Which team is most overrated? (Pick two)

  • Clippers

  • Celtics

  • Seventy Sixers

  • Bucks

  • Rockets

  • Nuggets

  • Jazz

  • Nets

  • Warriors

  • Pacers

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Of course Bron number will be higher he’s played in a lot more finals games than MJ
Hank Gathers for me is the worst sports injury I’ve ever seen just because of the fact that you’re literally watching him die
LeBron played in 3 more finals and teams were barely cracking 100 points back then

First three-peat was a pace similar to today. Second was a funeral dirge thanks to the ISO-ball '90s. They just cleared out and let MJ do work on offense. Of course dudes weren't scoring 20 alongside him. Also, Scottie only ever averaged more than 20 points twice playing a full season alongside Jordan. Why would he all of a sudden start scoring 20+ in playoff games with Jordan's usage rate? These arbitrary comparisons are so dumb.
LeBron played in 3 more finals and teams were barely cracking 100 points back then

look atsome of those Jordan Finals scores. I don’t think any team cracked 90 all series in the last Utah serieslol
It's not exactly a secret that Jordan is a better defender. I would expect that a better defender playing 35 games would give up less 20+ opponents than an inferior defender playing 49 games.

But I'm logical like that.
It's not exactly a secret that Jordan is a better defender. I would expect that a better defender playing 35 games would give up less 20+ opponents than an inferior defender playing 49 games.

But I'm logical like that.
Huh? What does that have to do with anything?
Huh? What does that have to do with anything?
What does being a better defender have to do with anything? Or what does playing less games have to do with anything?

I just want to know which silly question to sarcastically ask 'Is that a serious question?' about.
What does being a better defender have to do with anything? Or what does playing less games have to do with anything?

I just want to know which silly question to sarcastically ask 'Is that a serious question?' about.
Is that a serious question?
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