Which team is most overrated? (Pick two)

  • Clippers

  • Celtics

  • Seventy Sixers

  • Bucks

  • Rockets

  • Nuggets

  • Jazz

  • Nets

  • Warriors

  • Pacers

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The clips playmaking is fine. More than Fine. I don't agree with that.

But All you're saying is that the Clips aren't a perfect team, which they aren't.

Do you think their flaws are fatal is the question? I don't. Not for a second. More importantly, where is the solution to fix these issues that the clips have? It's not a dismissal, I just don't see a trade or a buyout guy that can radically change the Clips fortunes. They are who they are.

Exactly. Yes, the Clippers have flaws. But any kind of major roster move they could make mid-season does not guarantee those flaws will be corrected. And could actually make them worse.
Just trade Derrick to any team better than the Pistons. He can't be wasting numbers on a team like Detroit at this part of his career.

Any playoff team. I don't care where. There's got to be a team out there that can use him.
Besides the LA teams, the only other team I could see potentially making some noise in the West is Houston because of the amount of variance their playing style brings to the table. Russ and Harden are too volatile for me to be willing to bet on them in a series against the LA teams though.
This argument was made a lot in the past when Morey claimed their 3-point shooting volume made them high variance enough to have a shot against the Warriors. I don’t really buy it anymore, thing is that for all that variance their ceiling has been pretty consistent. Westbrook doesn’t change that.
In the era of load management teams aren’t gunning for seeding like that.

Back then the all the teams did so that’s why there wasn’t as much lower seeds winning.
This argument was made a lot in the past when Morey claimed their 3-point shooting volume made them high variance enough to have a shot against the Warriors. I don’t really buy it anymore, thing is that for all that variance their ceiling has been pretty consistent. Westbrook doesn’t change that.
Given their team was overmatched, it probably did give them the best chance to potentially upset the Warriors. That chance was still really small though. Just like it’ll be this year.
Insert flu game

legit starting to think these guys are taking advantage of us the fans And the game
Weather in Dallas last night was outrageous
Tornado watches and warnings, non-stop rain and 50-60mph winds
At 6pm it was in the 60s, woke up this morning and some areas had 3-4in of snow and temps in the 30s
Taking shots is easy, but I can’t imagine playing defense with the flu. A cold though? Na.... Jordan would never.
Flu season is/has been one of thee worst in a long time

theres only 1 cyborg in the league and he gotta go into the shop every 150 min played

Big facts it feels like everyone around me including moms is getting sick. *Knocks on wood*
I'm sure Lebron is 'sick'

I'm sure when we see clips of him on the bench tonight he'll look perfectly fine
Bron on the sidelines later
If you got money to buy a game ticket... I would think you’d have the means and dividends to buy ANOTHER ticket for a game which a star player may suit up. Stop crying. Load management is good for the soul.
Now dudes can't be sick. I haven't left the house in four days and don't plan to cause I have the Flu and I'm not even trying to do that to other people.

I appreciate you. Dead serious. Stay y'all *** home if you're sick.

Weather in Dallas last night was outrageous
Tornado watches and warnings, non-stop rain and 50-60mph winds
At 6pm it was in the 60s, woke up this morning and some areas had 3-4in of snow and temps in the 30s

I saw people in shorts and flip flops yesterday and today we're in a Winter Wonderland.
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