Which team is most overrated? (Pick two)

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I thought we agreed to never mention Wardell in the same sentence with the GOATPG ever again after ANOTHER choke job in the finals.

magic top 3 ever...GOATPG....

but he did dis

Steph on his heels.
Steph ain't even better than KD all time. Y'all Bistephuals are something else man. He had 1 all time great season in 2016 which was punctuated by the biggest choke job in the history of the sport. KD really saved that man's legacy.
Cute , but Kareem wasn't the best player on his team during his last handful of years

And? He was still a dominant to very good player for his whole Lakers tenure, even up until his late 30s. He won FMVP in 1985 at 37 years old. He would have easily been the 1980 FMVP, but got injured and put Magic in position to have that legendary game when he played C and closed the series out. He averaged 19 and 8 in the 1987 Finals against boston at 39. He wasn’t just along for the ride in those years.
Kobe>Steph>Magic for me

But Steph still has some time

KD a lil more difficult to place.. and now that his leg got mangled idk
KD is closest to crack the top 10 but we'll have to see how the injury affects him going forward.

He's at 9x All NBA selections (6 1st teams) but no all defensive selections at all which is a hole on his resume.
Is defense the only thing Kobe was able to do better than KD?

The injury really sucks for him. Going to miss a full year of his prime. Hope he can get somewhat back to where he was.
Nah it is. I wouldn't argue if someone had Kobe over KD. In fact I lean Kobe.. I don't weigh MVP's an FMVP's all that much

What do you weigh then? Cause Steph ain't touching Magic in the other accolades yet you have him higher.
Is defense the only thing Kobe was able to do better than KD?

The injury really sucks for him. Going to miss a full year of his prime. Hope he can get somewhat back to where he was.

Kobe had better footwork/mid-range and post arsenal but at the same time KD didn't need to be as strong in those areas because of his length.
Is defense the only thing Kobe was able to do better than KD?

The injury really sucks for him. Going to miss a full year of his prime. Hope he can get somewhat back to where he was.
I give Kob the edge in playmaking but acknowledge KD improved quite a bit the second half of his career
What do you weigh then? Cause Steph ain't touching Magic in the other accolades yet you have him higher.
Shooting, scoring, gravity.. pretty much everyone's strengths vs everyone's strengths. Not sure how else we're supposed to compare?
All defense selections is an overrated stat...half the time the voters don’t even take it that seriously

They're the same people who vote on All NBA though. How do you know what they take seriously?
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