Which team is most overrated? (Pick two)

  • Clippers

  • Celtics

  • Seventy Sixers

  • Bucks

  • Rockets

  • Nuggets

  • Jazz

  • Nets

  • Warriors

  • Pacers

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I'm a trez guy and he's improved vastly, but Trez can't protect the rim or shoot 3's, which is why he can't start.

I'm just saying I'd be shocked if the Clippers gave Trez 20Ms a year. You're basically saying he's the 3rd best player on a championship team, and it's essentially impossible for 5's who can't protect the rim or floor space to be that.

I guess it wouldn't be too wild if LAC maxed him, but it would be against what they've done transactionally over the last 3 seasons
I think it's a current asset. A center that can help w/the Embiid's, Jokic's, Davis's, etc.

More than anything though, I just don't think LAC is paying 100M's for a bench player and they've been more than willing to flip guys before having to pay them.

That’s true, but they’ve never been a legitimate title contender before now. I think they’ll risk Trezz leaving in the Summer if they really believe the team as currently constructed can win it all.
Gonna be hard/impossible to win a championship if you move a major piece like Trez midseason. Part of the reason I said they have a better shot next year.
I have caught a few Warrior's games this season, and I'm coming in with a hot take;

Omari Spellman is going to be real good. I'm in love with this guy's skillset :lol:
Everytime I watch them play I can't help but be shocked by the fact that the Toronto Raptors have an NBA Title.
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