 more months and he gets more money

which would likely be the lakers either way
I can tell none of yall actually read that load management article :lol:
Image result for you're goddamn right gif
I don't wanna have a long debate about this but honestly it's because a lot of things Kobe was criticized for, harden gets praised for by those same people. I remember Kobe had a quote about how his misses created rebounding opportunities for his teammates. Now that's a legit strategy in today's NBA. Kobe 'quit' on his team when he got trapped but harden was making the right play. Kobe ran off Shaq after actually winning 3 rings but you don't hear anything about harden and Paul or how they didn't even acknowledge each other when they played this year etc. It is what it is

This is dumb. So you're doing what you're criticizing other people for doing. Be the change you want.

In all seriousness, this is funny because Kobe has been on the Harden wave before he was even in MVP talks. I'm talking years ago. He always would prop up Harden. Harden is signed to his sports drink company too.
I don't wanna have a long debate about this but honestly it's because a lot of things Kobe was criticized for, harden gets praised for by those same people. I remember Kobe had a quote about how his misses created rebounding opportunities for his teammates. Now that's a legit strategy in today's NBA. Kobe 'quit' on his team when he got trapped but harden was making the right play. Kobe ran off Shaq after actually winning 3 rings but you don't hear anything about harden and Paul or how they didn't even acknowledge each other when they played this year etc. It is what it is

Imagine seriously trying to compare running Shaquille O'Neal out of town to running Fail Paul out of town.

This is dumb. So you're doing what you're criticizing other people for doing. Be the change you want.

In all seriousness, this is funny because Kobe has been on the Harden wave before he was even in MVP talks. I'm talking years ago. He always would prop up Harden. Harden is signed to his sports drink company too.

Nah. Keep the same energy >D. Kobe did run off Shaq. He did have some playoff blunders. But he also had 5 of them thangs to solidify him that people wanna overlook. Harden does the same things to a worse degree and people make countless excuses and act like winning is overrated. It's funny to ya boy is all
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