Best part of that final drive, not one single throw to Wallace or Hartline.

Tannehill truly scanned his pre reads, and threw to the matchup best suited. He hit Gibson, Mattews twice, Egnew, Clay, and Sims. And SHOULD have hit Miller, but he dropped a sure TD on the wheel route. Miller needs to make up for that at some point.

If Matthews starts to develop, our receiving core is better than I expected. I was not a fan of the Gibson get, but Tannehill has loved throwin to him and Wallace and Hart will be themselves, steady, make a play here or there, work hard, etc. But Gibson, Clay and Matthews helpin out? That's fun.

Still a ton of work to do tho. Miller and Thomas need to improve, the TE's need to keep working, the oline obviously needs to gel, still a lot to work on.
oh and on a bit of a side note, anybody have prized memorabilia? i got some nice shht you guys will love

:lol: Just went home to my old man's house to find all my Phins memorabilia in my closet. It'll make for a nice sports room when I buy a house
I know, I think about it every day man. He would fit this offense like a damn glove.

I'm glad that Clay has rebounded from last year and is helping out, but Keller could have made this joint special. Would have helped Wallace out too. :smh:
Tannehill and these damn fumbles :smh:

I know on one a defender came free, but still. We have to do better on those.
[COLOR=#red]I am SOOOOOOOOO glad that just happened.

In my game review post I meant to address this kind of subject. Not to make you the brunt of my rant, but you did remind me. Dolphins fans in Miami are awful "fans".

To Open the game and to Close the game they were great. On their feet, cheering on Defense and waiting in Anticipation on Offense.

Here is my problem, everything in between from the people that showed up was a Joke! Not to mention it is opening day with a Dolphins team that is 2-0 going into a tough game... and for most of the game the fans seemed dead. Attendance through one game is up by 20,000 from last year and it sure doesn't seem or look like it. The same goes for The U, that team is the best they have put on field since 2003 or so and unless they play Florida or Florida State (not this year) they cannot fill it up. The Defense is only giving up about 9 points a game... 7th best in the country. The offense is full of Studs! They just put up 77 points, and are the 14th top scoring team in the country. It is a fun and exciting team... seems like there isn't a lot of love there either.

It sucks for me because for 3 hours on a Saturday and 3 hours on a Sunday, most weeks, I'm am glued and infatuated with every chess move of every game and often re-watch the games. Now I'm a bit of an football nut and look for a lot of other things most people don't, most people just watch the ball and that is perfectly fine. The reason it sucks though, I am so invested from California, it would just be nice to see Miami be invested in their kids and their team.

I could be wrong of course, I'm seeing this all the way from California... Anyone actually hitting the games and seeing what I'm seeing first hand?[/COLOR]
I used to work at the stadium a couple years ago and attendance was highest during jets and patriots games. Attendance has always been poor. Dolphins fans are the prime definition of fair weather fans. You don't see antibody with dolphins flags or stickers on their car until they start winning heavy. It's pathetic.
I remember a few years back I was accused of being fair weather cuz they started winning. Meanwhile I'm one of the few fans that was still watching every game in the 1-15 season anxiously waiting for a win. When Greg Camarillo caught that ball to win the game I almost cried. And yes the picture in my avatar is my arm and more to come. Born in Indiana as a dolphins fan, moved to Miami and remained a fan, now in Pittsburgh still a fan. Always have been always will be. And we will see another ring before I die
Miami has always been known this way. Look at the Heat, Marlins, Hurricanes, etc.

Win a lot, fans will be there.

Win some, and the fans will only show for the bigger opponents.

Don't win, and no one will be there.

Not something I can complain about personally, I live 3,000 miles away, I can do only what I can do from afar, ya know?

Have to just hope they build a team the fans can love, and people start to go out more. But I mean, that city, that life, I find it hard to sit 80,000 people still for 4 hours too. Just too damn much to do out that way. Out here where I live, it would be easy to pack a stadium, there ain't jack to do out here. :lol:
The other thing they f'd up on was building the new stadium for the Marlins and keeping the dolphins in the old dirty outdated stadium. Brilliant! Let's load a billion dollars into a team that has a fraction of the fans, attendance, and income while the super bowl committee refuses to bring another super bowl to Miami until the stadium undergoes major renovations.
[COLOR=#red]Appreciate the non NT replies... lulz

The biggest thing I disagree with is it being hard to fill a stadium. There is PLENTY to do in New York, Chicago, LA, San Francisco, Seattle, San Diego... And it seems to me, with the exception of San Diego, those fan bases have 0 problem sparring the 3 to 4 hours. Me being 3,000 miles away as well, Nothing at all I can do about it but I do care. It's just unfortunate because people Will show their face come playoff,super bowl time.

I, like you Skep, sat on my couch watching that 1-15 team. I lost it when Camarillo went in for that Touchdown and I watched that fool of a head coach (Not Using his name on purpose because it makes me cringe) Jump for joy like he won a super bowl. Although he did that after every GD field goal so I shouldn't of been surprised....

But I also saw Dan Marino and Don Shula every week... I feel in love with That magic when I was a kid. I vividly remember sitting in front of my parents big screen (with the HUGE rounded back on it, who remembers those damn things?!) and watching Marino throw with such pin point accuracy with the Most damn velocity... How could you not fall in love with the Dolphins and the game?

But yea... It was just a thought I have every year and every year I wonder the same thing. I don't expect any or everyone to be just like me as a fan and someone who loves the game. Just would like the Dolphins to get more support I guess.[/COLOR]
I wish people would get their hands out of my pockets and quit telling me I need to go to every single Dolphin game, Heat game, Marlin game to be a "real" fan. You don't live here, you don't know the culture, so don't place your ideals on what you think Miami fans should be doing. This has been cool thing to do ever since LeBron came to Miami.

Miami is a huge football town. Football is king down here. There is a reason we produce the some best talent in the nation. I have lived in Miami most of my life and I can say Dolphins fans here are loyal, but disgruntled. I see Dolphins flags, I see UM flags, and I even see High School Football flags all the time. We know good football and support good football.

Fans haven't been so high on the team because team management has sucked for over a decade. We don't support mediocrity. This is true for almost all fans. Lets not act like this is mutually exclusive to Miami. And of course the Dolphins sell out games against the Pats and Jets. They are division rivals. Rival games sell tickets.

The Miami Dolphins still have a lot of work to do before they gain the fans trust again. Fans down here have been burned too many times to fully buy into this team after 3 games... But they are definitely here and are buzzing about last week's game.
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That's nothin but excuses dude. Plenty of teams have bad owners, still go to games. Plenty of bad teams sell out. The city of Miami only sells out during wins. Like I said, see Marlins, Heat, Dolphins, Canes.
That's nothin but excuses dude. Plenty of teams have bad owners, still go to games. Plenty of bad teams sell out. The city of Miami only sells out during wins. Like I said, see Marlins, Heat, Dolphins, Canes.

You call them excuses, I call it telling the truth. The culture down here doesn't support mediocrity. By your standards that's being a bad fan. I call it smart. I personally don't spend money on bad products and don't expect others to as well. I also don't tell people how to spend their money.

You and others like you judge Miami fans from the outside looking in. I'm the same person who has been a fan ever since i was a kid in the 80's, who post online, and tweet about this team daily. But by your very definition I would be considered a bad fan because I didn't go to last weeks game.

People live for football down here, yet we are bad fans based off attendance? We'll just agree to disagree because we won't change each others mind on this matter.

What I do agree on is this team has a lot of potential and we both want them to succeed.
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[COLOR=#red]I of course am talking about In General... not specifically you.

First, to end my first post, I did say:
I could be wrong of course, I'm seeing this all the way from California... Anyone actually hitting the games and seeing what I'm seeing first hand?

[COLOR=#red]My hands are most certainly not in your pockets, you sir do you.

But don't tell me you, (general fan not specifically you), are a true fan of the dolphins if you do not support them week in and week out. You would be a fair weather fan, which is what you made it sound like. I could have misread it somehow, but any one else reading that if they could confirm I'd appreciate it. I also specifically said:[/COLOR]

I don't expect any or everyone to be just like me as a fan and someone who loves the game. Just would like the Dolphins to get more support I guess.
A big key word is Support. I go to every game I can when they come into town playing the Raiders or 49ers... Does that mean you should go to every game because I do? Not at all. Should you go to Some games, If you have the means financially, if you are a true fan? Yes. Without a doubt...

I am a life long Dolphins, Lakers and Athletics fan. You bringing up ownership, I along with every A's fan I know absolutely HATE Wolff. He is one of thee biggest pieces of **** you can come by... I've been going to games since 89-90 ( as far back as I remember )... No need to go into detail about all the wrong he has done but as a true fan you Still support and go see your team play. There is no excuse in my opinion, not including financial. I go to around 10-20 games a year not including playoffs.

Now, in that random explanation of myself, you also brought up Lebron and I thought it fitting that you did. That team has the best player in the NBA, Heat cannot sell out. Lakers, sell out every game. Is there ANY difference between the two markets with owners? gms? coaches? players?.... Nope. They are both superstar markets with superstar teams. Difference? The fans in Miami pay for wins, the fans in LA pay to see their team play.

Any team that does not win a Super Bowl (or championship) is mediocre... There is only 1 exceptional team at the end of the season. We, as you put it, don't support a the team until after the fact then. Just doesn't make much sense. I think, as CP put it, the fans In Miami pay to see wins; not to support the Team because The Dolphins are simply THEIR TEAM. 1-15 or Undefeated.

I do know the culture and lay of the land as I have family in Miami and Orlando... I have been down often and been to games friend. You "attack" me, lack of a better term, and think you know what you're talking about, but you don't. Never did I go after You as a fan directly in my previous posts. Everything was in General. Just a fair fact. This whole site was built on people writing their Ideals, mine would simply be this:[/COLOR]

it would just be nice to see Miami be invested in their kids (The U) and their team.

[COLOR=#red]Now obviously this is one person speaking out and I actually do appreciate your thoughts. I just don't agree or see them as right at all nor does it disprove me being right. It actually confirms it truly sorry to say.[/COLOR][/COLOR]
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Exactly, I'm not saying YOU are a bad fan yourself, but you can not speak for the entire city in saying "we don't back mediocrity". Sorry, but those things tie together.

If the team is fairly decent, say even last year's 7-9 team. Here you have hope, a young QB, good defense, team plays hard, works hard, wins on the road, they go home, it's 3rd and 7, need a big stop, team is jumping up and down lookin for crowd noise to screw with the oline, the QB, TE, everyone on the offense..........dozens of people making noise. :rolleyes :lol:

Can hear a damn pin drop. QB and offense work fine, they pick up 8, first down. The "mediocre" team that has no support, just got let down by a portion of a team that every other team has, it's fanbase. How many crappy teams get that stop on 3rd and 7 with thousands and thousands of idiots makin a ton of noise? Lots.

Fans make more noise, maybe the team plays better, and things improve. Maybe other teams' players see that love and want to come play down in Miami.

Tellin me that "we don't back mediocrity" when those same fans skip out on Heat games ALOT, or skip out on Marlins game WHILE THEY WON THE WORLD SERIES seems just a bit of a stretch, no?

Again, I don't mean you, specifically, I'm sure you love the team as much as I do, but you can't tell me the Miami area backs their teams when they are great, when all I have to do is look at my tv and see hundreds and hundreds of empty seats at a Heat game, which is not mediocre in the least. :lol:
Guys I get it. You guys want the Miami fan base to be like the Green Bay packers fans. Show up in the coldest of colds whether the team good or bad. That's just not reality... :lol: and I don't think it has to be or should be that way. I actually like that we do our own thing. We show up late, we leave early to get ready for the club. We bang pots and pans when we win. We speak with bad accents. Us local Miami-ans have always been against the grain and considered outcasts, which is why we loved those old UM teams.

But the same way I can't speak for every fan is the same reason you shouldn't judge every fan from the outside looking in. It's impossible to account for the actions of millions of people.

The only thing I can do is give you my experiences as I live them and see them every day. I am apart of the culture. I talk about myself because I live in Miami and am apart of those "bad fans" you speak of. I don't think I'm some anomaly or better than them. I don't judge them if they do things I don't agree with. I understand that people are fickle creatures and to judge them comes off as elitist.

Lastly, I do want to correct y'all on is the Miami Heat attendance. Almost every game is sold out here and the local telecasts continually outperform national broadcast. The Miami and LA markets do share a number of similarities, but they are indeed different. The biggest difference is that the LA market is significantly larger than Miami's. The Lakers also have been apart of the city for a lot longer than the Heat have.
[COLOR=#red]Not at all actually... I compared them only to Big Market teams because they are considered a Big Market team. I also said it would just be nice to see Miami be invested in their kids (The U) and their team. Has 0 to do with the Packers or any small market team. There is nothing to do in Wisconsin... tip cows and get drunk. So of course it's easy for teams like that to sell out. Big Market teams like Jets, Giants, 49ers, Cowboys etc. have 0 problem getting their fans to come to the games. There is no argument... there is only your opinion. I judge no one and am in no way shape or form an elitist Especially when I've deferred to those who live in Miami and ask them of their opinion. When I've given nothing but facts and ask questions which you haven't addressed but seem to see fit giving "your way of Miami", comes off as arrogant and ignorant. Not to say that you are but that's how it's reading. And you have done nothing but continue to support what I say that Miami does have bad fans for various reasons. Just the reality of things, are you yourself a bad fan or bad person? I don't know you nor do I care, my simple argument or statement was For the Dolphins. But again, each his own.

Yes the LA market is a lot Larger and they can't sell out a football game (Raiders/Rams) or a Dodgers game before this run if their lives depended on it. That shouldn't matter. Both are in Big Markets. Also it is true the Heat came into the league in the 80's, but I don't see how that is an excuse when the Thunder just went to Oklahoma City... has about the same population and they sell out every game. They might "sell out" every game to avoid black outs but come on. You can't sit there and say you see that place filled up every game. It's just not until playoffs or big games. Chicago during Jordan's run... sold out every night and it showed. Jordan supposedly the best player ever, Now the Heat have that in Lebron and it's not appreciated until Playoff time.

Kobe, Kobe, Kobe, Kobe, Kobe, Kobe, 24, Kobe, Mamba, Kobe.... I'm done. Said those damn names way too much.

I just don't agree with your argument. You say "We" but you cannot speak for everyone.
You say you don't support mediocre, but in truth you don't support until someone wins a championship. That isn't a fan.
Just doesn't make sense my dude.

Clearly we don't see eye to eye and that's the end of it on my end. Back to Dolphins Football.
I don't speak for everyone. I say WE because I am among those groups you are speaking about. Us fans living in Miami.

You say you don't judge anyone, yet you call a group of people "bad fans"?

You don't live here, yet know the lay of the land better than someone whose lived in Miami for 29 years... and I come off arrogant?

I was never arguing, I was simply offering my experiences as a fan living in Miami. My greater point is that you can't judge fan hood. Your views of fan hood obviously differ from those living here. It is SUBJECTIVE. People are fickle and have differing opinions on what a fan should be and do. You shouldn't expect people to act how you want them to act.

And to clarify I said I don't spend money on bad products. I'll still root for my teams, but I'll be damned if they get my money especially if the organization is stealing from the city (i. e. Miami Marlins)

Lastly what other facts do you want me to address? I'll be happy to have a deeper dialogue via PM. I really enjoy the dialogue from other Dolphin fans and their perspectives. I did not intend to come off as arrogant. I was trying to give you my views on the matter. A view from a Miami fan.... A view from one of the people you call a bad fan.
[Don't want to miss Cam against the Saints man.

He's practicing and hopes to play passing downs at the very least. The extra day could help too, I think we'll have him available on a limited basis.

Spottie, That One, good talk all the way around. We all want the same thing. Keep grinding.
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I'm still mad at the Saints for beating us a couple years ago. We were killing them in the first half, but ended up losing the game. Giving Drew Brees extra time to convince the coaches to go for it on 4th down really changed that game. It gave the Saints all the momentum. :smh:

Monday can't come soon enough...
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