Which team is most overrated? (Pick two)

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He’s a step ahead of my optimistic expectations from an efficiency standpoint. Figured he’d be around a 42-33-80 splits guy around 24ppg & 8apg. Which id call amazing for a 2nd year guard of his stature. But he’s really tuning his shot and finishing ability etc. The improvement is there. The 4/17 games are less and less. He’s scoring more like the guy we saw from last December to end of the season. Which is great.

Next step is the talent to grow around him. Him to refine the subtle parts of the game that actually impact winning, but don’t show up in the stat sheet, and become at least an average defender.

He’s def ahead of the curve tho. Not bad for “Trash”, “Mae young”. Game manager. Not top 10 pick.

I think the defensive improvement will come once he isn’t tasked to do everything for ATL. Like if Cam, or Kevin become proficient secondary and tertiary ball handlers he’ll hopefully have more to give defensively. Also if Cam, Hunter, Kevin progress that’s some serious size on the wings to hide him a bit. That’ll also allow him to do more off the ball stuff, to which he rates in like the 99th percentile in catch and shoots and stuff

but him doing everything for ATL while still being this efficient speaks volumes. Bruh lowkey a generational offensive talent (at least he’s showing that so far) and to me, showing that at 21>wins and losses in this case. Like, 21 year olds hitting off the bounce deep 3’s at a .380 clip ain’t ordinary at all

Man...what the **** is he (and virtually everyone else obsessed with this) talking about? :lol:

Name some names. There's only a FEW players this entire conversation is centered around. And let's be serious...we're really just talking about 1 player (despite him doing this last y...nvm).

This whole conversation reeks of moral panic as if this is some epidemic endangering the league or some ****.
What do ya'll ****** not get about the NBA being a BUSINESS, players load managing is effecting the business of course the NBA is concerned about it. Also this has been a thing way before any of this Kawhi **** happened.
No wonder NBA ratings are down, nobody cares about the game anymore just stupid stories that are made into bigger things than they actually are.

Lakers are essentially in the middle of a title run and these reporters are trying to plant the seed with click bait to get people to think "ooooo he might be done here." Can't stand it. People have trouble living in the now.
Should bird rights follow players via trade? Curious to hear thoughts.

I think so. It benefits the player and teams involved in the trade.

It might go against the original intent of the rule but I cant see the players' association allowing a scenario where a player potentially loses out on money because he got traded.
Man...what the **** is he (and virtually everyone else obsessed with this) talking about? :lol:

Name some names. There's only a FEW players this entire conversation is centered around. And let's be serious...we're really just talking about 1 player (despite him doing this last y...nvm).

This whole conversation reeks of moral panic as if this is some epidemic endangering the league or some ****.
Nah, in article he was saying he understood what Kawhi was doing. They're just trying to pull the quotes to make him look crazy.
Yall really should try reading the whole article :lol:. Dame has Kawhi's back
They are part to blame. Certainly at the beginning of the season. But we’re knee deep into The season, no reason to be purposely ignorant to what’s going on.

the Clippers, NBA, both mentioned what’s going on with Whi and he’s clinically diagnosed as a not healthy player. Like we know this now.

Then why does doc keep acting like he doesn't know when Kawhi is or isn't playing? He was acting coy as recently as the Memphis game. As far as I know no one from the clippers has ever mentioned anything about his degenerative knee. The NBA came out and revealed the injury to his left knee but not the other one. Toronto didn't get this much backlash partly because it's Toronto but also because they were very upfront from day one that Kawhi was going to be managed all season. For whatever reason the clippers and Kawhi himself keep dancing around it
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Should bird rights follow players via trade? Curious to hear thoughts.

They do and I don't see why they shouldn't.

the only argument I see against it is keeping players in place and keeping players from forcing trades. star players have less incentive to force trades to markets they want to be in if the team that acquires them can't go above the cap to resign them.

edit for clarity: i don't agree with it at all. a player shouldn't get screwed out of more money because a team traded him, and I like seeing player movement throughout the league.
NBA's scheduling is a mess and has been for awhile, they need to do something about it.

I agree with you, but I’m not sure what they can do exactly. It’s challenging because the arenas NBA teams play in also host other events. So they have to take that into account for all the teams for 82 games each. Plus figure out what games to put on National, TV, etc. That’s not easy.
I agree with you, but I’m not sure what they can do exactly. It’s challenging because the arenas NBA teams play in also host other events. So they have to take that into account for all the teams for 82 games each. That’s not easy.

That was just going through my mind. Yeah I guess it is pretty damn tough.
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