Which team is most overrated? (Pick two)

  • Clippers

  • Celtics

  • Seventy Sixers

  • Bucks

  • Rockets

  • Nuggets

  • Jazz

  • Nets

  • Warriors

  • Pacers

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small ball Is similar the wild cat offense was in nfl a few years back. You cant do that all the time. Its more a situational solution to me. See whats happened when the rockets go up against KP with small ball. Unless you have the Warriors death lineup you can’t pull off small ball like that. Get in the playoffs with a team that plays half court offense and they will smother you.

if the 76ers got their stuff together it would be game over

For the younger crowd, this dude would make a lot of money in today's game.


My high school basketball coach played at Oregon when Detlef was at Washington and told me that’s the best guy he played against. Coach also told me Detlef only dated black womenz, so he was a precursor to Dirk in a few ways.
small ball Is similar the wild cat offense was in nfl a few years back. You cant do that all the time. Its more a situational solution to me. See whats happened when the rockets go up against KP with small ball. Unless you have the Warriors death lineup you can’t pull off small ball like that. Get in the playoffs with a team that plays half court offense and they will smother you.

if the 76ers got their stuff together it would be game over
I don't watch the NFL but do teams still use WIldcat at all? How frequently?
What does being a better defender have to do with anything? Or what does playing less games have to do with anything?

I just want to know which silly question to sarcastically ask 'Is that a serious question?' about.
I thought it was saying how many times Jordan and Lebby gave up 20+ in the Finals. 👀

I was driving and just glanced at the picture and responded later. 😬

If you’re going to be a condescending *******, the absolute least you could do is read.
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