These women now and days are slacking....

Back in the day women used to take pride in their cooking...
No one wanted to be the woman who couldn't cook.

Source: mad men
At the end of the day

the man will have ALL of the responsibility to keep the family unit intact. Women just want everything now.

They want to be taken care of and still be left to do as they please. While the man now continues to provide for her and now takes some or most of the responsibilities reserved for the woman.

if we weigh the pros and cons the man is left with an unfair deal.

Dude really need to see both as equals and see how fair this whole thing is. Really think about the relationship... from the point yo meet her to the point where children are involved and come back and say its all fair
exactly....people need to chill with this egalitarian fantasy they is not never has been and never will be....power is everything....knowledge is power
Dudes never hesitate to put a cape on... Any woman with no domestic skills shouldn't be a wife. I can cook, clean, etc for myself. If she can't or won't then why keep her around. I don't live in a world where gender roles are gone. That's nothing but brainwashing to push the female agenda. Some lost souls out here.
Dudes never hesitate to put a cape on... Any woman with no domestic skills shouldn't be a wife. I can cook, clean, etc for myself. If she can't or won't then why keep her around. I don't live in a world where gender roles are gone. That's nothing but brainwashing to push the female agenda. Some lost souls out here.
:lol:   i'm glad women can vote, i'm glad they got they jobs goin and they paper flyin.  nobody said any different.  but if you sittin there sayin relationship 'team efforts' AREN'T really a list of tasks you've obviously never been in a serious one.  who was the one who fixed all the **** around the apartment when i was hitched up?  me.  was never a ******g discussion or conensus poll about it, i just did it because that's what dudes do.  any woman would agree with that.  who was the one who moved all the stuff in the first place?  me and my boys, not her and her girls.  and did she volunteer?  nope and i wouldnt have expected her to because once again, that's what dudes do.  i'd cook ol' girl a meal (captain crunch chicken was her fave) if she was tired or whatever, no problem.  nine times outta ten?  she cooked.  it was never a discussion, she just did because that's what women do.  she'd clean, i'd clean but she'd be the one fussin and frettin over it because a guy will sweep some dirt under the rug and think nothin of it and a woman will start to do it and then think of the future when all that dirt gonna be there and sweep it up.  point blank, it's not sexist to point out what comes naturally to each sex and to rail against it and yet in the same breath talk mad ish this society and yet it's THIS SOCIETY that thought up YOUR point of view in the first place!

Fixed all the things around the house? We called a plumber, electrician or whomever. Instead of wasting half a day to fix something I know nothing of, it's easier to just call a professional to get it done and over with.

Who moved all the stuff? We called a moving company. The hell do I want to hurt my back moving a bunch of furniture. I rather spend that time at the gym instead of doing menial hard labor.

It's 2013.. traditional roles for women and men are pretty much gone. Sure there are still some cultures that adhere to these traditions but for the most part, it's coming to an end. The sooner you guys realize this.. the sooner you can live easier and stop worrying.
I'm all for gender roles being gone but at the same time all these sucker boys have to stop with trying to crap on men while saying nothing about women. If women don't have to cook, clean, etc why do guys have to still do their "manly" things or be called out/shamed for not wanting to do them? Thats my only problem with this stuff. If you about that non gender role life be about it but don't switch up when it don't benefit you cause its always going to be a problem doing that.
Funny how no one is talking abt the fact women spend twice as much time in front of a screen, per the article...

The issue I have with gender roles is that nowadays women are lazier but feel more entitled. I had a girl whose job consisted of her sitting at a desk in front of the computer all day, and then come home talking about she's too tired to do anything. I have a job where I'm on my feel all day and still go to the gym and do stuff after work, and buy my own groceries or whatever, and I still have enough energy to clean up after myself. Women hate being thought of as nothing more than sex objects, but bring nothing else to the table.
Funny how no one is talking abt the fact women spend twice as much time in front of a screen, per the article...

The issue I have with gender roles is that nowadays women are lazier but feel more entitled. I had a girl whose job consisted of her sitting at a desk in front of the computer all day, and then come home talking about she's too tired to do anything. I have a job where I'm on my feel all day and still go to the gym and do stuff after work, and buy my own groceries or whatever, and I still have enough energy to clean up after myself. Women hate being thought of as nothing more than sex objects, but bring nothing else to the table.
i feel like most of yaw in here. i dont care if my lady works but she def has to kno her way round the crib. not sayin ill put all the housework on her cuz i kno my way round the crib as well but i feel everything shud b 50/50. i cant be with a girl n im doin everything.
Ideally I want a highly accomplished woman, with money, who stays thin because of unresolved acceptance issues with her mother. We can pool our funds together and hirer a maid to cook and clean. Domesticated women are overrated, especially since I actually like the taste of my own cooking.

#just my opinion

do not know if trolling or honest, but I'm rollin
I know how to cook and I maintain a tidy living space. I would except nothing less from my female mate.

The ability to maintain one's self, see food and shelter, is just as valuable a skill to possess as anything one would learn at a degree granting institution of higher learning.

exactly, it should be a matter of whether they can hold down their responsibility/ hygiene and not just trying to conform to 'role playing'
if my woman wanted to do nothing but cook and clean all day shed be out on her *** so fast...
qft. partner qualities are more than just the basic survival skills.
ha, NT is so old-fashioned when it comes to women . . .
Hitting them in the head with clubs and dragging them to your caves is still acceptable in some places
A girl that can cook is always a plus...i keep some of the chicks around just for meals
Didnt read anything due to your butchering of one of the most simple phrases known to man
Women don't value men as men value women

They are taught from an early age that they are the gift and we are the beggars

That a good man is an exception to the rule, but a good woman is a rule with no exception.

They view men's worth in their utility to them. Playing video games is for losers because it doesn't do anything for women. Masturbating is for perverts because it doesn't do anything for women. Liking non-mainstream music is for losers because it doesn't do anything for women unless it's that special kind that makes women feel like a free spirit. Our output of creativity, culture, art, technology, industry, innovation, and thought is unlimited to them and our energy is the only thing we're good for as men. When they don't get enjoyment out of our energy, they get enjoyment out of our destruction, whether through direct aggression like shaming, man-bullying, or guilt tripping us into submission....our destruction by a proxy system by using mass-scale restructuring of male identity and men's positions in the world to knock us down.

Male energy is a commodity to women and they're at a point in our world where they will never be satisfied with enough male energy.

You don't have a real level of personhood to most women, not as much as other women do to them.
This reminds me of that dirty people thread, which turned into dirty girls thread.
I will NEVER forget the NTer that said he knew a messy chick that moved to a new place, and he found a receipt dated way before she moved.
So by extended logic, she moved garbage with her, LULZ DEAD.

Anyway, I'd like to split the responsibilities like my own parents, both work, dad takes care of the outside, while mom holds down the inside of the house.
No complaints, been married more than 25 years.
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