Which team is most overrated? (Pick two)

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Dame shouldn’t rap and should take a paycut

games need to start

Dame be talking big Spicy about how he’s not joining a super team, about how he doesn’t take any days off, etc.

Meanwhile his team is 7 games below 500 and he spent his summer making a rap album.

bro literally only gets a pass cause he plays in Portland and nobody cares or expects him to do anything anyway.

We would’ve killed Russ if any of his teams didn’t make the playoffs.
Players are also playing more basketball than ever from a younger age, specializing in basketball early seems to be leading to more injuries, and we seemingly have more data to track the affect of how much they play/practice on their bodies. Are the people in the backgrounds whining about it taking these factors into it?

Agree 100%. I read something somewhere long ago about playing football, baseball, basketball etc helped kids as athletes playin on diff surfaces etc.

Basketball junkies who only played on the hard wood year round etc tended to break down as they reached their early-mid 20's.

I forget where I saw that, but it stuck with me. And what you're sayin here reminded me of that.
Man...what the **** is he (and virtually everyone else obsessed with this) talking about? :lol:

Name some names. There's only a FEW players this entire conversation is centered around. And let's be serious...we're really just talking about 1 player (despite him doing this last y...nvm).

This whole conversation reeks of moral panic as if this is some epidemic endangering the league or some ****.

Kawhi getting the same hate Steph/KD were getting....because he’s a threat to you know who.
And the funny thing is Russ has continued to MAKE the playoffs and y'all still KILL him


Kawhi getting the same hate Steph/KD were getting....because he’s a threat to you know who.

A lot of the people clowning Kiwi right now were loving him last year when he was in the Point God's way of the 3 Peat.

dame is having a career year and we know his team had been beat up.

he can talk spicy but he said he understands why Kawhi is load managing.

I ain’t gon lie I didn’t even read the article lmfao.

I feel what he’s saying & he’s one of my favorite players in the league but it’s just corny to me.

From complaining about not making all-stars (like he wants us to feel bad that he plays in a small market and is under appreciated), to dissing super teams and load-management (to make himself seem like a small town hero)

Dame is my guy but he’s never going to get the props he’s looking for until his career is over. Nobody gives a **** that you play in a small market bro.
Dame Lillard aka the #1 protector of Lebron’s legacy.

Obviously not what I’m saying. But I’ve noticed LeBron fans paying a lot more attention to Kawhi struggles and “load management”. Like, I know some dudes that are big Bron fans....and they all the sudden be popping **** whenever Kawhi has a bad game or Clippers lose. These dudes aren’t even Laker fans :lol:. You’d see a post like....”Kawhi was 4/14, nobody is going to say anything about it tho”. Or some attack on how he can’t be the best player in the league based off of not having regular season mvp success or something. It’s weird. It’s a thing. Shannon sharpe, Nick Wright and The Klutch media do it etc. You can choose not to see it if you don’t want. We won’t agree on this.
I ain’t gon lie I didn’t even read the article lmfao.

I feel what he’s saying & he’s one of my favorite players in the league but it’s just corny to me.

From complaining about not making all-stars (like he wants us to feel bad that he plays in a small market and is under appreciated), to dissing super teams and load-management (to make himself seem like a small town hero)

Dame is my guy but he’s never going to get the props he’s looking for until his career is over. Nobody gives a **** that you play in a small market bro.

I get him feeling under appreciated though. Sometimes you gotta tell the world until they figure it out. Me and antidope antidope been telling y’all for years he was better than Westbrook and it took him dismantling him for a lot of people to see it. Like even dude Mal from the budden podcast was like “I thought he was better than you because he averaged a triple double.” It’s those guys dame been crying about.
Obviously not what I’m saying. But I’ve noticed LeBron fans paying a lot more attention to Kawhi struggles and “load management”. Like, I know some dudes that are big Bron fans....and they all the sudden be popping **** whenever Kawhi has a bad game or Clippers lose. These dudes aren’t even Laker fans :lol:. You’d see a post like....”Kawhi was 4/14, nobody is going to say anything about it tho”. Or some attack on how he can’t be the best player in the league based off of not having regular season mvp success or something. It’s weird. It’s a thing. Shannon sharpe, Nick Wright and The Klutch media do it etc. You can choose not to see it if you don’t want. We won’t agree on this.

I don’t watch ******** hot take debate shows so I don’t see it.
I get him feeling under appreciated though. Sometimes you gotta tell the world until they figure it out. Me and antidope antidope been telling y’all for years he was better than Westbrook and it took him dismantling him for a lot of people to see it. Like even dude Mal from the budden podcast was like “I thought he was better than you because he averaged a triple double.” It’s those guys dame been crying about.

I’ve always been in the Dame > RUSS camp. I’m just saying bruh wants to be treated like one of the best players in the league (and he is) but doesn’t get ANY criticism cause he plays in Portland. Nobody says anything bad about dude.
Outside of NT and some podcastS....Bull ****, hot take debates are 85% of the convo. And it’s what drives a lot of engagement.

Like it or not. This is one of the few spaces where we can have semi reasonable discussions. And that’s being generous.

I feel you. It’s just not prevalent in hoop convos I have. That **** is only jokes for twitter and sports talk radio. I come here cause I think y’all are better than that but then I get hit with the “YOULL NEVER GUESS WHAT DUMB **** THIS GUY SAID ABOUT _____”. Like bruh these dudes get paid to say dumb controversial **** and drive engagement. Who the **** cares what they say or think.
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