Thee Official LeBron James = Scottie Pippen and Dywane Wade = Michael Jordan for the 2011 Finals

Originally Posted by 2o6

Originally Posted by JIM SHADY2003

Originally Posted by 2o6

i never said he didnt make the playoffs i said he couldnt get his team to .500

which he didnt for 3 years

1984-85 Chicago 38-44

1985-86 Chicago 30-52

1986-87 Chicago 40-42

oh and the record before the AMAZING 38 win season was 27-55.

WITH Orlando Wooldridge and George Gervin he couldnt get to .500

Love how this guy went back and edited his original post of saying they didn't loose in any rounds in mj's first season too bad a bunch of people already quoted your original statement . And as for your "dagger" of how many triple doubles mj had, let me retort with this question, how many 50+ pt games has lebron had in the finals?

why would anyone score 50 when u have to guys that can go for 30?
why not facilitate?
also MJ will never have a triple double...... , sure if lebron wanted he can jack up shots and go for 63 and lose the game , but thats not what its all about.

for the record im neither a jordan or lebron fan. i would like nothing more then to see lebron lose time and time again but you guys hate the man AND completely toss
out reasoning/facts.

Pippen could go for 30 at any time , that didn't stop him from avg.41 ppg in the 93 finals and your statement just adds to the legitimacy of this thread lebron is wades Pippen
Originally Posted by 2o6

Originally Posted by JIM SHADY2003

Originally Posted by 2o6

i never said he didnt make the playoffs i said he couldnt get his team to .500

which he didnt for 3 years

1984-85 Chicago 38-44

1985-86 Chicago 30-52

1986-87 Chicago 40-42

oh and the record before the AMAZING 38 win season was 27-55.

WITH Orlando Wooldridge and George Gervin he couldnt get to .500

Love how this guy went back and edited his original post of saying they didn't loose in any rounds in mj's first season too bad a bunch of people already quoted your original statement . And as for your "dagger" of how many triple doubles mj had, let me retort with this question, how many 50+ pt games has lebron had in the finals?

why would anyone score 50 when u have to guys that can go for 30?
why not facilitate?
also MJ will never have a triple double...... , sure if lebron wanted he can jack up shots and go for 63 and lose the game , but thats not what its all about.

for the record im neither a jordan or lebron fan. i would like nothing more then to see lebron lose time and time again but you guys hate the man AND completely toss
out reasoning/facts.

Pippen could go for 30 at any time , that didn't stop him from avg.41 ppg in the 93 finals and your statement just adds to the legitimacy of this thread lebron is wades Pippen
i see why pippen likes lebron so much, pip sees himself in lebron......lebron just showed the world that he is not at mjs level and will never be at mjs level.....the series is not over lebron may come back and have 2 monster games but if they lose this would really hurt lebrons chance at being a top 5 player.  this series will always be a knock if they lose no matter how many rings he wins.

put mj on this heat team at any point in his career(bulls/wizards) the heat would win.....and durant and wade would have swept the mavs.

and i like lebron, he just doesnt have it

2 FTs in the finals game? really, come on man
i see why pippen likes lebron so much, pip sees himself in lebron......lebron just showed the world that he is not at mjs level and will never be at mjs level.....the series is not over lebron may come back and have 2 monster games but if they lose this would really hurt lebrons chance at being a top 5 player.  this series will always be a knock if they lose no matter how many rings he wins.

put mj on this heat team at any point in his career(bulls/wizards) the heat would win.....and durant and wade would have swept the mavs.

and i like lebron, he just doesnt have it

2 FTs in the finals game? really, come on man
Originally Posted by wubbofett

Originally Posted by DubA169

how many 40 point games has lebron had in the finals?

how many 30 point games has lebron had in the finals?

uhm...... 0?
Lebron has never scored more than 25 points in the finals (9 games). 
Originally Posted by wubbofett

Originally Posted by DubA169

how many 40 point games has lebron had in the finals?

how many 30 point games has lebron had in the finals?

uhm...... 0?
Lebron has never scored more than 25 points in the finals (9 games). 
Originally Posted by ikari XD

Originally Posted by bigballa8716

 IMO he is unfairly criticized for this, due to the fact that the media, and most of his fans, expect him to be "the chosen 1" or this dominant crunch time, clutch scorer, when thats really not his game.
Hmm, I wonder where people got this idea from... 

ah, you caught on to the irony lol
Originally Posted by ikari XD

Originally Posted by bigballa8716

 IMO he is unfairly criticized for this, due to the fact that the media, and most of his fans, expect him to be "the chosen 1" or this dominant crunch time, clutch scorer, when thats really not his game.
Hmm, I wonder where people got this idea from... 

ah, you caught on to the irony lol
i never said he didnt make the playoffs i said he couldnt get his team to .500

Oh yea?

do u know what round the bulls lost jordans first year? they didnt lose in any rounds

That would either mean that they won the championship or didn't make the playoffs.

I feel bad for Winged Wheel in here arguing with people who aren't even using accurate stats

As he's already corrected you, it was in the semifinals, not the ECF. I've always used the Bulls' play the year after Jordan retired as evidence that his supporting cast was pretty good, so I'm with you on that. However, you and LDJ are sloppily comparing the Bulls losing MJ to the Cavs losing Lebron to point out how good Lebron is. The Cavs roster was still bad, but they had a ton of injuries to key contributors. Let's look at the falloff:

-Mo Williams: 69 games in '09, only 36 in '10
-Anderson Varejao: 76 games in '09, only 31 in '10
-Shaq: 53 games and 4th leading scorer in '09, not on the team in '10
-Delonte West: 60 games in '09, not on the team in '10
-Ilgauskas: 60 games @ 20 minutes per in '09, not on the team in '10.

The 2nd scoring option only played 36 games, 4th scoring option left the team. They also fired their coach and brought in a couple new players. Remind me again how that is the "exact same" team...

You guys are either being mad lazy/not paying attention or ignoring obvious reasons why the Cavs were so bad. Many guys who were starters or big contributors left or were injured for a good bit of the season. They were mixing and matching starting 5's all season and had to sign guys from the D-league just to have bodies on the bench due to injuries. Their offense was designed around and run through one player before he left more so than any team in a long time, and they also brought in a new coach.

Meanwhile the Bulls retained most of their starting lineup sans Jordan and kept them healthy most of the year, and had an established offense that's won 11 championships that they were comfortable running even without Jordan. They also retained the same coach, who happens to be one of the best ever.

If the Cavs had lost Lebron but kept Shaq and Delonte, and not had Mo and Andy injured for a lot of the year, AND if their offense hadn't been so reliant on one player, then you could make the comparison. You can say that Lebron was a bigger factor in his team's success because the offense ran through him more, but that doesn't really help his argument as being on the same level as Jordan was as a player.

@ bringing up how many triple doubles Lebron has in the Finals compared to Jordan. I HOPE that was a joke.
i never said he didnt make the playoffs i said he couldnt get his team to .500

Oh yea?

do u know what round the bulls lost jordans first year? they didnt lose in any rounds

That would either mean that they won the championship or didn't make the playoffs.

I feel bad for Winged Wheel in here arguing with people who aren't even using accurate stats

As he's already corrected you, it was in the semifinals, not the ECF. I've always used the Bulls' play the year after Jordan retired as evidence that his supporting cast was pretty good, so I'm with you on that. However, you and LDJ are sloppily comparing the Bulls losing MJ to the Cavs losing Lebron to point out how good Lebron is. The Cavs roster was still bad, but they had a ton of injuries to key contributors. Let's look at the falloff:

-Mo Williams: 69 games in '09, only 36 in '10
-Anderson Varejao: 76 games in '09, only 31 in '10
-Shaq: 53 games and 4th leading scorer in '09, not on the team in '10
-Delonte West: 60 games in '09, not on the team in '10
-Ilgauskas: 60 games @ 20 minutes per in '09, not on the team in '10.

The 2nd scoring option only played 36 games, 4th scoring option left the team. They also fired their coach and brought in a couple new players. Remind me again how that is the "exact same" team...

You guys are either being mad lazy/not paying attention or ignoring obvious reasons why the Cavs were so bad. Many guys who were starters or big contributors left or were injured for a good bit of the season. They were mixing and matching starting 5's all season and had to sign guys from the D-league just to have bodies on the bench due to injuries. Their offense was designed around and run through one player before he left more so than any team in a long time, and they also brought in a new coach.

Meanwhile the Bulls retained most of their starting lineup sans Jordan and kept them healthy most of the year, and had an established offense that's won 11 championships that they were comfortable running even without Jordan. They also retained the same coach, who happens to be one of the best ever.

If the Cavs had lost Lebron but kept Shaq and Delonte, and not had Mo and Andy injured for a lot of the year, AND if their offense hadn't been so reliant on one player, then you could make the comparison. You can say that Lebron was a bigger factor in his team's success because the offense ran through him more, but that doesn't really help his argument as being on the same level as Jordan was as a player.

@ bringing up how many triple doubles Lebron has in the Finals compared to Jordan. I HOPE that was a joke.
Originally Posted by 5am6oody72

i never said he didnt make the playoffs i said he couldnt get his team to .500

Oh yea?

do u know what round the bulls lost jordans first year? they didnt lose in any rounds

That would either mean that they won the championship or didn't make the playoffs.

I feel bad for Winged Wheel in here arguing with people who aren't even using accurate stats

As he's already corrected you, it was in the semifinals, not the ECF. I've always used the Bulls' play the year after Jordan retired as evidence that his supporting cast was pretty good, so I'm with you on that. However, you and LDJ are sloppily comparing the Bulls losing MJ to the Cavs losing Lebron to point out how good Lebron is. The Cavs roster was still bad, but they had a ton of injuries to key contributors. Let's look at the falloff:

-Mo Williams: 69 games in '09, only 36 in '10
-Anderson Varejao: 76 games in '09, only 31 in '10
-Shaq: 53 games and 4th leading scorer in '09, not on the team in '10
-Delonte West: 60 games in '09, not on the team in '10
-Ilgauskas: 60 games @ 20 minutes per in '09, not on the team in '10.

The 2nd scoring option only played 36 games, 4th scoring option left the team. They also fired their coach and brought in a couple new players. Remind me again how that is the "exact same" team...

You guys are either being mad lazy/not paying attention or ignoring obvious reasons why the Cavs were so bad. Many guys who were starters or big contributors left or were injured for a good bit of the season. They were mixing and matching starting 5's all season and had to sign guys from the D-league just to have bodies on the bench due to injuries. Their offense was designed around and run through one player before he left more so than any team in a long time, and they also brought in a new coach.

Meanwhile the Bulls retained most of their starting lineup sans Jordan and kept them healthy most of the year, and had an established offense that's won 11 championships that they were comfortable running even without Jordan. They also retained the same coach, who happens to be one of the best ever.

If the Cavs had lost Lebron but kept Shaq and Delonte, and not had Mo and Andy injured for a lot of the year, AND if their offense hadn't been so reliant on one player, then you could make the comparison. You can say that Lebron was a bigger factor in his team's success because the offense ran through him more, but that doesn't really help his argument as being on the same level as Jordan was as a player.

@ bringing up how many triple doubles Lebron has in the Finals compared to Jordan. I HOPE that was a joke.

The bolded part is crap to be honest. When Jordan retired the Bulls had 6 new faces on the team with Pete Myers, Jo Jo English, Steve Kerr, Kukoc, Bill Wennington and Luc Longley.  The Bulls were desperate and had to get complete scrubs in Myers and Jo Jo English to fill the SG position because Jordan retired a few weeks before the season started leaving the Bulls helpless to fill his spot. Bill Cartwright was on his last legs and barely played half the season. John Paxson was on his last legs and barely played the season at all. Scott Williams was injured most of the season. All that was truly left of the championship days were Pippen, Horace, and BJ Armstrong. The rest were new faces that had to learn the triangle as they went along. So no, they weren't comfortable in an offense that had won titles before. It's amazing the Bulls won as many games as they did that year considering the circumstances and to top it off Pippen missed 10 games recovering from ankle surgery. The Bulls are possibly looking at a 58-60 win season if he played the entire year which would have made a huge difference in getting HCA throughout the playoffs.
Originally Posted by 5am6oody72

i never said he didnt make the playoffs i said he couldnt get his team to .500

Oh yea?

do u know what round the bulls lost jordans first year? they didnt lose in any rounds

That would either mean that they won the championship or didn't make the playoffs.

I feel bad for Winged Wheel in here arguing with people who aren't even using accurate stats

As he's already corrected you, it was in the semifinals, not the ECF. I've always used the Bulls' play the year after Jordan retired as evidence that his supporting cast was pretty good, so I'm with you on that. However, you and LDJ are sloppily comparing the Bulls losing MJ to the Cavs losing Lebron to point out how good Lebron is. The Cavs roster was still bad, but they had a ton of injuries to key contributors. Let's look at the falloff:

-Mo Williams: 69 games in '09, only 36 in '10
-Anderson Varejao: 76 games in '09, only 31 in '10
-Shaq: 53 games and 4th leading scorer in '09, not on the team in '10
-Delonte West: 60 games in '09, not on the team in '10
-Ilgauskas: 60 games @ 20 minutes per in '09, not on the team in '10.

The 2nd scoring option only played 36 games, 4th scoring option left the team. They also fired their coach and brought in a couple new players. Remind me again how that is the "exact same" team...

You guys are either being mad lazy/not paying attention or ignoring obvious reasons why the Cavs were so bad. Many guys who were starters or big contributors left or were injured for a good bit of the season. They were mixing and matching starting 5's all season and had to sign guys from the D-league just to have bodies on the bench due to injuries. Their offense was designed around and run through one player before he left more so than any team in a long time, and they also brought in a new coach.

Meanwhile the Bulls retained most of their starting lineup sans Jordan and kept them healthy most of the year, and had an established offense that's won 11 championships that they were comfortable running even without Jordan. They also retained the same coach, who happens to be one of the best ever.

If the Cavs had lost Lebron but kept Shaq and Delonte, and not had Mo and Andy injured for a lot of the year, AND if their offense hadn't been so reliant on one player, then you could make the comparison. You can say that Lebron was a bigger factor in his team's success because the offense ran through him more, but that doesn't really help his argument as being on the same level as Jordan was as a player.

@ bringing up how many triple doubles Lebron has in the Finals compared to Jordan. I HOPE that was a joke.

The bolded part is crap to be honest. When Jordan retired the Bulls had 6 new faces on the team with Pete Myers, Jo Jo English, Steve Kerr, Kukoc, Bill Wennington and Luc Longley.  The Bulls were desperate and had to get complete scrubs in Myers and Jo Jo English to fill the SG position because Jordan retired a few weeks before the season started leaving the Bulls helpless to fill his spot. Bill Cartwright was on his last legs and barely played half the season. John Paxson was on his last legs and barely played the season at all. Scott Williams was injured most of the season. All that was truly left of the championship days were Pippen, Horace, and BJ Armstrong. The rest were new faces that had to learn the triangle as they went along. So no, they weren't comfortable in an offense that had won titles before. It's amazing the Bulls won as many games as they did that year considering the circumstances and to top it off Pippen missed 10 games recovering from ankle surgery. The Bulls are possibly looking at a 58-60 win season if he played the entire year which would have made a huge difference in getting HCA throughout the playoffs.
I honestly believe you guys are hiring lawyers to research stats and argue figures and post in here on your behalf.
I honestly believe you guys are hiring lawyers to research stats and argue figures and post in here on your behalf.
Originally Posted by sooperhooper

I honestly believe you guys are hiring lawyers to research stats and argue figures and post in here on your behalf.

While it is the norm for a lot of members to talk completely out of their %** and make stats up (see 2o6), some of us are actually old enough and knowledgeable when it comes to sports.
Originally Posted by sooperhooper

I honestly believe you guys are hiring lawyers to research stats and argue figures and post in here on your behalf.

While it is the norm for a lot of members to talk completely out of their %** and make stats up (see 2o6), some of us are actually old enough and knowledgeable when it comes to sports.
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