Which team is most overrated? (Pick two)

  • Clippers

  • Celtics

  • Seventy Sixers

  • Bucks

  • Rockets

  • Nuggets

  • Jazz

  • Nets

  • Warriors

  • Pacers

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Totally unrelated to the NBA, I just walked by a table of Scientologists offering people “stress tests” and handing out copies of Dyanetics and laughed out loud because I immediately thought about the South Park Scientology episode. I’m immature.

that's not immature. It's quite rational to laugh at these cults. and frankly, all religions are cults at some point until they get millions of followers then become a "religion"
but I digress lol
Of course Embiid is missing the Celtics game and who knows how long after that because of a dislocated finger on his ****ing off hand. Yes, I know how bad his finger looked. There was zero ligament damage in the MRI, no broken bones. Dude just dislocated a finger and it’s not even on his shooting hand. He should be good to play in a week...this isn’t something that should be an extended absence type of situation. Watch them sit him out for the next month or longer because of this.
You sure it’s because of his finger and not his girlfriend keeping him up at night throwing off his schedule?

Seent Clyde here at CES.

Cool. Not sure I like that pink on your hair though. You seem like more of a purple.
Which lebby lover deleted my post? Gloria James is a mod now? :nerd:
No poster in NT History has been treated as Unfairly as me! Witch Hunt!
Mainstream Mods are trying to silence Me! They're jealous of my approval rating!
I've been repped by MANY people!
I dont get why fans question a teams medical staff when they sit players out. Shouldnt the medical staff and players know more about whats going on.

You can’t be serious if you’re saying this about Embiid...........or any player on the Sixers that the medical staff has ever listed some other random mystery injury to and sat them for a ridiculous extended absence without any good explanation. Usually with little to no updates.
The more stories/sub-plots about Lakers v. Clippers that come up during the season, the more I think that they won’t even end up meeting in the playoffs :lol:
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