Which team is most overrated? (Pick two)

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Personally, I don’t think just the availability of rapid testing is enough of a justification to get pro sports going again. I think they should hold out for a vaccine to get developed.

A vaccine is 12-15 months away. I'm not sure if I could handle no sports until next spring or summer.
Personally, I don’t think just the availability of rapid testing is enough of a justification to get pro sports going again. I think they should hold out for a vaccine to get developed.

I 100% agree I am not trying to promote panic but any return in the near-term that results in even one infection should be considered a failure.
For the record, EYE never said buc em buc em was a Trump supporter. I said the points he’s repeatedly making about the Coronavirus, including “you’re letting the media put you in a panic,” are things that Fox News commentators have been pushing. That is true, regardless of what his political leanings actually are.

Guys, Buc Em literally can't be MAGA, he's ****ed SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO many black women

Regardless of his talking points, the man uses the number of black women he has ALLEGEDLY had sexual relations with and the fact that he's never posted in the Politics thread as his qualifiers for not being a Trump supporter. That should tell us everything we need to know.
When was the whole exchange? Saturday or Sunday right? In just 2 to 3 days there have been almost 100k more confirmed cases and 4000 more deaths.

I think the central question from a sports perspective aside from rapid testing and safe conditions to play is have the players that have tested positive before developed immunity and the virus is no longer being carried or transferable OR will they be able to catch it and spread it again.
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A vaccine is 12-15 months away. I'm not sure if I could handle no sports until next spring or summer.

Yeah that ain’t happening. And good luck on making it mandatory that every person in America gets a shot in their arm of a first ever vaccine for this. At least half of the country still refuses to even get a free flu shot.
Yeah that ain’t happening. And good luck on making it mandatory that every person in America gets a shot in their arm of a first ever vaccine for this. At least half of the country still refuses to even get a free flu shot.

Who said anything about making it mandatory for all Americans?
Yeah that ain’t happening. And good luck on making it mandatory that every person in America gets a shot in their arm of a first ever vaccine for this. At least half of the country still refuses to even get a free flu shot.

Also, Americans are so obsessed with states rights that they're willing to allow others to die. We still have nine governors who haven't issued any type of stay-at-home or quarantine order. You better believe that states in the South are going to riot before they don't have college football.
Who said anything about making it mandatory for all Americans?

Because you think it’s feasible that all professional sports leagues be banned from competing for the next 12-15 months when there’s a vaccine available. Which probably 80% of the country will be too scared to even have injected into them cause it’ll be too new to know if it has any side effects afterwards. And if you’re not making it mandatory and most of the country still isn’t getting the vaccine then what in the **** is the point of waiting til there’s a vaccine.....? Do you not realize how dumb that sounds?
Because you think it’s feasible that all professional sports leagues be banned from competing for the next 12-15 months when there’s a vaccine available. Which probably 80% of the country will be too scared to even have injected into them cause it’ll be too new to know if it has any side effects afterwards. And if you’re not making it mandatory and most of the country still isn’t getting the vaccine then what in the **** is the point of waiting til there’s a vaccine.....? Do you not realize how dumb that sounds?

You’re making a lot of assumptions based on things I didn’t say.

Just the existence of a vaccine would mean that everyone is safer and the virus is more under control, regardless of whether everyone chooses to get it. Just like with all of the other bad illnesses we have vaccines for already.

If some choose to get it, even just half of people, then the illness will not be spreading nearly as fast.

P.S. You’re the last person who should be tossing the word “dumb” at anyone else.
And if you’re not making it mandatory and most of the country still isn’t getting the vaccine then what in the **** is the point of waiting til there’s a vaccine.....? Do you not realize how dumb that sounds?

So if there's no cure are you suggesting that we should just let folks run amok and infect each other until there is finally a vaccine? You think that is more intelligent than curbing activity until there is a vaccine?
So if there's no cure are you suggesting that we should just let folks run amok and infect each other until there is finally a vaccine? You think that is more intelligent than curbing activity until there is a vaccine?

but storm, what if people can't go to the beaches?!?!

Do you not realize how dumb that sounds?

this is rich.
So if there's no cure are you suggesting that we should just let folks run amok and infect each other until there is finally a vaccine? You think that is more intelligent than curbing activity until there is a vaccine?

Maybe buc em buc em is a proponent of darwanism let the stupid people that will riot because beaches are closed and a damn game isn't being played just be subjected to their own fates. Survival of the fittest.
Just the notion that we should deal with Coronavirus based on people’s historical habits/tendencies is asinine because we are in completely uncharted territory here. The world never shut the **** down over the flu. So maybe people will be willing to do things to deal with COVID that maybe they wouldn’t have before.
I also believe some of the flippant attitudes and still dismissal of this virus by some is because it hasn't hit them hard yet directly. Also the populations that are suffering the most elderly and unfortunately African Americans and other minorities from what the states data is showing to this juncture (both infections and deaths) are often marginalized anyway. It'll have to get to a point where the power structure itself is shaken to its core before more serious precautions are taken. We aren't even in a month yet of this 'response' even though it feels a lot longer.
I already said I’m not going back and forth with any of you about this. You dudes actually believe we’re about to go 12-15 months without sports at any level to wait for a vaccine that they won’t even deem mandatory and most of the world will be too scared to even inject into their bodies. Believe whatever you wanna believe....but the UFC is having fights next weekend. MLB already has plans in place to play as soon as a month from now. And the NBA says the key to them starting back up is the availability of the same rapid result testing that the MLB is expecting to be available next month for them to start. None of that sounds like corporations that plan on waiting the next 12+ months for a vaccine.
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