These teachers are wild lol.

I've been having hotter teachers ever since 6th grade, it's like they level up each year.
why would she have her twitter acct public like that? And posting about be being high at school These people are stupid when it comes to their personal life. Lucky for her she is a teacher, but anything you doing at work shouldn't be broadcasted online. In her home or at the club that is different
I would beat that box like a vending machine with my white cheddar popcorn stuck on the ring.

AWG would get that BBC no pharrel
I'd beat the breaks off this broad and crumk inside
U know I'm seriously upset that these younger kids get to have more sex with these fine *** teachers while I was busy tryna take females out to movies and on dates when I was that age. It's like these teachers are giving it out like extra credit
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