These NT "Chefs" got me doing work. . .

i hate you instant klassic. i have the munchies so bad right now and that did not help
Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773

Originally Posted by shabooyah1124

Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

i'm a woman, the kitchen is my domain
Most women I know can't touch me in the kitchen.
Most women I know have touched me in the kitchen.
this guy
I've had plenty of delicious, juicy, tender steaks that were cooked well done, barbecued them actually. They were spendy, though. 16 bucks a pop, you notgetting anything juicy and well done if you're hittin up Albertson's for your meat . .
Originally Posted by Exile On Ivy St

I've had plenty of delicious, juicy, tender steaks that were cooked well done, barbecued them actually. They were spendy, though. 16 bucks a pop, you not getting anything juicy and well done if you're hittin up Albertson's for your meat . .

yeah, too bad a medium rare $5 steak comes out better. like someone said, you're just cooking out all the marbling, along with destroying the tenderness ofthe cut you pay for. for well done, you could barely tell the difference between cuts. i'll have to post some pic's, i eat pretty good over here.
Oh man I've never been so hyped to go and practice.. Expensive practice doh and I need my car fixed ugh.. And Instant Klassic, It would be helpful to knowwhich restaurants those dishes are coming from.. Those lamb chops..

Ohhh Croissants.. That is one of the most difficult things for me to prepare at this point.. I'm like 1 for 6

But all the people saying they like their steak welll done are black.

I say that because when I used to work at IN N OUT, black people were the only ones that ordered their burgers well done. SOME USED TO SAY TO BURN IT LIKE AHOCKEY PUCK... That burger looked nasty and burnt.. I like my steak meadium to medium well. Has alot of flavor. Some people think because you see the blood,that you taste the blood. THAT IS NOT TRUE.. Steak has soo much flavor init. It melts in your mouth. Props to people who posted pics. Now I got to head out toRUTH CHRIS STEAK HOUSE THIS WEEKEND.
NT has become a cooking forum ... i'll have to add pics too ... and of course it'll look better than the syrup/sausage/egg/grease combo
^^ I competely agree. see my previous post re well done steaks. Also, black folks love ranch. Ive wokred at high end restaurants in the bay and follks wouldcome in asking for ranch dressing, hence the nickname ranchers( we got a table of ranchers on table 10) let me gert this straight , I spent 15 mintues makingblood orange vin, meyer lemon rosemary vin, etc. etc and you want ranch?? Ive often walked out to tables and informed the customers thast this is not fridays.Im the biggest ahole in a kitchen. Also, bllod should not be running out of your steak, let it reast at least 5 mins before cutting into it.

To anyone who said the words juicy and well done are seriously displaying their ignorance. This is not a matter of opinion, simply facts! Telling me you likeawell done steak is like saying you like buying cars w/ tons of miles on them.

5stan: your dish w/ the mushrooms and whatnot looks really bland. Mushrooms are amazing but there is a trick to cooking them. HIGH HEAT. like really high. nexttime try getting your pan extremely hot then adding a lil bit of oil (olive, flax seed, conola, etc) you want to get a really good sear on the mushrooms andthis is the only way to do it. yours look a little soggy. also, musroom are like sponges, so say half way through cooking you wanted to deglaze the pan w/ ?? Idont know, your favoritye salad dressing, dry sherry (classic) beer, hennesy, it doesnt matter the mushrooms will pick up this flavor and come out reallynice.

Hiro: your dishes look amazing. this is the food i prefer to cook, although being originally form the south soul food is my heart. The sear on the swordfishis superb! Ratatouille had made a drastic comeback every since that pixar nonsense and your looks delicious. the caponata seems like a better choice tocompliment the fish as well as accent the tamale. Also, what was it braised baby cabbage? on pint. I would often grill it first, or endive the braise it so youhave the nice grill mark when served and a little smoky flavor.

Justooce: your pasta looks a little clumpy. Next time try tossing it lightly in olive oil after cooking or add the oiol to your cooking water. you want thenoodles to sldie w/ eachother, not become a birdsnest.

Kbomber: another chef form the bay, huh? where do you work? I do a lot fo catering and am always looking for addt'l help

Tee Eye Em: that spread looks good. real good. Props on making sushi. Most think it is harder than it is

Shabooyah- How to sear a steak: first off get your pan hot; say med high. Once heated add a lil bit of oil and distribute evenly in pan. Next, add the steak,scallop, whatev. Next let the steak sit for a min or so to develop a nice sear. This is the key BUTTER BASTING, this is why every steak you get at a restauranttaste better than a home steak, because it was cooked in tons of butter! sorry chefs, but im giving away a trade secret. so, add a fat pat of REAL unsaltedbutter to the pan, ( this is also a point to add some addt'l flavor-smash a clove of garlic and add a sprig of thyme, rosemary, whatever you have on hand)tilt the pan towards you and beging scooping up the emlted butter and puring it over the uncooke side of the steak. this way your cooking it from both side,the heat form the pan as well as a shower of hot garlic, thyme, butter. Continue basting for 2 mins or so ( the butter also helps to carmelize the meat onceflipped) turn the steak over if you reach the desired sear. continue to bast the seard side for a minute or two. the center will still require some addt'lcook time so i would suggest throwing it a 500 degree over (that should of been preheating) for about 3 mins. After 2 mins check on it ( a good way to checkdoneness; touch you index to your thumb and feel the tendon b/w your two fingers. this is well done. middle finger med well, ring- medium, pinky- rare) Oncedone to your liking, remove from oven and let it rest for 5 before cutting into it.

SimplyDimply: lies. Most chefs are men. working in kitchins it is rare to see a women chef and be in cherge. know this. men rule.,
I dont care wat yall say i aint eating no half done steak. You enjoy u e coli steaks smh. BTW u can cook a steak well done with out burning it and ill bedamned if i go to a resturant and order a nice cut steak and the chief send out some !$%!*#$* he better have on his running shoes.
Some of this stuff looks delicious, to the NT Sous Chefs in training.

Hiro and bomber in particular, which restaurants you guys cook for? I'm always looking for a new restaurant to dine in and some of the stuff you guys aremaking looks damn good.
Originally Posted by Jules300

I dont care wat yall say i aint eating no half done steak. You enjoy u e coli steaks smh. BTW u can cook a steak well done with out burning it and ill be damned if i go to a resturant and order a nice cut steak and the chief send out some !$%!*#$* he better have on his running shoes.

Thats how I'm feeling. The few times I had steak, well done has tasted best to me and given my father, who thinks he's the best chef in Georgia lol,has cooked them all they have never been dry. I mean its millions of people who order their steaks well done if your a chef and your telling me you can'tmake one juicy somethings wrong. Even when I was at JWU and my friends were in culinary classes, they knew how to cook a good well done steak and nevercomplained.
Originally Posted by tee eye ehm


my lady and i prepared all this for our valentines dinner. korean bbq, seaweed salad, poke salad, philly rolls, california rolls, fried california rolls, and seared tuna with soy and lemon sauce. not top chef quality, but tasty as hell!

Looks like heaven.

Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773

Most women I know have touched me in the kitchen.


Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

i wish i wasn't eating healthy so i could cook and destroy all of you mother !%%%%+*
i'm a woman, the kitchen is my domain

^ you're my neighbor then

Yall chicks just being scared. I want you to make my mouth water!!! ............ Yeah. Umm... Chicks that cook ftw!
Originally Posted by Defyant 1

^^ I competely agree. see my previous post re well done steaks. Also, black folks love ranch. Ive wokred at high end restaurants in the bay and follks would come in asking for ranch dressing, hence the nickname ranchers( we got a table of ranchers on table 10) let me gert this straight , I spent 15 mintues making blood orange vin, meyer lemon rosemary vin, etc. etc and you want ranch?? Ive often walked out to tables and informed the customers thast this is not fridays. Im the biggest ahole in a kitchen. Also, bllod should not be running out of your steak, let it reast at least 5 mins before cutting into it.

To anyone who said the words juicy and well done are seriously displaying their ignorance. This is not a matter of opinion, simply facts! Telling me you likea well done steak is like saying you like buying cars w/ tons of miles on them.

5stan: your dish w/ the mushrooms and whatnot looks really bland. Mushrooms are amazing but there is a trick to cooking them. HIGH HEAT. like really high. next time try getting your pan extremely hot then adding a lil bit of oil (olive, flax seed, conola, etc) you want to get a really good sear on the mushrooms and this is the only way to do it. yours look a little soggy. also, musroom are like sponges, so say half way through cooking you wanted to deglaze the pan w/ ?? I dont know, your favoritye salad dressing, dry sherry (classic) beer, hennesy, it doesnt matter the mushrooms will pick up this flavor and come out really nice.

Hiro: your dishes look amazing. this is the food i prefer to cook, although being originally form the south soul food is my heart. The sear on the swordfish is superb! Ratatouille had made a drastic comeback every since that pixar nonsense and your looks delicious. the caponata seems like a better choice to compliment the fish as well as accent the tamale. Also, what was it braised baby cabbage? on pint. I would often grill it first, or endive the braise it so you have the nice grill mark when served and a little smoky flavor.

Justooce: your pasta looks a little clumpy. Next time try tossing it lightly in olive oil after cooking or add the oiol to your cooking water. you want the noodles to sldie w/ eachother, not become a birdsnest.

Kbomber: another chef form the bay, huh? where do you work? I do a lot fo catering and am always looking for addt'l help

Tee Eye Em: that spread looks good. real good. Props on making sushi. Most think it is harder than it is

Shabooyah- How to sear a steak: first off get your pan hot; say med high. Once heated add a lil bit of oil and distribute evenly in pan. Next, add the steak, scallop, whatev. Next let the steak sit for a min or so to develop a nice sear. This is the key BUTTER BASTING, this is why every steak you get at a restaurant taste better than a home steak, because it was cooked in tons of butter! sorry chefs, but im giving away a trade secret. so, add a fat pat of REAL unsalted butter to the pan, ( this is also a point to add some addt'l flavor-smash a clove of garlic and add a sprig of thyme, rosemary, whatever you have on hand) tilt the pan towards you and beging scooping up the emlted butter and puring it over the uncooke side of the steak. this way your cooking it from both side, the heat form the pan as well as a shower of hot garlic, thyme, butter. Continue basting for 2 mins or so ( the butter also helps to carmelize the meat once flipped) turn the steak over if you reach the desired sear. continue to bast the seard side for a minute or two. the center will still require some addt'l cook time so i would suggest throwing it a 500 degree over (that should of been preheating) for about 3 mins. After 2 mins check on it ( a good way to check doneness; touch you index to your thumb and feel the tendon b/w your two fingers. this is well done. middle finger med well, ring- medium, pinky- rare) Once done to your liking, remove from oven and let it rest for 5 before cutting into it.

SimplyDimply: lies. Most chefs are men. working in kitchins it is rare to see a women chef and be in cherge. know this. men rule.,

thanks for the praise! im no pro, but this was definitely a cheap alternative to a "romantic valentines day dinner!"

sushi is real easy to make! i think the hardest part is getting the rice just right. it has to have the right amount of vinegar, or else it turns out wack.

and as far as the done-ness of the steak using your fingers....correct me if im wrong, but dont you have it backwards?? isnt the thumb to pinky well done? andthumb to index rare? i might be wrong, if so, my bad! hahaha
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