Which team is most overrated? (Pick two)

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Five years ago today

1 yr ago today

Max Kellerman just smirked talking about “that one time LeBron came into the year all skinny because he was on the “paleo diet” then somehow bulked right back up”

That’s gotta be the first time I’ve ever heard a major name on air legitimately say something about that. Bron bout to have this man disappear from ESPN by tomorrow :lol:
Need footage

This chick is always tweeting some crazy *** ****...legit gotta be one of the most bipolar women on twitter.

The dude who she’s outing in all of this is Nate McMillan’s son on the Pelicans staff Jamelle McMillan. There’s a lot more tweets she sent about this that y’all can read too. Not sure why she’s picking now as the time to go ham on this dude.

Ohhhh....with the name Jamelle, but referring to a male, thought she was blasting DCAllAfrican DCAllAfrican :wow: . Thank goodness you not locking these girls in the closet bro!
PJ Tucker.

That isn't the point though.

What PJ is doing, Beasley (if successful) wouldn't be regulated to.

Different skill-sets.

ComPLETELY different skill-sets.
What exactly was his skill?playing in china?

He was basically a bust with a flash of skill 2 times a year. If he played the 4...grabbed more rebounds and learned to shoot threes he would still be playing in the league right now. Instead there’s a guy name PJ Tucker who is 6 inches shorter and smaller taking his check.
What exactly was his skill?playing in china?

He was basically a bust with a flash of skill 2 times a year. If he played the 4...grabbed more rebounds and learned to shoot threes he would still be playing in the league right now. Instead there’s a guy name PJ Tucker who is 6 inches shorter and smaller taking his check.
You got it.
What exactly was his skill?playing in china?

He was basically a bust with a flash of skill 2 times a year. If he played the 4...grabbed more rebounds and learned to shoot threes he would still be playing in the league right now. Instead there’s a guy name PJ Tucker who is 6 inches shorter and smaller taking his check.

We really gonna act like PJ Tucker didn’t play five years overseas after getting drafted? Your original statement was that PJT was everything Beasley COULD HAVE BEEN when their games are nothing alike at all. And that’s even if Beasley pans out.

For you to ask “What exactly was his skill?” makes me question the entire validity of your argument because that means you’re acting like he was incapable of getting buckets.

Did Beasley flop? Absolutely. Was part of it his fault? For sure. Was part of it due to his era/team situation? Yes. Was he on the PJT path if things went better? Helllll no.

You got it.

No, DC. No, he does not.
The situations he found himself in weren’t necessarily ideal either. He was off to a decent start in Miami, but they dumped him to make room for Lebby and Bosh. Then on to Minnesota, which was kind of a perpetual mess at the time.

Miami/Riley didn't really want him either. Wasn't a "culture fit." They were praying Rose somehow slipped to 2.
Beas had his own problems too though, I always rooted for him but he was kind of an airhead. Maybe the best college basketball player I've seen though. I remember before one game the commentators were saying him scoring 20=him being shut down :lol:
Miami/Riley didn't really want him either. Wasn't a "culture fit." They were praying Rose somehow slipped to 2.
Beas had his own problems too though, I always rooted for him but he was kind of an airhead. Maybe the best college basketball player I've seen though. I remember before one game the commentators were saying him scoring 20=him being shut down :lol:
Rumors leading up to draft day were the Heat liked OJ Mayo. Beasley might have been one of the players that really was organization dependent (I tend to believe you are who you are more times than not).

Beasley was actually traded to make room for Mike Miller. The Heat already had Bron and Bosh in the fold.
i'm convinced some of y'all don't actually watch basketball outside of twitter clips.

michael beasley was just before his time. same as josh smith and a handful of other "tweeners". Back then not having a position was a crime. now its a virtue.
Josh Smith couldn't shoot tho

I wouldn't put him in the same tier as Beas
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