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Kawhi doesn't even guard LeBron tho

I was about to ask this because i honestly don't remember, but this isn't the Kawhi on the Spurs who had the luxury to expend all his energy on defense. He isn't guarding the teams best player nightly anymore & if he does it's definitely not all night.
I was about to ask this because i honestly don't remember, but this isn't the Kawhi on the Spurs who had the luxury to expend all his energy on defense. He isn't guarding the teams best player nightly anymore & if he does it's definitely not all night.

he was until he was asked to do more on offense.

plus also, when curry hung b2b 30 point games on his head. Then I knew the crazy lockdown defender was over.

he'll still clamp up bron though. make no mistake. bron not just gonna out muscle kawhi. and he's not faster. plus has no handles, which he can usually survive without, but kawhi just waiting for him to try a struggle crossover. cookies.

he clamped up giannis just this last playoffs and he gives up about 5" in heights. and still averaged close to 30.
Ask Bron he don’t want it Whi


Sure don’t. This the same man that left Kevin Love and JR smith on an island....pre switching multiple screens without any contact to avoid guarding KD down the stretch in a finals :rofl:

He don’t want nothing to do with ole Kawhi at this stage. KCP or Danny Green going to have to keep getting bullied and eat a 30 piece.
Kawhi doesn't even guard LeBron tho

I was about to ask this because i honestly don't remember, but this isn't the Kawhi on the Spurs who had the luxury to expend all his energy on defense. He isn't guarding the teams best player nightly anymore & if he does it's definitely not all night.

Team defense > 1 on 1. He’s also not running from switches.

Bron at this stage will most def abandon a team defense concept if he caught Kawhi on a switch. Will be looking at Kuzma or KCP like.....

BBQ CHICKEN! I can't remember the last time I've seen Lebby actually fight through a screen. Left Rodney Hood out there to suffer.

Team defense > 1 on 1. He’s also not running from switches.

Bron at this stage will most def abandon a team defense concept if he caught Kawhi on a switch. Will be looking at Kuzma or KCP like.....


I HIGHLY doubt we'll see Lebron on Kawhi much so if he did make those comments it's true... with that said you can't make those comments and then be talking "team defense" in the press conferences
Kawhi's defense is Paul bunyon status at this point. Mans got locked up and lit up by Jae crowder not even a week ago. Opening night LeBron blew past him with ease, hit the turnaround in his grill etc. It's not as lopsided as yall make it seem
Sure don’t. This the same man that left Kevin Love and JR smith on an island....pre switching multiple screens without any contact to avoid guarding KD down the stretch in a finals :rofl:

He don’t want nothing to do with ole Kawhi at this stage. KCP or Danny Green going to have to keep getting bullied and eat a 30 piece.

Oh and make no mistakes come playoff time AD will be guarding Kawhi, Ain't gonna be no easy 30 pieces on this side.

KCP/DG will be guarding the coward & although he SHOULD be able to physically punish them... he won't because he plays like a 6'9 CJ Mccullum instead of maxing out his physical gifts.
I have the flu and it got me to thinking about the Flu Game and what an absolute fantasy that was. I'm not a world class athlete obviously but... Nah man nah.

I already subscribe to the hung over theory which honestly is way more believable to begin with.
Feel better wo, keep hydrated
Bron isn't guarding elite wings at 35. Nobody else is either for that matter. That just is what it is. Not sure it should really be a knock on him, especially with the load he has to carry offensively.

Of course not. Stephen A Smith just making **** yo for clicks....But y’all don’t “pay attention tho” 🙄.

Anyway....The thing is...In a situation where Kawhi has Bron ISO’d in crunch time or something....Bron shouldn’t be calling for a switch. But You know he’ll do it and abandon the scheme to not be in that position.
Bron is 35. Of course he isn't guarding Kawhi when he carries the offensive load.
He has to play the switch though. No excuse there.
IDK if Kawhi really said that, but he been ducking Harden so keep the same energy.

They want to see Lebron fight through screens every possession...Like every team doesn't switch on screens the majority of the time on defense now.

Sidenote...if I never have to hear the phrase "killer instinct" again I will be ok with that. All it means is you make a mean face after scoring a basket.... "OH look at his KILLER INSTINCT, you see that frown!?".
At the end of the day the only person on the Lakers who is in theory capable of slowing down Kawhi is Bron.
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