Which team is most overrated? (Pick two)

  • Clippers

  • Celtics

  • Seventy Sixers

  • Bucks

  • Rockets

  • Nuggets

  • Jazz

  • Nets

  • Warriors

  • Pacers

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Every time I see a call go against Clarkson I just imagine... when he go to the bench
I'll pass
I mean he said issues but when I asked him he only posted one. And it wasn't even true. Even if it was, so what? White supremacy prescribed the nuclear family to us. Told us to do away with the comfort and safety provided by the extended family. Told us to be individuals, to survive on our own, create new families composing of only man, woman and child. Only to then destroy the very same families we were told to build by degrading and discriminating against the black man, handicapping his ability to provide, and systematically imprisoning him for resorting to illegal measures in the face of this oppression. **** the nuclear family.
Haslem has seen Leonard’s commitment to helping others. Leonard raised $180,000 in April by streaming himself playing video games online; that money went to causes such as Feeding South Florida, a group with which Haslem and the Heat worked closely.

And Saturday, Leonard said he and his wife will donate $100,000 to a fund that helps pay the fees Floridians leaving jails or prisons must settle before they can have their voting rights restored.
What I said about standing for anthem applies to Leonard as well. If you're supporting the cause in other ways other than kneeling then idc if you stand for the anthem. I'd rather a player contribute financially or physically attend protests than a player who just kneels but has done 0 real life work towards social justice and equality. But you can't stand for the anthem if you've done absolutely nothing to support the oppression in America.
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